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. Laura QOTW *to Audrey (one of my weird, quirky replies!)

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Hi, Audrey!


People TELL me I do (speak rapidly)--I can't tell! LOL! MY sister tells me

sometimes I can talk a mile a minute when she and I are on the phone--isn't that

a hoot!?


About 17 years ago, I was (finally!) diagnosed with " adult " ADHD. I thought,

" Well, DUH!! " (It explained some of the difficulties I'd had in school as a

child and at least made some sense out of the many clashes I'd had with my

parents during my youth. (They didn't have it easy, but I wasn't TRYING to make

it so hard for them--I was just being myself!)


There are many conflicting schools of thought about what we call the

" A.D.D./A.D.H.D " phenomenon. Some think it really doesn't exist and some are

over-diagnosing it--seeing " it " everywhere. I fall in the middle of that,

although I think there are more of " us " around than some realize.

It's mainly (I believe) a variation of " brain-wiring " and people with it can

adapt and function and enjoy life just fine. Sometimes, medications do help, but

meds really don't " cure " it. (Like the left-handed person in a right-handed

world, we who are called " A.D.D./A.D.H.D. " mostly have to be the ones to adapt

to the " others " out there. It can be frustrating, but it can be fun, too--we

can be very creative and inventive!


I think that's why I like vegetarian foods and cooking them--it encourages

more creativity in the " culinary " area! Anyone can make a " meal " with the same

old 6-10 standby foods, the 5 or 6 " usual " vegetables...I LIKE looking for new

flavors, textures, and COLORS of vegetables when I shop. I LOVE mixing SEVERAL

kinds of cut-up vegetables together, cooking new and different legumes, pastas,

or grains. And, of course, there are always the " new " (to me, anyway) vegetarian

" specialty " foods that I see in the stores from time to time and get up the

nerve to taste-test at home!


I probably wouldn't be doing " this " if I wasn't the quirky, curiosity-driven

person that I am! I guess that's a good thing, then--despite the frustration I

caused some of my teachers and my parents from time to time!

I LOVE finding new ideas for foods HERE and trying out things I've read!


Thanks for writing! I also tend to ramble when I write--and when I talk--I

think it goes with the territory --LOL!


Have a GREAT day!


{{{{With hugs!}}}},


--Laura B., in Illinois


PS: It's funny that your sister is also named " Laura " . I always thought MY name

really didn't " fit " me very well. (I think I " ought " to be willowy of figure and

tall--I'm short and a little chubby...and maybe " melancholy and reflective " --I

can be reflective, but not usually melancholy. That's the mental image I always

had, oddly, for the name, " Laura " . Then I went to visit my older daughter in

Arizona (Sedona) and met some of her friends.

Being out there in " New-Ager " country, I introduced myself (quirkily, as usual)

saying, " I'm Laura--spelled with an 'aura'. " THEY thought that was COOL!--I was

just being flippant and saying it because people get the spelling of my name

wrong most of the time...but it kinda stuck. I guess if I can come up with a

quirky and " cool " way to tell people my (mis-matched) name, maybe it's not so

mis-matched after all. :->



Laura, I love reading your posts, they always make me smile! :) I have

a question for you, though, since your writing style reminds me so

much of another Laura (my sister) - do you speak very quickly? You

just come across in email as though you have a lot of thoughts and

your brain works very quickly - like my sister! (Whom I love very much

but is sometimes hard to understand on the phone if there is any

background noise) :)


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