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not really ot - sort of - espresso maker help needed

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I just scored a new, never used Krupps Il Primo espresso maker but the

instructions are rather inadequate. Happy dance! I grind my own beans (used to

roast them too - confessed coffee-a-holic) and did them finely for the espresso

and tamped the grounds down but can't seem to find the right amount of tamping

down. Too light and it was like normal coffee and too tightly and the grounds

didn't even get totally wetted and darn near needed a jack hammer to get them



So to keep me from ordering a tamper which shows pound pressure (you guys PRICED

those things? Jimminy Cricket, I could buy a lot of Starbucks espressos for that

cost), anyone here know just how much I should tamp the coffee down?  Should I

grind the beans a little less finely? Must work the kinks out before ordering

some nice Italian coffee beans.


It foams milk fine but there's no crema on the espresso. Le Sigh.


Also - anyone tried making tea in these things?


Mmmmmm, my favorite food groups - coffee and tea, Jeanne in GA








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I'd be dancing too.

Was this a Freecycle find?



, Jeanne B <treazured wrote:


> I just scored a new, never used Krupps Il Primo espresso maker but the

instructions are rather inadequate. Happy dance!

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Yup, Freecycle all the way! Whoo hoo. I think I'm getting close to the tamping

pressure needed. I finely minced some candied ginger, a shake of powdered

ginger, cinnamon and cardamon and mixed with a little milk and a tablespoon of

sugar free gingerbread syrup from Da Vinci and frothed it and did 1 to 1 with

the lovely brew - gorgeous and a lot cheaper than the gingerbread whatevers from



ZZZZZZZZipppp zoom ..... maybe cut back on the caffeine jussssssssst a teensy

but. Crikey, can one get high on these things??????? Jeanne in GA where it is

too darn freaking COLD








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