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H1N1 Virus and Vaccins

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I usually don't get any kind of flu shots but I'm considering them this year

because I teach and my sister did just have a baby on Tueday. On Friday their

peditrician gave all of them the H1N1 vaccine, all of them.  My sister was

feeling a bit achey today since she went through the most body trama this week,

while her husband is ok. I'll probably get the flu vaccine, but the H1N1 vaccine

isn't avalible to regular pepople yet. I am in a high exposure group since I

teach public school.  I'm going to get one as soon as I can get it at my local

pharmacy. I've not been to the doctor in a year, so I'm not going there.  The

peditrician did tell them to bath when they got home since they were not sick

and all the people at the office were, so they did.  We live in a rural

community so everyone get treated like they have H1N1 if they come in presenting

with flu symptoms until the two week test comes back with comfirmation and they

all get Tamiflu if they can

afford it and choose to get it filled.  Not everyone can since we are high low

socioeconomic status and medicaide doesn't pay for it.  I'm pretty sure my

insurance has it as a Teir 3 drug and it will be a $75 co-pay but I've got an

HMO, while most teachers have the PPO, so theirs would be significantly higher

from $150 to $200.  If you are not able to eat or drink in several days, do

listen to your body.  We had a lady in the county below us die because she

didn't listen to her body.  She susposedly never got sick as a teacher and ended

up leaving work on a Monday and took off the next two days before she went to

the walk-in clinic and didn't stay because she felt too bad.  Her family went to

check on her on Friday and she was dead.  My opinion is that if she really never

got sick, she should have listened to her body and went to the doctor on Monday

or Tuesday at the latest.  She should not have waited until Thursday to do

something about it,

let alone not stay at the clinic.  She was negelegant in her care, that lead to

her death.  I'm sorry she died, but YOU MUST LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.  No one really

knows why she died, nor if she had an underlying cause that made her not really

a healthy person as everyone assumed.  PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!!


Dena in GA






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