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Rhonda - fake crab meat?

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I did....I think it is at www.cyberveg.com. But, I'm not completley sure that it

is imitation, so I'm not ordering it. I've not had time to go to Nature's pantry

for it.


, Audrey Snyder <AudeeBird wrote:


> Are you saying you've found fake crab meat that isn't made from fish??

> Please tell!!


> Audrey




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The only thing that worries me about faux food is the process that the soy beans

are put through.  It takes chemicals to make textured soy protein you know.  I

just mention it cause I question how sustainable and healthy it really is to eat

processed foods like this?

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I don't think you need to worry. Now being a meateater, that would be something

to worry about.

I eat soy made burgers a few times a week and they are the least of my concern.




, Michelle Richard

<the_naked_seamstress wrote:


> The only thing that worries me about faux food is the process that the soy

beans are put through.  It takes chemicals to make textured soy protein you

know.  I just mention it cause I question how sustainable and healthy it really

is to eat processed foods like this?


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The reason I'd not order it is cause the store it comes from smells like rotten

something. The area of NYC is quite interting, infact. It is Chinatown. But,

whne you walk through China town, it smells rotten, or something. I would have

my healthy food store order it.And,I'd not hesitate to eat it, either.--Rhonda


, " rhonlynns " <webrstraw wrote:


> http://www.vegecyber.com/cgi-bin/vege_item.cgi? & type=Frozen

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