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Exploding Glass Kitchen Disasters, pyrex

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I'm careful with my Pyrex. I never take it from the fridge or freezer and place

in a hot oven. Yet I know so many who do this. Having it expode is very scary.

I use clay pots and I'm very careful with those too.

I see people empty the hot glass coffee pot and run it under cold water. I run

away when I see that.

I dropped a unopened glass Coke bottle many year ago, it exploded and some of

the flying glass chunks hit me on the hand and gave me a few terrible cuts.


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I am sure we can all relate in some way!

The worst I had was one Thanksgiving when I was 15. I was washing dishes, heard

a loud pop and looked down at my hand which was now gushing blood. The glass

broke as I was cleaning it up. Needless to say, my mom and I spent a couple of

hours in the ER getting my finger stitched. Fun.

My son (age 7) once dropped a pyrex refrigerator dish full of spaghetti on the

floor. That was fun to clean up!

More recently I dropped a bottle of soda (actually, it magically fell out of the

fridge!) and it shattered on the floor at my bare feet. Luckily I only had

sticky feet and a sticky mess to clean up along with all of those shards of

glass (with some ending up in my feet and hands as I cleaned). What a mess we

found when we later moved the fridge! Dog and cat hair stuck all over the sticky

mess that I missed.

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Ugh! The thing I love (sarcasm) is how whenever I break any glass in the

kitchen, all 3 cats and the dog come RUNNING to see what's going on -- and

to step in it. Ugh... :(




On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 12:52 PM, itshotinjt04 <itshotinjt04wrote:




> I am sure we can all relate in some way!

> The worst I had was one Thanksgiving when I was 15. I was washing dishes,

> heard a loud pop and looked down at my hand which was now gushing blood. The

> glass broke as I was cleaning it up. Needless to say, my mom and I spent a

> couple of hours in the ER getting my finger stitched. Fun.

> My son (age 7) once dropped a pyrex refrigerator dish full of spaghetti on

> the floor. That was fun to clean up!

> More recently I dropped a bottle of soda (actually, it magically fell out

> of the fridge!) and it shattered on the floor at my bare feet. Luckily I

> only had sticky feet and a sticky mess to clean up along with all of those

> shards of glass (with some ending up in my feet and hands as I cleaned).

> What a mess we found when we later moved the fridge! Dog and cat hair stuck

> all over the sticky mess that I missed.







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