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OT baby update

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Hi Tee,

We are awaiting your bundle of joy. 

Keep up good eating habits



The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine He drink

whiskey, Poncho drink the wine He drink whiskey, Poncho drink the wine SOURCE

War - The Cisco Kid







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So glad to get this great update. Your vegetarian diet is helping your little

growing one, have such a healthier start.

Oh I sure love cream sickle milkshake. I've not make them in a while, but just

add some vanilla ice cream to your blender, some frozen orange juice

concentrate, a drop of vanilla flavoring and milk. Blend away for a great

treat! I used to make this for brunches at our church, baby showers, wedding

showers and everyone loves it.


Praying for a healthy rest of your pregnancy.



Live simply,

Love generously,

Care deeply,

Speak kindly....

Leave the rest to God.







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I am 11 weeks pregnant with my fourth and can relate to a lot of what you have

said. I have been having food aversions like crazy and some weird cravings (like

instant mashed potatoes!!) I am finally not sick all of the time, every day,

which is a relieef. I do feel sick if I don't eat soon enough and wake up super

hungry, although it seems I go to bed hungry as well (even if I ate not too long

before). Sleep is another factor that I am battling with. My husband let me

sleep in our guest room last night so that I could get some rest, but low and

behold, I still tossed an turned all night. I guess 4 years (not

exaggerating!)without a full night of sleep is a habit hard to break! Since I

already have 3 boys, I have decided not to find out what this baby is (also

opted not to find out what #3 was. Sure was surprised when he was a boy as

well!). There aren't too many surprises in life anymore, so I fugure this is one

worth waiting for! Everyone is rooting for a girl and I am on the fence. Then, I

look at the little girl dresses in the store and gush over how cute they are!!

My mom wants it to be a girl because I am the only one of her three kids that

has children and they are all boys. My sister wants a niece, too. She claims she

won't have kids (at least not anytime soon, but she's only 21) so mine are for

her to spoil.

Anyway,good luck with the rest of the pregnancy!

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I hope your pregnancy goes well and that you have a healthy baby -- if it is

a girl, that will be one tough little girl with 3 older brothers! :)




On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 12:39 PM, itshotinjt04 <itshotinjt04wrote:







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