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My name is Moe.  I am married to a meat eater and 6 wonderful children.  My

oldest daughter (9 years) and I would like to eat less meat and are in need of

some easy recipes to help us start this transition!  Thanks for bringing us on









                                                Serenity Prayer

                                         God grant me the serenity to

                                    Accept the things I can not change,

                                  Courage to change the things I can,and

                                       Wisdom to know the difference.  












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Glad you found the group, Moe :)


¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:- Terri

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´


Genesis 2:15 The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the garden of

Eden, to cultivate and care for it.


On May 9, 2010, at 10:05 PM, Moe Jones wrote:


> HI,


> My name is Moe. I am married to a meat eater and 6 wonderful children. My

oldest daughter (9 years) and I would like to eat less meat and are in need of

some easy recipes to help us start this transition! Thanks for bringing us on





> Serenity Prayer

> God grant me the serenity to

> Accept the things I can not change,

> Courage to change the things I can,and

> Wisdom to know the difference.



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Hi Moe,


I'm a new vegan (since 1/1/10) in a house full of carnivores (well,

omnivores), too. Actually, our church had a " Daniel Fast " at the beginning

of the year and we all participated, so I didn't cook meat for three weeks.

After that period of time, I told my husband I wanted to stick with a vegan

diet and asked what he thought about alternating a meat meal one night with

a vegan meal the next. He was fine with that. So one night I cook for the

omnis and either pull out some of it before meat or I might add tofu or more

veggies for me. For example, if we're doing chicken parmigiana, I'll do

tofu " sorta " parm - I have never liked parmesan cheese, so my tofu is just

bread crumbs that I've flavored with Italian seasonings and sauce on top.

The next night, everyone eats vegan. My husband has been fine with it and

has enjoyed almost everything I've fixed. Oddly enough, the vegan leftovers

disappear faster than the meaty leftovers. :^)


I guess, though, I've been transitioning our family for years. We generally

do not have meat as the " star " of the meal - it's just used as an ingredient

and a minor one at that. And we would have at least two vegetarian meals a



Making small steps with your family can help them to not rebel against your

new diet. And making all the veggie stuff extra tasty helps win them over,

too! :^)







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I appreciate your challenges--being the lone vegetarian/vegan in a house of meat

eaters...lol..but what is a Daniel Fast? sounds interesting...did they give you





I am a new vegetarian...the dr. told me my cholesterol was too high, and I said

I'd rather be vegetarian than take another pill. (I hate taking meds! I always

forget). I don't know if it was something he said or a " look " on his face that

told me he was humoring me when he told me to come back in June for more blood

tests. I'm one of those women--don't tell me what I can't do...I'll do it just

to prove I can! *grin* so I am brushing off a few old (at least 20 years'

worth) recipes from my past (I was vegetarian before but it only lasted for a

couple of months). If i can find them, I'll post some...



Mary in Washington












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My dad (also on this list) changed from a regular diet to a vegan diet more

than 7 years ago for his cholesterol, which was very elevated. He recently

told me it was around 150. :^) He is living proof diet can definitely

work! That was the biggest impetus for my dietary changes - to avoid stuff

in family's medical history that seems to be looming over my shoulder, more

with each birthday. :^D


The concept of the Daniel Fast comes from the book of Daniel 1:8-14. Daniel

(a Hebrew) was in the Babylonian royal courts and asks to eat nothing but

vegetables and water for a period of time (mainly because the stuff they

were serving him had been sacrificed to idols). Our church doesn't do it

legalistically. Some people might do a full Daniel fast and just eat

veggies. Others do whatever they are able. You can find more information

here http://danielfast.wordpress.com/ if you are interested. Our church

does it in conjunction with other churches around the world twice a year.




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[Default] On Tue, 11 May 2010 21:38:46 -0500, ginger connelly

<gingerb85 wrote:


>My dad (also on this list) changed from a regular diet to a vegan diet more

>than 7 years ago for his cholesterol, which was very elevated. He recently

>told me it was around 150.


It's amazing, really. I wouldn't have believed it if it didn't coincide

with my own recent experience. Thanks for sharing.



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