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QOTW - What's for dinner at your house tonight?

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Since I had tio watch the Lakers and other basketball games I made a bean

burger, had salad and potatop chips, a nice comfort food quick meal.







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I need to be inspired. Right now I am on strike. So, once I am no longer on

strike I'll need some inspiration. I'll be reading all the replies with

interest. Amy



In a message dated 4/19/2010 12:32:39 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

jtwigg writes:





Please share what you had tonight or recently for dinner, so we can all be

inspired in making delicious meals for ourselves and our families!


For Lunch


today we had a selection of the vegetarian Morningstar Farms " chicken "

patties, spicy black bean burgers and their newest Grillers California Turk'y

burger. I baked them in the oven on my pizza pan and they came out lovely.

I buy those long wheat hoagie rolls in a bag at Sam's club to use for

burger buns. I cut each roll into 3rds and then slice thru the middle to make a

nice size burger roll. I toasted the bread on another of my pizza pans,

putting some white Cabot cheddar cheese that I sliced up, and put on one half

of each sandwich. For toppings , we had romaine leaves, spinach leaves,

tomatoes, dill pickles and onion slices. Then I had a veggie platter place of

sliced carrots, celery, cucumbers, radishes, broccoli. I personally love

to use Poppy Seed Salad Dressing to dip my veggie in, espeicially

cauliflower and broccoli. We had nice cold glasses of Orange Juice to go with




For Dinner


I made Italian homemade Stuffed Shells(which were outstanding)I made

Italian homemade Stuffed Shells(which were outstanding)<WBR>, steamed broccoli

with garlic slices, steamed frozen corn, (i steamed both in a covered dishes

in the microwave). I had some everthing Bagels, that I slice in half and

sprayed with I can't believe it's not butter and sprinkle with garlic salt.

I put them on my pizza pan*those airbake with holes in bottom) and baked

them for ab


We all enjoyed a nice cold glass of Pink Lemonade with crushed ice. We

should have sat on our patio to eat, as the weather was fantastic, but we has

some huge black flies that thought our skin was their meal. LOL





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We made Indian food:


Curried potatoes, dahl, parathas (bread), and I was going to do a yummy okra

dish but I was too busy so we added peas as the vegetable.


The parathas (I think that's how it's spelled) were good. I am going to try my

hand at naan next.


My boys (4 and 6) ate everything, my 10 month old devoured the dahl, and omni-DH

didn't even add anything (me@t) to the meal!! Success.



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QOTW - What's for dinner at your house tonight?



I surprised myself; I don't usually have the few extra minutes or much " extra

time " (or the forethought!) to do this on Sundays, but, before I left for

church, I did the 4-minute " quick-soak " boil for some large, dried Lima beans.

(I finally found out that these are also what are called " butter beans " . I love

butter-beans, but can only find them canned...but the dry beans called " large

lima beans " will cook up big, and seem to be the same as " butter-beans " .)


When I got home later, after church, I re-heated the " soaking " beans and added

some other stuff, mostly just things I rummaged out of the veg. bin in the



A few leaf-stalks of mustard greens--chopped up the leaves and sliced the stems

up & added to the beans.


About 3-4 green onions, all parts, chopped & added.


--Didn't have any celery (I really wanted it), so, toward the end of the

bean-cooking, I added a pinch of celery salt.


Chopped up about half a yellow onion & added it in medium-sized chunks.


Added about 1/3 cup or so of sliced, frozen (in a bag) multi-colored sweet

pepper strips. I randomly chopped some of the strips up as they cooked and



About a cup or so of baby carrots, I chopped them a bit smaller, but they cooked



Added some seasoned salt and a little thyme, a pinch of basil and about a

tablespoon of dried parsely.


Oh yeah, and i added a pinch of ground hot red pepper!


That's about it. Most of the flavors and ingredients blended nicely and the

" bean broth " is kind of gravy-like...The thickened " broth " is kind of green, but

has a nice flavor. It's good over rice, but I made a small pan of a boxed

cous-cous mix that contained mostly dried mushrooms for flavoring. I think I'd

have liked rice with it more than the cous-cous, but it was good anyway.


I REALLY like those large Lima beans, because they have (to me) a flavor and

texture similarity to potatoes--without the high glycemic index. My

husband had to be gone most of the day to meetings out of town, so he ate on his

own somewhere " on the road " . He sometimes still steers clear of " Lima beans " ,

but I think there will be a day when he will come to appreciate them as much as

I do! He gets " closer " all the time, and surprises me often with what he

suddenly thinks is " okay " to eat and like!


I have a little of the bean-green-carrot-onion " stew " to put over some brown

rice for my meal today, too--YUM!


Best wishes to all!


--Laura B., in Illinois

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Many times in the south we have lima beans and rice for supper.  It is quick,

because you cook them either by starting them in the morning or in the pressure

cooker and it is easy to digest.  We often have them as a side for lunch and as

the main for supper.  We do serve them over rice, usually white, but brown is

what is served in my house.  There is something about the added texture of the

brown rice and the added nuttiness.  There are other things southerners

typically add but I like your idea of just making a lima bean stew.  That

sounds wonderful!!  Thanks for the idea!



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Was late...so I just spread some re-fried beans on nachos, added some

salsa and shredded cheese, popped them in oven on broil a few minutes

til cheese melted...enjoyed with a little sour cream. (Usually, I also

have quacamole

with this.)

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I worked most of the weekend, so all I could get myself to do last night was

macaroni with soy cheese and sauteed onions, and I had fresh strawberries

for dessert. It was pretty good - I had half of my leftovers for lunch

today, along with a banana. I have enough leftovers to bring to work

tomorrow, too! :)




On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 11:31 PM, wwjd <jtwigg wrote:




> Please share what you had tonight or recently for dinner, so we can all be

> inspired in making delicious meals for ourselves and our families!






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Last night my daughter and I made sweets and beats, an avocado salad

which we put over some pan fried store bought polenta.

Never had store bought polenta before as any time I have made it for dinner

I have made it from scratch.

It was good.














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I am having some of the quinoa casserole I made, along with a slice of

beany vegetable loaf topped with tomato gravy and a green salad.


Quinoa is not my favorite whole grain. Why is it so much more popular

than spelt or kamut? I prefer both of those. I might just use the

remainder of the quinoa in sweet puddings rather than in savory dishes.

Anybody have any recipes? (My most recent rice pudding was an abject

failure: grainy and dry and ick! I think it's because I turned the

crockpot high. The instructions said I could, but my crockpot does get

very hot on high.)



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Re: QOTW - What's for dinner at your house tonight?


Hi, Dena!


I'm a northerner who really likes those " southern " foods, including Lima beans

and rice!


I've made a " stew " of cooked beans and various vegetables several times

lately--each time a bit differently. I liked the Lima bean stew a lot, although

the " Christmas Lima beans " made the best stew I think I've had in a long, long

time! (But then, I also added potatoes to that stew--potatoes are my personal

" Foodie Nirvana " ,so anything that has them HAS to be really good!


I agree with you about brown, vs. white rice. If I am someplace away from home

and the rice being served is " white " (without a choice for brown instead), I

usually opt, if at all possible, for some other food than the rice. Whit rice

is okay for a " starch " , but it doesn't have too much flavor and the lack of

fiber makes it (for me) almost un-palatable. I don't make a big deal about it if

that's the only thing available and I'm a guest in someone's home, but, yeah, I

never, ever have anything but brown rice when I'm cooking!


The beans tonight were Mayo-coba yellow beans. I love them. They made a really

nice " gravy " that I seasoned up with herbs, onions, a little seasoned salt and

some red pepper flakes. I made brown rice again tonight, and had a few more

vegetables (different ones) to steam in a small pan. When we ate, DH and I put

the rice into a bowl, scooped the beans-and-bean-gravy over the rice and topped

it with some of the steamed veggies. It's good! DH liked it a lot and said he

had seconds. (I had to eat later, as I had a meeting to attend just as DH was

getting home--I didn't want to make him wait until I was done to eat.)


It's warming up around here. I am excited, as it will be time for the farmers'

market here to open for the season in just a couple more weeks. Last year the

spring was so cold and icky that the market offerings were pretty scanty for the

first month or so. This spring we've had a fast and early warm-up; I'm thinking

the early veggies will come on pretty quickly.

That will be great for finding nice, almost-home-grown fresh vegetables for

those of us like me who don't get to have a garden of our own!


Good night, everyone!


Many times in the south we have lima beans and rice for supper. It is quick,

because you cook them either by starting them in the morning or in the pressure

cooker and it is easy to digest. We often have them as a side for lunch and as

the main for supper. We do serve them over rice, usually white, but brown is

what is served in my house. There is something about the added texture of the

brown rice and the added nuttiness. There are other things southerners

typically add but I like your idea of just making a lima bean stew. That sounds

wonderful!! Thanks for the idea!



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For dinner last night (Monday) I made a vegan version of tater tot casserole. It

was very tasty. I do not measure anything so its approximate.


1 bag of tater tots

8oz sliced fresh mushrooms

1 diced onion

2 stalks celery, cut up



frozen veggies, steamed


1 beef like flavored bullion cube, dissolved in hot water (enough to

reconstitute the TVP)

seasoned salt

pepper to taste


In a skillet add mushrooms, celery, and onion. Add enough oil to sauté veggies.

Sauté until onions and celery are tender. Add enough flour to absorb the oil and

then barely brown it over medium heat. Add enough milk to make a gravy of sorts.

Stir constantly, until thickened.


Reconstitute the TVP with the broth, add the reconstituted TVP and cooked

veggies to the gravy mixture. Remove from heat.


In 9X13 baking dish, add about half the package of tater tots, mix with the

vegetable/gravy mixture. Top with the rest of the tater tots and bake until the

tots are brown and the mixture is bubbly.


I served this with bread and jam and a salad. It was so good :)


Cherie in North Dakota

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I am making breakfast for supper tonight. I finally got my new

(vintage) waffle iron! I will be making waffles for the first time,

but the grill plates do an excellent job on vegetables. Menu: waffles,

scrambled eggs with mushrooms, green onions, soy cream cheese, and

maybe spinach... and fresh strawberries for dessert.


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[Default] On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 10:16:21 -0000, " Cherie "

<csulery wrote:


>...a vegan version of tater tot casserole.


Just yesterday I was thinking I'd like one of those tater tot

casseroles. Thanks for doing the conversion work for me!

It sounds good.



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We'll be having dinner at my MIL's tonight - burgers for the omnis, she told

me she was doing a portobello mushroom for me! Mmmm..... I'll be bringing

a vegan version of Wild Mushroom Vol au Vents (subbing soy milk for the

regular milk and Earth Balance for butter - otherwise it's fine) and phyllo

wrapped asparagus with roasted red pepper aioli made with vegan mayo.






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