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How would you make almond milk?

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I have been trying to eliminate or limit animal milk consumption, and found out

that out of soy, rice, and almond, my favorite by far is the almond. I put it in

coffee and use it in cereal, or anywhere a recipe calls for milk.


I have been enjoying Trader Joe's almond milk but I do not get over there often

enough, and I would like to be able to make my own almond milk using raw

almonds. There should be some savings in it too I would guess, and less trips

to the store.


I have peeled slivered almonds that I was thinking about using for this. I have

heard about blanching them. Would that be to soften them? What type of kitchen

appliance would you use to grind it all up and make it into milk? does it have

to be filtered or strained after wards?


Any ideas or information much appreciated,


Roseta in Altadena (near LA)

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Thank you Dennis, these are really useful links. I am wondering what to do with

the remaining pulp, but I think adding it to either veggie loaves or veggie

burgers could be good,



, " DennSedai " <DennSedai wrote:


> I googled it and found these links. It may be of some help, but I haven't

> personally tried them, at least not yet <g>.


> Dennis


> http://www.living-foods.com/recipes/almondmilk.html


> http://drbenkim.com/recipesalmondmilk.html


> http://vegetarian-recipes.suite101.com/article.cfm/almond_milk_recipe


> http://www.formerfatguy.com/recipes/almond-milk-recipe.asp


> http://paleofood.com/nmilks.htm


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I have a soy milk maker and to make almond milk is so easy, soak almonds over

night. Put water in the soy maker then add almonds in about ten minutes. You

have almond milk. My Soya Joy soy milk maker is one of my better ideas to buy. I

do not buy milk at all. I make my yogurt from the soy milk too. Okara is what

is left over from the soy beans, you can mix it into a lot things even make

veggie burgers out of it.



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