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Thanks Again From Colorado

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Thanks to all of you for your prayers and caring words of encouragement.


Just an update. Daughter is still very ill, grand daughter is better and great

grand son is greatly improved. All have been diagnosed with Swine Flu and are

taking Tamiflu and antibiotics. These are medically confirmed Swine Flu cases,

but we have several other family members who are sure they have or had it and

have completely recovered.

None have been hospitalized.

Two extended family members have died but both had contributing health


Please remember to wash your hands constantly, don't touch your eyes and nose,

and sneeze in your sleeve.

Tell others

Deanna in Colorado

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Deanna, I'm glad some of your ill family members are getting better and I

hope your daughter improves soon. Do you know why they were given

antibiotics for a viral illness? That sounds odd, unless H1N1 frequently

goes along with a bacterial infection? Hm... I have two friends who have had

H1N1 (both, fortunately, mild cases, and they got Tamiflu immediately upon

diagnosis - they seemed to think Tamiflu made a real difference)




On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 11:50 AM, genny_y2k <genny_y2k wrote:




> Thanks to all of you for your prayers and caring words of encouragement.


> Just an update. Daughter is still very ill, grand daughter is better and

> great grand son is greatly improved. All have been diagnosed with Swine Flu

> and are taking Tamiflu and antibiotics. These are medically confirmed Swine

> Flu cases, but we have several other family members who are sure they have

> or had it and have completely recovered.

> None have been hospitalized.

> Two extended family members have died but both had contributing health

> conditions.

> Please remember to wash your hands constantly, don't touch your eyes and

> nose, and sneeze in your sleeve.

> Tell others

> Deanna in Colorado







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[Default] On Sun, 18 Oct 2009 16:58:56 -0500, Audrey Snyder

<AudeeBird wrote:


>Do you know why they were given

>antibiotics for a viral illness?


I have lung disease and often am prescribed antibiotics to prevent the

infections that sometimes follow viral illnesses. Since Swine flu has a

reputation of an accompanying pneumonia, I'll bet the antibiotics are a

form of insurance against secondary infection. Just a guess.

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