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H1N1 Virus

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My daughter was confirmed with this, this week. She was so bad, and she couldn't

eat for 3 days. Vomiting, Diahrea, fever, runny nose, coughing, aches and pains

in the body, it was horrible. Her lungs started filling with fluids. They gave

her the " Tamiflu " which is the medicine (anti-Viral medication) that searches

out and kills the virus as it tries to reproduce in the body. Today is day 3 of

taking Tamiflu, and this morning the fever is gone, no more vomiting, no more

diahrea, and my daughter is able to eat and drink fluids and hold it down. My 32

year old daughter told me on the phone she is feeling so much better, she feels

human again!! She said never has she been this sick. Some people get light

cases of the H1N1 Virus. Others severe like my daughter.


I learned so much through this experience. I learned that most doctors and most

hospitals DO NOT test to see if a person has the H1N1 Virus or swine flu. If you



Round one, when my daughter first got sick, the first emergency room sent her

home with no Tamiflu, no testing to see if she had this, and they said, " Let it

run it's course " . The Medical Clinic and all the doctors there, sent my

daughter away with no Tamiflu or anti viral medicine, and told her let it run

it's course.


Then it got so my daughter hadn't eaten in 3 days, had diahrea and vomiting for

3 days. We got her to Kaiser Hospital Emergency room (No, we don't have Kaiser

Insurance). They are the ones who tested her and confirmed she had this. My

Daughters lungs already began to fill up with fluid (That's usually how people

die from this. They get pnemonia, like a bacterial infection), and the Kaiser

Hospital gave her a prescription for the anti virul medication called " Tamiflu " .


Tamiflu kills the virus as it tries to reproduce in the body. Usually they try

to get Tamiflu to people within the first 48 hours of having this H1N1.


But the scarey thing is, there isn't enough Tamiflu to go around. Tamiflu costs

$156. That is what we paid for it here in Northern California. Most Doctors and

Hospitals are following the CDC protocol and not giving Tamiflu to anyone unless

they are under age 2, or over 62, or have a chronic condition like asthma,

Diabetes, COPD, or like that.


So many people if they get this H1N1 WILL NOT GET TAMIFLU. They will be left to

let the H1N1 run it's course. They will either survive it or not.


Most hospitals and Doctors are also sending all people with this H1N1 Home to be

sick there. They will hospitalize a person only if it is really bad.


My daughter had a worse case scenerio, but they are saying most people don't get

it to that worst extent.


However, the CDC said they expect 36,000 people will die from this THIS YEAR and

up to 200,000 will get the H1N1 and be hospitalized with it.


If you live with someone who has this flu, by LYSOL. Lysol the phone, the door

knobs. Liquid and spray Lysol. Clean anything the infected person touches. STAY

AWAY FROM THE INFECTED PERSON AT LEAST 6 FEET. And make sure they are masked if

they are out of their bedroom and around anyone.


Secondary infections with this flu is what kills. Many times people need to be

put on anti bacterial antibiotics for their lungs. Also pulmonary x-rays have

shown on some people that there are blood clots that sometimes develop in the

arteries around the lungs.


Wash your hands Alot. Go to the drug store and buy some masks, some gloves, and

hand sanitizers. Just ask the clerks where to find these things. Wash your hands

and use the hand sanitizers alot. Keep your hands away from your face.


You can be in a grocery store and someone has it or is carrying it and sneezes

and it becomes air born. Many diseases people can get like that.


Some stores have disinfected wipes where you can wipe down the handles of the

grocery carts you use. Bring your own in your purse in a zip lock if they don't.


I just wanted to share everything we have learned during this serious time. And

I wanted to tell you, this morning, my Daughter is still weak, very weak, but on

the road to recovery!!!


Arm yourselves with all this knowledge. I know it will not help some who have

already lost loved ones to this H1N1. But with this knowledge you are now armed.

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