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Chicken broth vegetarians *Nancy C.

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   What an interesting story (how you met your husband)!  It made me smile!  I

agree with your sentiments, too.  (It should be one's business--and privately

so--the " why " a person asks for certain foods and doesn't (shouldn't) need to

explain the reason for the choices!


   I do remember a very folksy restaurant I ate in last year over in

Springfield, Illinois.  It wasn't a fancy place--the kind of place where the

women and men both arrive in comfortable clothing and order mostly " burgers,

meat and taters " kinds of meals.  I saw a nice salad on the menu, but EVERYTHING

came with some kind of meat (or chicken) on or in it.


    I remember asking the waitress if I could have the salad without the

chicken, and then, as an after thought, I asked also if they could maybe add

some extra shaved cheese on top.  It was the WAITRESS who suggested that she

might be able to arrange to have also some extra mushrooms on the salad (which I



    The beautiful (with romaine lettuce!) salad soon appeared and had not only

the nice shaved parmesan on top, but nice, tasty chunky slices of portabella

mushrooms in the place of the usual chicken.  I could not have been more

pleased!  The large salad with all the nice " fixins " was most satisfying and I

have to say, yes, there are times when it actually does " work out " very nicely

to " just ask " when one orders food in a restaurant.


    It's late...what on earth am I doing still on the computer!??  Good night,



--Laura B., in Illinois. 


PS: Sorry about the obvious typos in that other post I wrote!  I must have been

in a daze when I did it!



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