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Thanksgiving and non-veg family members

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Audrey most meat eaters are willing to accept you lifestyle once they see you

aren't going to harass them with rude comments, try to push your lifestyle off

on them. Many are very defensive at first and when they see you can blend right

in they are open to having vegetarian dishes, will compliment you on your

cooking and ask for recipes.

After almost 30 yrs of being vegetarian I can honestly say, the meanest meat

eaters who have given me a very hard time will end up vegetarian years later. I

used to bite my tongue and sit on my hands when my brother-in-law would start

up.  He is now vegan, I can't tell you how many times I wanted to shove his

chicken leg down his throat LOL

Funny how that works. 




One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small. And the ones that

mother gives you don't do anything at all. Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet

tall. Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit


--- On Wed, 11/25/09, Audrey Snyder <AudeeBird wrote:


Audrey Snyder AudeeBird






My mom agreed to make me a vegetarian version (no marshmallows and

vegetarian non-gelatin jel mix) of Aunt Evelyn's cranberry salad recipe if I

brought her the jel mix. I don't have the recipe but I will post before

Christmas, it's good -- has apples and oranges in it. She said it was easy,

she would keep the other half of the box so I could have the strawberry sour

cream jello salad at Christmas. So sweet of her, especially for someone who

thought I was nuts to stop eating meat!






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> After almost 30 yrs of being vegetarian I can honestly say, the

> meanest meat eaters who have given me a very hard time will end up

> vegetarian years later.


Speaking from experience....I used to be one of those mean meat-eaters!!


Many, many years ago I lived in a communal house in which a number of

residents were vegetarian. I had tried vegetarianism on and off

several times by then, so I wasn't opposed to it in any way. However,

several of these aforementioned residents were of the school of

thought that it was a good thing to tell other people what to eat, and

I was (and am) of the school of thought that telling me what to do was

not an advisable way of altering my behavior. So..... I must confess

to really enjoying how much the aroma of my sausage-rice concoction

annoyed the proselytizers.


I gave up meat for good about six years later, and no longer take

delight in annoying people, whatever their school of thought might be.

(Most of the time, that is.......)


Happy Thanksgiving, all!





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There's not only something in the water but also in the fruits and veggies that

contributes to our *live and let live attitude. " LOL

Just changes one's whole outlook on life.

I'm sure you've noticed how at peace with ourselves we are and how accepting of

other's choices.


One of my favorite sayings is " everyone is at their own level of understanding. "


I might note that no one gives me a hard time about being Vegetarian these days.

It could be out of respect for my age or perpehaps it's the smile on my face.

They wonder what I've been up to.

Deanna in Colorado


Alexandra Soltow <pamra wrote:

(...I gave up meat for good about six years later, and no longer take > delight

in annoying people, whatever their school of thought might be. (Most of the

time, that is.......)

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All my " meat eating " friends, co-workers and family members ask me how I can

still wear a size 1 after 4 children, and being over 50...I tell them...being a

vegetarian. They say I look not a day over 30...I give them the same

reponse...some are trying by eating less meat, my big meat eating youngest who

is 19 has given up alot of meat since he is living with me. And admits how much

better he feels. I never push vegetarianism on anyone. I offer my health, and

vitality as an example. I am a server at a very busy restaurant here in

Colorado. I sometimes work 12 hrs straight thru with no break. I can outlast all

the 20 yr olds. I wish everyone was vegetarian, but as De Anna said... " everyone

is at their own level of understanding. " ....just set the examole and hope even

some may follow...have a wonderful day everyone...Terri



A womans place is on a horse.


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