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Query From The path of Sri Ramana

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"It is unnecessary for the Reality to run after the world. Moreover,> > according to the great truth discovered> > and revealed by Sri Ramana Bhagavan, a good person leading asimple yet> > highly spiritual life and passing> > away unknown to the world does far greater good to the worldthan all the> > political and social reformers> > and all the platform-heroes of philosophy." *************** Often a Suru talks to a seeker, specific for his question or circumstances. If it is quoted out of context, it will result in confusion. Once a foreign devotee was present with Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj when some rural folk visited him. Shri Nisargadatta says to them "I am the greatest guru. I am greater than any Guru you have met. I am equivalent to Sri Krishna" The devotee cannot believe his ears. So he asks for a clarification. Shri Nisargadatta

Maharaj says " That is not meant for you. It is specific for the villagers who met me". Regards Venugopal

5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox.

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There are many teachers and gurus. They are like candle lights and

help specific individuals in darkness. But when the Sun itself is

shining in the afternoon on everyone to illuminate their vision, no

other light is needed.


Guru Ramana is like that Sun whose grace pours forth on everyone. How

amazing, is it not? The Sage of Arunachala, full of compassion, never

claimed to be anything and yet gave the vision of the Self to humble

devotees who did not know much and were without much learning.


I recall the statement of one devotee from the early days about Sri

Ramana, She said that " He used to make us like Him Self " .


It has been said that a mere glance from a Sage of the caliber of Sri

Ramana purifies the way of the soul.


While there are plenty of yogis and gurus that blow hot air, make

poses, and say grand things about themselves, Sri Ramana simply sat in



Who is a true Guru? The one who shows the disciple that He and the

Disciple are identical in Self.


Who can even compare to Sri Ramana?


Namaste and love to all





, Venugopal AK <akvenugopal

> ***************

> Often a Suru talks to a seeker, specific for his question or

circumstances. If it is quoted out of context, it will result in



> Once a foreign devotee was present with Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj

when some rural folk visited him. Shri Nisargadatta says to them " I am

the greatest guru. I am greater than any Guru you have met. I am

equivalent to Sri Krishna "

> The devotee cannot believe his ears. So he asks for a

clarification. Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj says " That is not meant for

you. It is specific for the villagers who met me " .

> Regards

> Venugopal





> 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox.


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A minute before receiving this e-mail I was looking at a picture of Ramana that I have pasted to a hidden spot on a wall, on the side of my desk, at work. I was marvelling how Ramana's face emanated my self though the picture was taken so many years ago. Now does not change. I was wondering if people often use his photos as Darshan. I wondered why I didn't gaze upon the picture until I was steady in my self. Then your email came. I became aware of Ramana's presence. I felt wonder. I cried. Thank you.harshaimtm wrote: There are many teachers and gurus. They are like candle lights andhelp specific individuals in darkness. But when the Sun itself isshining in the afternoon on everyone to illuminate their vision, noother light is needed.Guru Ramana is like that Sun whose grace pours forth on everyone. Howamazing, is it not? The Sage of Arunachala, full of compassion, neverclaimed to be anything and yet gave the vision of the Self to humbledevotees who did not know much and were without much learning.I recall the statement of one devotee from the early days about SriRamana, She said that "He used to make us like Him Self".It has been said that a mere glance from a Sage of the caliber of SriRamana purifies the way of the soul.While there are plenty of yogis and gurus that blow hot air, makeposes, and say grand things about themselves, Sri Ramana simply sat insilence.Who is a true Guru? The one who shows the

disciple that He and theDisciple are identical in Self.Who can even compare to Sri Ramana? Namaste and love to allHarsha , Venugopal AK <akvenugopal> ***************> Often a Suru talks to a seeker, specific for his question orcircumstances. If it is quoted out of context, it will result inconfusion.> > Once a foreign devotee was present with Shri Nisargadatta Maharajwhen some rural folk visited him. Shri Nisargadatta says to them "I amthe greatest guru. I am greater than any Guru you have met. I amequivalent to Sri Krishna"> The devotee cannot believe his ears. So he asks for aclarification. Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj says " That is not meant foryou. It is specific for the villagers who met me".> Regards> Venugopal> > >

> > 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox. >

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Cliff, I also  have a little picture of Ramana taped to the side of my computer on my desk.  It has been there for years.  I was nice to read your email.  :)JillOn Jan 15, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Cliff Shack wrote:A minute before receiving this e-mail I was looking at a picture of Ramana that I have pasted to a hidden spot on a wall, on the side of my desk, at work. I was marvelling how Ramana's face emanated my self though the picture was taken so many years ago. Now does not change. I was wondering if people often use his photos as Darshan. I wondered why I didn't gaze upon the picture until I was steady in my self. Then your email came. I became aware of Ramana's presence. I felt wonder. I cried. Thank you.harshaimtm <harsha (AT) (DOT) com> wrote:There are many teachers and gurus. They are like candle lights andhelp specific individuals in darkness. But when the Sun itself isshining in the afternoon on everyone to illuminate their vision, noother light is needed.Guru Ramana is like that Sun whose grace pours forth on everyone. Howamazing, is it not? The Sage of Arunachala, full of compassion, neverclaimed to be anything and yet gave the vision of the Self to humbledevotees who did not know much and were without much learning.I recall the statement of one devotee from the early days about SriRamana, She said that "He used to make us like Him Self".It has been said that a mere glance from a Sage of the caliber of SriRamana purifies the way of the soul.While there are plenty of yogis and gurus that blow hot air, makeposes, and say grand things about themselves, Sri Ramana simply sat insilence.Who is a true Guru? The one who shows the disciple that He and theDisciple are identical in Self.Who can even compare to Sri Ramana? Namaste and love to allHarsha--- In  , Venugopal AK <akvenugopal> ***************> Often a Suru talks to a seeker, specific for his question orcircumstances. If it is quoted out of context, it will result inconfusion.> > Once a foreign devotee was present with Shri Nisargadatta Maharajwhen some rural folk visited him. Shri Nisargadatta says to them "I amthe greatest guru. I am greater than any Guru you have met. I amequivalent to Sri Krishna"> The devotee cannot believe his ears. So he asks for aclarification. Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj says " That is not meant foryou. It is specific for the villagers who met me".> Regards> Venugopal> > > > > 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox. >

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Thank you. Thank you all. I feel welcome here.



, Jill Eggers <eggersj



> Cliff, I also have a little picture of Ramana taped to the side


> my computer on my desk. It has been there for years. I was nice


> read your email. :)


> Jill


> On Jan 15, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Cliff Shack wrote:


> > A minute before receiving this e-mail I was looking at a picture


> > Ramana that I have pasted to a hidden spot on a wall, on the


> > of my desk, at work. I was marvelling how Ramana's face emanated


> > self though the picture was taken so many years ago. Now does


> > change. I was wondering if people often use his photos as


> > I wondered why I didn't gaze upon the picture until I was steady


> > my self. Then your email came. I became aware of Ramana's


> > I felt wonder. I cried. Thank you.

> >

> > harshaimtm wrote:

> >

> > There are many teachers and gurus. They are like candle lights and

> > help specific individuals in darkness. But when the Sun itself is

> > shining in the afternoon on everyone to illuminate their vision,


> > other light is needed.

> >

> > Guru Ramana is like that Sun whose grace pours forth on everyone.


> > amazing, is it not? The Sage of Arunachala, full of compassion,


> > claimed to be anything and yet gave the vision of the Self to


> > devotees who did not know much and were without much learning.

> >

> > I recall the statement of one devotee from the early days about


> > Ramana, She said that " He used to make us like Him Self " .

> >

> > It has been said that a mere glance from a Sage of the caliber of


> > Ramana purifies the way of the soul.

> >

> > While there are plenty of yogis and gurus that blow hot air, make

> > poses, and say grand things about themselves, Sri Ramana simply

sat in

> > silence.

> >

> > Who is a true Guru? The one who shows the disciple that He and the

> > Disciple are identical in Self.

> >

> > Who can even compare to Sri Ramana?

> >

> > Namaste and love to all

> > Harsha

> >

> > , Venugopal AK <akvenugopal@>

> > > ***************

> > > Often a Suru talks to a seeker, specific for his question or

> > circumstances. If it is quoted out of context, it will result in

> > confusion.

> > >

> > > Once a foreign devotee was present with Shri Nisargadatta


> > when some rural folk visited him. Shri Nisargadatta says to

them " I am

> > the greatest guru. I am greater than any Guru you have met. I am

> > equivalent to Sri Krishna "

> > > The devotee cannot believe his ears. So he asks for a

> > clarification. Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj says " That is not meant


> > you. It is specific for the villagers who met me " .

> > > Regards

> > > Venugopal

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox.


> > here.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Hi, Mike:


I found your question hard because it forced me to put into words what

I had usually just intuitively understood. I wasn't sure I understood

it not because it was not a well crafted English sentence but because

I wasn't sure what you meant by how I found my way to Sri Ramana. Had

I simply read your words literally I might have understood them better!


I believe I know what you meant, now I've read your explanation. I

came across Sri Ramana Maharshi's life story in the course of

inquiring how to put into practice what I know to be true. Along the

way, I found an introduction to advaita and in it, Sri Ramana's name.

I bought every book I could find by or about him written in English.


Thank you most sincerely for your kindness and sharing and for what

must be your sweet spirit, apparent even across the 'net and even to

one who has never met you.




Mike Hodder


, " Michael Bindel "

<michael.bindel wrote:


> Perhaps a trifle harsh but understandable coming from a devotee. I

> > might suggest that Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and such might have a

> > claim to having done a bit of good for their worlds and perhaps the

> > planet, too. Whether contributions like theirs are outweighed by the

> > " far greater good " done by the unknown saintly good person is

> beyond my

> > ability to judge.

> >

> > Namaskars

> > Mike Hodder


> Dear Mike


> thank you for your answer. I was astonished, really astonished, that

you felt my question to be a " tough " one and that you doubted, that

you understood it....

> So like always i reflected and asked my dear wife for her opinion.


> I am not a native english-speaker, which might be very easily

recognized. Are you a native English speaker?

> Maybe this is the source of superficial misunderstanding.


> Due to my intuition i feel that my question hit the point....


> So let me please explain why i asked it:


> you wrote in your email

> Perhaps a trifle harsh but understandable coming from a devotee. I

> > might suggest that Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and such might have a

> > claim to having done a bit of good for their worlds and perhaps the

> > planet, too. Whether contributions like theirs are outweighed by the

> > " far greater good " done by the unknown saintly good person is

> beyond my

> > ability to judge.

> >

> > Namaskars

> > Mike Hodder


> it is NOT a question of " judging " its a question of deep inner feeling.

> And this topic is one of the central topics on the " way back home "

-like michael bindel likes to call his sadhana...


> Because you had the courage to send your comment to THIS HIGHLY

IMPORTANT TOPIC in my opinion - which i do apreciate very much indeed!

- and reading your comment, especially your stating.... it is beyond

my ability to judge - that i was touched and reacted; what dear one is

nowadays very seldom in michaels life. (in comparision my earlier



> when you have tried with all your inner and outer power to get to

the root of what " life is all about " and had to endure suffering and

disappointments en masse (normal on the way! and absolute necessary!)

you discover that the outer world is " just a dream "

> and that REAL LIFE is always inside ourselves and in the way we do

react to outside experiences....


> I simply wanted to know " how " you discovered Advaita and Sri Ramana

Maharshi....how you realized that " normal " life is not any more

satisfying your inner urges for Clarity Wisdom TRUTH


> In this life my journey to GD LOVE - what is the same for me - was a

long one - because i did not accept anything less than complete


> And only when complete surrender of " Ego " happens i fell LOVE and

LOVE is not a " feeling " (feeling being part of Ego) BUT a state of BEING


> for those humans who want to reach TRUTH LOVE complete surrender,

complete devotion, complete EFFORT to this is a absolute must - at

least for me.

> Everything less cannot be IT


> and it is IT



> I AM WHO I AM Those wonderful words GD spoke to MOSES when he

asked the Almighty what should i answer my and your people when they

ask me what is your name and how to call YOU

> I AM WHO I AM Sri Ramana Maharshi said that this NAME of S E L F

GD this is the same! like LOVE

> is even " more " tjhan the HOLY O M or A U ,M

> because IN IT Sri Ramana stated the complete wisdom of

sixthousand years of VEDIC wisdom is included



> The world being a " Illusion " " maya " or whatever humans want to call

it is THE STAGE where we all have to aim at living our inner truth



> is this not a wonderful light to follow all our existence, dear Mike?


> Due to GRACE i was able to " meet " SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI and to feel



> with this i mean


> Ramanas history is known till its smallest deatil




> michael bindel calls this AUTHENTICITY


> and therefore THE LIGHT OF SELF has to be followed, if we want to

reach the state of authenticity ourselves.



> Thank you for your contribution and your time


> yours in Ramana



> michael bindel



> ignatz468


> Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:26 PM

> Re:Query from " The Path of

Sri Ramana "



> Michael:


> You ask a tough question! I'm not certain I understand what you mean

> by a way to Sri Ramana Maharshi. I take him to have been one who

> realized who he really was and lived that understanding until his

> physical body stopped functioning. I don't see him as THE goal,

> although who he really was is THE goal, but rather more as one of

> those who discovered who he really was.


> Perhaps this might make my answer more understandable. In my library,

> I have Sri Ramana Maharshi's biography, poetry, and transcribed

> sayings alongside those of Sri Ramakrishna and the Pali tripitaka. For

> me, they are all guides to how others lived what they knew. I can say,

> however, that of all of them Sri Ramana Maharshi is the one with whom

> I'd have liked to have sat with and been around. He seems in his

> photos to be extremely approachable.


> Namaskars


> Mike Hodder


> , " Michael Bindel "

> <michael.bindel@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Mike Hodder

> >

> > thank you for your contribution.

> > Could you tell us - if you do not mind - about your way to Sri

> Ramana Maharshi?

> >

> > in Ramana

> >

> >

> > michael bindel

> >

> >

> > -

> > michael hodder

> >

> > Cc: mhodder@

> > Monday, January 14, 2008 3:56 PM

> > Re:Query from " The Path of

> Sri Ramana "

> >

> >

> > > " It is unnecessary for the Reality to run after the world.


> > > according to the great truth discovered

> > > and revealed by Sri Ramana Bhagavan, a good person leading a

> simple yet

> > > highly spiritual life and passing

> > > away unknown to the world does far greater good to the world

> than all the

> > > political and social reformers

> > > and all the platform-heroes of philosophy. "

> >

> > Perhaps a trifle harsh but understandable coming from a devotee. I

> > might suggest that Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and such might

have a

> > claim to having done a bit of good for their worlds and perhaps the

> > planet, too. Whether contributions like theirs are outweighed by


> > " far greater good " done by the unknown saintly good person is

> beyond my

> > ability to judge.

> >

> > Namaskars

> > Mike Hodder

> > ===============================

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> -------------------------

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.2/1223 - Release Date:

> 13/01/2008 20.23

> >













> Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.2/1224 - Release Date:

14/01/2008 17.39


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Bless people when they revile you. Think how much good they are

doing by helping to stamp out the false ego. Hold fast to the real

Self. Think only pure thoughts, and you will accomplish more than a

regiment of mere preachers. Out of purity and silence comes the word

of power.


Swami Vivekananda.


, " harshaimtm "



> Hi Nisheet,


> I agree that Yosy is a great poet. I don't know if you were trying


> be funny with the copyright thing and the list.


> I assume you were. On this list, we appreciate good humor.

However, As

> the " old timers " know we have always emphasized high quality humor


> this list which is free of sarcasm. Sarcasm is OK, only if it is

> original, makes people start laughing spontaneously and



> Your post does not meet these stringent requirements. Many posts do

> not. And that's OK. But one day, we will start enforcing the


> No one knows when that will happen. But please do prepare for



> Thanks,


> Namaste and love to all

> Harsha


> PS: We never stop list members from leaving, if the list no longer

> serves them.



> , nn <nisheet2000@> wrote:

> >

> > Yosy: I like all your poems and saved many of them. Probably one


> I will make a book and sell it. But-Ah-that is Satsangh copyright

> voilation. May be - NOT - Who knows?

> >

> >

> > yosyx <yosyflug@> wrote:

> > , michael hodder

> <mhodder@> wrote:

> > >

> > > > " It is unnecessary for the Reality to run after the world.


> > > > according to the great truth discovered

> > > > and revealed by Sri Ramana Bhagavan, a good person leading a

> > simple yet

> > > > highly spiritual life and passing

> > > > away unknown to the world does far greater good to the world


> > all the

> > > > political and social reformers

> > > > and all the platform-heroes of philosophy. "

> > >

> > > Perhaps a trifle harsh but understandable coming from a

devotee. I

> > > might suggest that Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and such might

have a

> > > claim to having done a bit of good for their worlds and

perhaps the

> > > planet, too. Whether contributions like theirs are outweighed

by the

> > > " far greater good " done by the unknown saintly good person is

> beyond my

> > > ability to judge.

> > >

> > > Namaskars

> > > Mike Hodder

> > > ===============================

> > >

> >

> > :)

> >

> > a true teacher

> > takes what you do not have

> > and gives you

> > what is always yours.

> >

> > this is why

> > the sage

> > does his work

> > and slips away

> > unperceived.

> >

> > real masters are like thieves:

> > only the ones caught

> > are known.

> > the best ones

> > remain

> > hidden.

> >

> > yet their blessed presence

> > though unrecognized,

> > continuously sustains

> > the world.

> >

> > BOOM!

> >

> > _()_

> > yosy


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Dear Cliff,


Welcome to the Sangha.


Namaste and love to all



, " Clifford Shack "

<cliff_shack wrote:


> Thank you. Thank you all. I feel welcome here.



> , Jill Eggers <eggersj@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Cliff, I also have a little picture of Ramana taped to the side

> of

> > my computer on my desk. It has been there for years. I was nice

> to

> > read your email. :)

> >

> > Jill

> >

> > On Jan 15, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Cliff Shack wrote:

> >

> > > A minute before receiving this e-mail I was looking at a picture

> of

> > > Ramana that I have pasted to a hidden spot on a wall, on the

> side

> > > of my desk, at work. I was marvelling how Ramana's face emanated

> my

> > > self though the picture was taken so many years ago. Now does

> not

> > > change. I was wondering if people often use his photos as

> Darshan.

> > > I wondered why I didn't gaze upon the picture until I was steady

> in

> > > my self. Then your email came. I became aware of Ramana's

> presence.

> > > I felt wonder. I cried. Thank you.

> > >

> > > harshaimtm <harsha@> wrote:

> > >

> > > There are many teachers and gurus. They are like candle lights and

> > > help specific individuals in darkness. But when the Sun itself is

> > > shining in the afternoon on everyone to illuminate their vision,

> no

> > > other light is needed.

> > >

> > > Guru Ramana is like that Sun whose grace pours forth on everyone.

> How

> > > amazing, is it not? The Sage of Arunachala, full of compassion,

> never

> > > claimed to be anything and yet gave the vision of the Self to

> humble

> > > devotees who did not know much and were without much learning.

> > >

> > > I recall the statement of one devotee from the early days about

> Sri

> > > Ramana, She said that " He used to make us like Him Self " .

> > >

> > > It has been said that a mere glance from a Sage of the caliber of

> Sri

> > > Ramana purifies the way of the soul.

> > >

> > > While there are plenty of yogis and gurus that blow hot air, make

> > > poses, and say grand things about themselves, Sri Ramana simply

> sat in

> > > silence.

> > >

> > > Who is a true Guru? The one who shows the disciple that He and the

> > > Disciple are identical in Self.

> > >

> > > Who can even compare to Sri Ramana?

> > >

> > > Namaste and love to all

> > > Harsha

> > >

> > > , Venugopal AK <akvenugopal@>

> > > > ***************

> > > > Often a Suru talks to a seeker, specific for his question or

> > > circumstances. If it is quoted out of context, it will result in

> > > confusion.

> > > >

> > > > Once a foreign devotee was present with Shri Nisargadatta

> Maharaj

> > > when some rural folk visited him. Shri Nisargadatta says to

> them " I am

> > > the greatest guru. I am greater than any Guru you have met. I am

> > > equivalent to Sri Krishna "

> > > > The devotee cannot believe his ears. So he asks for a

> > > clarification. Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj says " That is not meant

> for

> > > you. It is specific for the villagers who met me " .

> > > > Regards

> > > > Venugopal

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox.

> Click

> > > here.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Mike,


Thank you for sharing. What a wonderful story. It shows good fortune

and grace. Thanks to Michael for asking.


Some subtle connection draws us to Ramana and the fascination with the

nature of truth holds us on the path of Self-Knowledge.


It is good to have all your company.


Namaste and love to all



, " ignatz468 " <mhodder wrote:


> Hi, Mike:


> I found your question hard because it forced me to put into words what

> I had usually just intuitively understood. I wasn't sure I understood

> it not because it was not a well crafted English sentence but because

> I wasn't sure what you meant by how I found my way to Sri Ramana. Had

> I simply read your words literally I might have understood them better!


> I believe I know what you meant, now I've read your explanation. I

> came across Sri Ramana Maharshi's life story in the course of

> inquiring how to put into practice what I know to be true. Along the

> way, I found an introduction to advaita and in it, Sri Ramana's name.

> I bought every book I could find by or about him written in English.


> Thank you most sincerely for your kindness and sharing and for what

> must be your sweet spirit, apparent even across the 'net and even to

> one who has never met you.


> Namaskars


> Mike Hodder


> , " Michael Bindel "

> <michael.bindel@> wrote:

> >

> > Perhaps a trifle harsh but understandable coming from a devotee. I

> > > might suggest that Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and such might

have a

> > > claim to having done a bit of good for their worlds and perhaps the

> > > planet, too. Whether contributions like theirs are outweighed by


> > > " far greater good " done by the unknown saintly good person is

> > beyond my

> > > ability to judge.

> > >

> > > Namaskars

> > > Mike Hodder

> >

> > Dear Mike

> >

> > thank you for your answer. I was astonished, really astonished, that

> you felt my question to be a " tough " one and that you doubted, that

> you understood it....

> > So like always i reflected and asked my dear wife for her opinion.

> >

> > I am not a native english-speaker, which might be very easily

> recognized. Are you a native English speaker?

> > Maybe this is the source of superficial misunderstanding.

> >

> > Due to my intuition i feel that my question hit the point....

> >

> > So let me please explain why i asked it:

> >

> > you wrote in your email

> > Perhaps a trifle harsh but understandable coming from a devotee. I

> > > might suggest that Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and such might

have a

> > > claim to having done a bit of good for their worlds and perhaps the

> > > planet, too. Whether contributions like theirs are outweighed by


> > > " far greater good " done by the unknown saintly good person is

> > beyond my

> > > ability to judge.

> > >

> > > Namaskars

> > > Mike Hodder

> >

> > it is NOT a question of " judging " its a question of deep inner


> > And this topic is one of the central topics on the " way back home "

> -like michael bindel likes to call his sadhana...

> >

> > Because you had the courage to send your comment to THIS HIGHLY

> IMPORTANT TOPIC in my opinion - which i do apreciate very much indeed!

> - and reading your comment, especially your stating.... it is beyond

> my ability to judge - that i was touched and reacted; what dear one is

> nowadays very seldom in michaels life. (in comparision my earlier

> development)

> >

> > when you have tried with all your inner and outer power to get to

> the root of what " life is all about " and had to endure suffering and

> disappointments en masse (normal on the way! and absolute necessary!)

> you discover that the outer world is " just a dream "

> > and that REAL LIFE is always inside ourselves and in the way we do

> react to outside experiences....

> >

> > I simply wanted to know " how " you discovered Advaita and Sri Ramana

> Maharshi....how you realized that " normal " life is not any more

> satisfying your inner urges for Clarity Wisdom TRUTH

> >

> > In this life my journey to GD LOVE - what is the same for me - was a

> long one - because i did not accept anything less than complete


> > And only when complete surrender of " Ego " happens i fell LOVE and

> LOVE is not a " feeling " (feeling being part of Ego) BUT a state of BEING

> >

> > for those humans who want to reach TRUTH LOVE complete surrender,

> complete devotion, complete EFFORT to this is a absolute must - at

> least for me.

> > Everything less cannot be IT

> >

> > and it is IT

> >

> >

> > I AM WHO I AM Those wonderful words GD spoke to MOSES when he

> asked the Almighty what should i answer my and your people when they

> ask me what is your name and how to call YOU

> > I AM WHO I AM Sri Ramana Maharshi said that this NAME of S E L F

> GD this is the same! like LOVE

> > is even " more " tjhan the HOLY O M or A U ,M

> > because IN IT Sri Ramana stated the complete wisdom of

> sixthousand years of VEDIC wisdom is included

> >

> >

> > The world being a " Illusion " " maya " or whatever humans want to call

> it is THE STAGE where we all have to aim at living our inner truth


> >

> > is this not a wonderful light to follow all our existence, dear Mike?

> >

> > Due to GRACE i was able to " meet " SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI and to feel


> >

> > with this i mean

> >

> > Ramanas history is known till its smallest deatil

> >


> >

> > michael bindel calls this AUTHENTICITY

> >

> > and therefore THE LIGHT OF SELF has to be followed, if we want to

> reach the state of authenticity ourselves.

> >

> >

> > Thank you for your contribution and your time

> >

> > yours in Ramana

> >

> >

> > michael bindel

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -

> > ignatz468

> >

> > Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:26 PM

> > Re:Query from " The Path of

> Sri Ramana "

> >

> >

> > Michael:

> >

> > You ask a tough question! I'm not certain I understand what you mean

> > by a way to Sri Ramana Maharshi. I take him to have been one who

> > realized who he really was and lived that understanding until his

> > physical body stopped functioning. I don't see him as THE goal,

> > although who he really was is THE goal, but rather more as one of

> > those who discovered who he really was.

> >

> > Perhaps this might make my answer more understandable. In my


> > I have Sri Ramana Maharshi's biography, poetry, and transcribed

> > sayings alongside those of Sri Ramakrishna and the Pali

tripitaka. For

> > me, they are all guides to how others lived what they knew. I

can say,

> > however, that of all of them Sri Ramana Maharshi is the one with


> > I'd have liked to have sat with and been around. He seems in his

> > photos to be extremely approachable.

> >

> > Namaskars

> >

> > Mike Hodder

> >

> > , " Michael Bindel "

> > <michael.bindel@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Mike Hodder

> > >

> > > thank you for your contribution.

> > > Could you tell us - if you do not mind - about your way to Sri

> > Ramana Maharshi?

> > >

> > > in Ramana

> > >

> > >

> > > michael bindel

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > michael hodder

> > >

> > > Cc: mhodder@

> > > Monday, January 14, 2008 3:56 PM

> > > Re:Query from " The Path of

> > Sri Ramana "

> > >

> > >

> > > > " It is unnecessary for the Reality to run after the world.

> Moreover,

> > > > according to the great truth discovered

> > > > and revealed by Sri Ramana Bhagavan, a good person leading a

> > simple yet

> > > > highly spiritual life and passing

> > > > away unknown to the world does far greater good to the world

> > than all the

> > > > political and social reformers

> > > > and all the platform-heroes of philosophy. "

> > >

> > > Perhaps a trifle harsh but understandable coming from a

devotee. I

> > > might suggest that Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and such might

> have a

> > > claim to having done a bit of good for their worlds and

perhaps the

> > > planet, too. Whether contributions like theirs are outweighed by

> the

> > > " far greater good " done by the unknown saintly good person is

> > beyond my

> > > ability to judge.

> > >

> > > Namaskars

> > > Mike Hodder

> > > ===============================

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > -------------------------

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.2/1223 - Release Date:

> > 13/01/2008 20.23

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.2/1224 - Release Date:

> 14/01/2008 17.39

> >


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vanakkam all,the "body" will go through what it has been designed to go through in this so called "life"... each of these bodies has its own level of comprehension of GOD, space and time...the importance of having the Grace of GOD cant be stressed enough because without the Grace, the spiritual quest will not even begin. here in this sangha, we come from various walks of life, each of us have different spiritual temperaments and also we are all at various levels of "spiritual evolution", so to speak...why exactly each of us are here cannot be deciphered by the human intellect...at the end of the day, as you are you see the world and you wont know how to see it any other way...yellaam Bhagawanukku samarpanamanbudanthe old mango treeharshaimtm wrote: Dear Mike, Thank you for sharing. What a wonderful story. It shows good fortune and grace. Thanks to Michael for asking. Some subtle connection draws us to Ramana and the fascination with the nature of truth holds us on the path of Self-Knowledge. It is good to have all your company. Namaste and love to all Harsha , "ignatz468" <mhodder wrote: > > Hi, Mike: > > I found your question hard because it forced me to put into words what > I had usually just intuitively understood. I wasn't sure I

understood > it not because it was not a well crafted English sentence but because > I wasn't sure what you meant by how I found my way to Sri Ramana. Had > I simply read your words literally I might have understood them better! > > I believe I know what you meant, now I've read your explanation. I > came across Sri Ramana Maharshi's life story in the course of > inquiring how to put into practice what I know to be true. Along the > way, I found an introduction to advaita and in it, Sri Ramana's name. > I bought every book I could find by or about him written in English. > > Thank you most sincerely for your kindness and sharing and for what > must be your sweet spirit, apparent even across the 'net and even to > one who has never met you. > > Namaskars > > Mike Hodder > > , "Michael Bindel" > <michael.bindel@> wrote: > > > > Perhaps a trifle harsh but understandable coming from a devotee. I > > > might suggest that Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and such might have a > > > claim to having done a bit of good for their worlds and perhaps the > > > planet, too. Whether contributions like theirs are outweighed by the > > > "far greater good" done by the unknown saintly good person is > > beyond my > > > ability to judge. > > > > > > Namaskars > > > Mike Hodder > > > > Dear Mike > > > > thank you for your answer. I was astonished, really astonished, that > you felt my question to be a "tough" one and that you doubted, that > you understood

it.... > > So like always i reflected and asked my dear wife for her opinion. > > > > I am not a native english-speaker, which might be very easily > recognized. Are you a native English speaker? > > Maybe this is the source of superficial misunderstanding. > > > > Due to my intuition i feel that my question hit the point.... > > > > So let me please explain why i asked it: > > > > you wrote in your email > > Perhaps a trifle harsh but understandable coming from a devotee. I > > > might suggest that Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and such might have a > > > claim to having done a bit of good for their worlds and perhaps the > > > planet, too. Whether contributions like theirs are outweighed by the > > > "far greater good" done by the unknown saintly good person is > > beyond my

> > > ability to judge. > > > > > > Namaskars > > > Mike Hodder > > > > it is NOT a question of "judging" its a question of deep inner feeling. > > And this topic is one of the central topics on the "way back home" > -like michael bindel likes to call his sadhana... > > > > Because you had the courage to send your comment to THIS HIGHLY > IMPORTANT TOPIC in my opinion - which i do apreciate very much indeed! > - and reading your comment, especially your stating.... it is beyond > my ability to judge - that i was touched and reacted; what dear one is > nowadays very seldom in michaels life. (in comparision my earlier > development) > > > > when you have tried with all your inner and outer power to get to > the root of what "life is all about" and had to endure suffering and > disappointments en

masse (normal on the way! and absolute necessary!) > you discover that the outer world is "just a dream" > > and that REAL LIFE is always inside ourselves and in the way we do > react to outside experiences.... > > > > I simply wanted to know "how" you discovered Advaita and Sri Ramana > Maharshi....how you realized that "normal" life is not any more > satisfying your inner urges for Clarity Wisdom TRUTH > > > > In this life my journey to GD LOVE - what is the same for me - was a > long one - because i did not accept anything less than complete > AUTHENTICITY. > > And only when complete surrender of "Ego" happens i fell LOVE and > LOVE is not a "feeling" (feeling being part of Ego) BUT a state of BEING > > > > for those humans who want to reach TRUTH LOVE complete surrender, > complete devotion, complete EFFORT to this is a

absolute must - at > least for me. > > Everything less cannot be IT > > > > and it is IT > > > > > > I AM WHO I AM Those wonderful words GD spoke to MOSES when he > asked the Almighty what should i answer my and your people when they > ask me what is your name and how to call YOU > > I AM WHO I AM Sri Ramana Maharshi said that this NAME of S E L F > GD this is the same! like LOVE > > is even "more" tjhan the HOLY O M or A U ,M > > because IN IT Sri Ramana stated the complete wisdom of > sixthousand years of VEDIC wisdom is included > > > > > > The world being a "Illusionmaya" or whatever humans want to call > it is THE STAGE where we all have to aim at living our inner truth > > LIVING OUR INNER TRUTH > > > > is this not a wonderful light to

follow all our existence, dear Mike? > > > > Due to GRACE i was able to "meet" SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI and to feel > that IT WAS AND IT IS WHAT IT IS > > > > with this i mean > > > > Ramanas history is known till its smallest deatil > > > > HE LIVED WHAT WAS INSIDE HIM TILL HIS LAST BREATH > > > > michael bindel calls this AUTHENTICITY > > > > and therefore THE LIGHT OF SELF has to be followed, if we want to > reach the state of authenticity ourselves. > > > > > > Thank you for your contribution and your time > > > > yours in Ramana > > > > > > michael bindel > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > - > > ignatz468 > > > > Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:26 PM > > Re:Query from "The Path of > Sri Ramana" > > > > > > Michael: > > > > You ask a tough question! I'm not certain I understand what you mean > > by a way to Sri Ramana Maharshi. I take him to have been one who > > realized who he really was and lived that understanding until his > > physical body stopped functioning. I don't see him as THE goal, > > although who he really was is THE goal, but rather more as one of > > those who discovered who he really was. > > > > Perhaps this might make my answer more understandable. In my library, > > I have Sri Ramana Maharshi's biography, poetry, and transcribed

> > sayings alongside those of Sri Ramakrishna and the Pali tripitaka. For > > me, they are all guides to how others lived what they knew. I can say, > > however, that of all of them Sri Ramana Maharshi is the one with whom > > I'd have liked to have sat with and been around. He seems in his > > photos to be extremely approachable. > > > > Namaskars > > > > Mike Hodder > > > > , "Michael Bindel" > > <michael.bindel@> wrote: > > > > > > Dear Mike Hodder > > > > > > thank you for your contribution. > > > Could you tell us - if you do not mind - about your way to Sri > > Ramana Maharshi? > > > > > > in

Ramana > > > > > > > > > michael bindel > > > > > > > > > - > > > michael hodder > > > > > > Cc: mhodder@ > > > Monday, January 14, 2008 3:56 PM > > > Re:Query from "The Path of > > Sri Ramana" > > > > > > > > > > "It is unnecessary for the Reality to run after the world. > Moreover, > > > > according to the great truth discovered > > > > and revealed by Sri Ramana Bhagavan, a good person leading a > > simple yet > > > > highly spiritual life and passing > > > > away unknown to

the world does far greater good to the world > > than all the > > > > political and social reformers > > > > and all the platform-heroes of philosophy." > > > > > > Perhaps a trifle harsh but understandable coming from a devotee. I > > > might suggest that Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and such might > have a > > > claim to having done a bit of good for their worlds and perhaps the > > > planet, too. Whether contributions like theirs are outweighed by > the > > > "far greater good" done by the unknown saintly good person is > > beyond my > > > ability to judge. > > > > > > Namaskars > > > Mike Hodder > > > =============================== > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > ------------------------- > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.2/1223 - Release > > 13/01/2008 20.23 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------- > > > > > > > > > > Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.2/1224 - Release > 14/01/2008 17.39 > > > TAT TVAM ASI ...

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