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All beings long to he happy, always;

Happiness without a tinge of sorrow,

To enjoy a life of carefree days,

Taking no burden of thought for tomorrow.

When restless mind is at peace in deep sleep,

What angst of worry, grief or despair?

So happiness lies therein, buried deep.

How to find this treasure, awake, aware?

Ask the question, who am I, and from where?

That’s the essential means of the holy task,

So ending egotistic ‘me’ and ‘my’.

No pleasure endures in things of this Earth,

Enquire within, who hides behind the mask?

To regain that Selfhood we lost from birth.


To regain that Selfhood we lost from birth,

First consider well the cinema screen,

To understand that, warrants merited worth.

On the screen there appears a tense drama,

The film begins and we enjoy the show.

Fire, flood, sex, death, a vast panorama;

The screen’s unchanging, but the film is shadow.

The simile teaches, strange as it may be,

That both seer and seen make up the mind,

On Consciousness as screen, all action is based.

To know that is true, is the clue to be free,

A guiding beacon very rare to find.

That’s the Sage wisdom by which we are graced.


That’s the Sage wisdom by which we are graced.

We’re taught the silver screen as a metaphor.

Seated in theatre stalls, now we are placed,

To proceed with clarity and question some more.

The bright theatre lamp is the light supreme,

Illuminating both actors and the scene.

We see stage and play only by light,

Yet when action ends, the lamp remains bright.

Just as woven cloth and its colour white

Are never, ever perceived as apart,

So with mind and light when both unite,

Form ego, knotted and bound in the heart.

Of all that we’ve ever learned since birth

This is the high wisdom proclaimed on Earth.



This is the high wisdom proclaimed on Earth,

How to make the mind merge back in its source?

Only by enquiring with all of one’s force,

The central question regarding its birth,

The ultimate scrutiny of ‘Who Am I’?

As thoughts froth forth like waves on the ocean,

They’ll all be slain by such introspection,

Unveiling the Self, the lost inward eye.

Pearls lay buried on the deep sea floor,

Attracting divers to search for this goal.

Holding their breath they plunge to the core

Of the ocean bed, for the oyster’s pearl soul.

To gain this gem in the heart’s sacred place,

Just seek for the source where the mind’s based.


Just seek for the source where the mind’s based.

You travel alone on a mystery train;

By this metaphor we’re comfortably placed,

To travel by providence, free from pai

So put all your heavy baggage on the rack,

Only a fool would carry it on his head!

Be glad, accept the predestined track,

Rest quietly, safe at home on your bed!

Surrender in joyful jubilation!

Surrender utterly to God’s mighty will,

Surrender with total resignation,

Surrender knowing that all is well,

Surrender whole heartedly with one accord,

Take refuge in the all loving Lord!


Take refuge in the all loving Lord!

For life’s a dream and sleeping dreams are short,

The waking dream is long; both stem from mental thought.

The Real is beyond both this waking and sleep.

The sword of enquiry slays dream states deep,

So reaching their substratum, numinous,

The state of pure consciousness, Self luminous!

Blissfully aware, yet awake in sleep.

As the cockerel crows ready to sup,

At the radiant dawn of first morning light,

Awareness pours into the near empty cup,

Granting a moment’s taste of Self insight.

This light is the eye that forever sees,

Who can be known by enquiring ‘who frees?’


Who can be known by enquiring ‘who frees?’

The Master who lives in the cave of the heart,

Not separate from one’s Self, being the start,

Of the final search from bondage to release.

The Sage appears when the soul is ready,

With strong gaze of grace he says “be aware

That God and his wisdom are ever there!”

He acts as a brake to make the mind steady,

While mercy flows freely in sunshine and air,

Hindered only by one’s incapacity.

If you come to him, meekly with empty cup,

His grace is then bound to fill it up.

The Master’s glance is the grace of the Lord,

He cuts you free with his mighty sword.


He cuts you loose with his mighty sword,

To gently guide you, on the mountain path,

To Self Realisation, the blissful truth.

Consummation of that, the Sage’s word,

Is “rest in the Self, that which IS is peace!”

In him, place our trust and our firm faith,

As certainty! Our true nature goes forth,

Removing offending tendrils of mind,

Revealing great peace, one’s fulfilment of hope,

Renouncing belief that a snake is a rope.

The seeker surely becomes ‘the great find’,

His own blissful being, the summit in kind,

One with the Self, as the Absolute sees.


To be One with the Self, the Master says,

We must first enter that dear sacred part;

Not the fleshy pump that throbs in the left,

But the pulsating core, our home ‘as it is’,

That we find on the right, there’s the real Heart!

By harnessing breath, being adept and deft,

We dive with great skill and all of our might,

To unveil the Self of limitless light.

There dwelling in depths of our dear Heart’s cave,

Lives shining ‘Unity’ blazing as Self,

Pulsation of I-I, where shadows cease.

So fixing gaze there, finally, off we stave,

Perverted, wandering, demonic mind elf,

Returning to ‘That’, our birthright of peace.


Returning to ‘That’, our birthright of peace,

Is knowing that all this vile body performs

Was predestined before it ever took form.

So from stress, despair and fretting, pray cease!

Our freedom dwells in our natural State,

Renouncing the ‘I Am The Doer’ notion,

Detached from fruit of form’s puppet motion,

Yet grace can avert even predestined fate!

Be like a skilled actor on this stage of strife!

Play with goodwill the part you’ve been given,

No matter how strangely you find you are driven,

Knowing who, truly you are, in this life.

Until fate pulls down the final curtain,

Know you’re Self not body, know that is certain!


Know you’re Self not body, know that is certain!

In this Realisation, there’s no cause to leave home,

You can strive in the city, there’s no need to roam.

To change style of life would all be in vain,

For mind remains with you, until it is slain.

Demonic ghost ego, source and fabric of thought

Create body and world, whereby we are caught.

Change of place, never changed the way we behave,

Whether living at home, in the forest or cave.

There are two ways by which our bonds may be freed:

Either ask “to whom is this strange fate decreed?”

Or surrender false ‘me’ to be then stricken down,

So praying intensely for ‘my will’ to cease,

We leave it to grace, to grant us release.


We leave it to grace, to grant us release.

God will do this through the gaze of his Sage,

He sends down His messenger for every age,

To those who yearn and pray for great peace.

The Realised Sage lives on here and now,

Without confusing the Self with the mind.

Humble, compassionate, loving and kind,

Wisely profound, as his way clearly shows.

He steers the vessel of his firm devotees,

Fulfilling everyone’s spiritual need.

In deep silence, he sits, with perfect ease,

To awaken those, whom his guidance well heed.

Graciously, his great glance of initiation,

Drives the mind inwards, to Self Realisation!


Driving the mind inwards, to Self Realisation,

He grants safe passage through life’s stormy ocean;

What frail soul will ever be excluded

From the presence of the holy Supreme?

No matter how depraved or deluded,

His mercy never ends, and will always redeem,

Raising the soul from the depth of depression,

To free one from the ‘I am this body’ obsession,

From passions that churn desire and aversion,

His fair wind, sends clear equanimity;

Enmeshed no more in worldly adversity,

Never perturbed by praise nor foul enmity,

We learn that there’s the greatest giving

In knowing all are the Self, and so truly living.


In knowing all are the Self, and so truly living,

We thank the great Sage who is ever giving.

We praise the Lord, who leads us to His holy feet,

His gracious gaze is eternally sweet,

And without ceasing, is forever giving,

He grants the freedom, which gladdens our living.

He severs the grip of bondage’s chains,

He frees the soul, where confusion reigns,

He bestows both compassion and deep peace,

He sends out his grace to grant us release.

He teaches the truth that Consciousness is all,

And Self Enquiry to raise us up from our fall.

We praise God Almighty whom is ever living,

This crown of my verses is our thanksgiving!


To regain that Selfhood we lost from birth,

That’s the Sage wisdom by which we are graced,

This is the high wisdom proclaimed on Earth.

Just seek for the source where mind is based.

Take refuge in the all loving Lord,

Who can be known by enquiring ‘who frees?’

He cuts you loose with his mighty sword,

One with the Self, as the Absolute sees.

Returning to ‘That’, our birthright of peace,

Know you’re Self, not body, know that is certain!

We leave it to grace, to grant us release.

He drives the mind inwards, to Self Realisation,

In knowing all are the Self, and so truly living,

This crown of my verses is our thanksgiving!


Alan Jacobs

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Dear Friends,


I found a few typos in the first posting. This is the corrected version.



--- Alan Jacobs <alanadamsjacobs wrote:




> All beings long to he happy, always;

> Happiness without a tinge of sorrow,

> To enjoy a life of carefree days,

> Taking no burden of thought for tomorrow.

> When restless mind is at peace in deep sleep,

> What angst of worry, grief or despair?

> So happiness lies therein, buried deep.

> How to find this treasure, awake, aware?

> Ask the question, who am I, and from where?

> That’s the essential means of the holy task,

> So ending egotistic ‘me’ and ‘my’.

> No pleasure endures in things of this Earth,

> Enquire within, who hides behind the mask?

> To regain that Selfhood we lost from birth.


> To regain that Selfhood we lost from birth,

> First consider well the cinema screen,

> To understand that, warrants merited worth.

> On the screen there appears a tense drama,

> The film begins and we enjoy the show.

> Fire, flood, sex, death, a vast panorama;

> The screen’s unchanging, but the film is shadow.

> The simile teaches, strange as it may be,

> That both seer and seen make up the mind,

> On Consciousness as screen, all action is based.

> To know that is true, is the clue to be free,

> A guiding beacon very rare to find.

> That’s the Sage wisdom by which we are graced.


> That’s the Sage wisdom by which we are graced.

> We’re taught the silver screen as a metaphor.

> Seated in theatre stalls, now we are placed,

> To proceed with clarity and question some more.

> The bright theatre lamp is the light supreme,

> Illuminating both actors and the scene.

> We see stage and play only by light,

> Yet when action ends, the lamp remains bright.

> Just as woven cloth and its colour white

> Are never, ever perceived as apart,

> So with mind and light when both unite,

> Form ego, knotted and bound in the heart.

> Of all that we’ve ever learned since birth

> This is the high wisdom proclaimed on Earth.



> This is the high wisdom proclaimed on Earth,

> How to make the mind merge back in its source?

> Only by enquiring with all of one’s force,

> The central question regarding its birth,

> The ultimate scrutiny of ‘Who Am I’?

> As thoughts froth forth like waves on the ocean,

> They’ll all be slain by such introspection,

> Unveiling the Self, the lost inward eye.

> Pearls lay buried on the deep sea floor,

> Attracting divers to search for this goal.

> Holding their breath they plunge to the core

> Of the ocean bed, for the oyster’s pearl soul.

> To gain this gem in the heart’s sacred place,

> Just seek for the source where the mind’s based.


> Just seek for the source where the mind’s based.

> You travel alone on a mystery train;

> By this metaphor we’re comfortably placed,

> To travel by providence, free from pain

> So put all your heavy baggage on the rack,

> Only a fool would carry it on his head!

> Be glad, accept the predestined track,

> Rest quietly, safe at home on your bed!

> Surrender in joyful jubilation!

> Surrender utterly to God’s mighty will,

> Surrender with total resignation,

> Surrender knowing that all is well,

> Surrender whole heartedly with one accord,

> Take refuge in the all loving Lord!


> Take refuge in the all loving Lord!

> For life’s a dream and sleeping dreams are short,

> The waking dream is long; both stem from mental thought.

> The Real is beyond both this waking and sleep.

> The sword of enquiry slays dream states deep,

> So reaching their substratum, numinous,

> The state of pure consciousness, Self luminous!

> Blissfully aware, yet awake in sleep.

> As the cockerel crows ready to sup,

> At the radiant dawn of first morning light,

> Awareness pours into the near empty cup,

> Granting a moment’s taste of Self insight.

> This light is the eye that forever sees,

> Who can be known by enquiring ‘who frees?’


> Who can be known by enquiring ‘who frees?’

> The Master who lives in the cave of the heart,

> Not separate from one’s Self, being the start,

> Of the final search from bondage to release.

> The Sage appears when the soul is ready,

> With strong gaze of grace he says “be aware

> That God and his wisdom are ever there!”

> He acts as a brake to make the mind steady,

> While mercy flows freely in sunshine and air,

> Hindered only by one’s incapacity.

> If you come to him, meekly with empty cup,

> His grace is then bound to fill it up.

> The Master’s glance is the grace of the Lord,

> He cuts you free with his mighty sword.


> He cuts you free with his mighty sword,

> To gently guide you, on the mountain path,

> To Self Realisation, the blissful truth.

> Consummation of that, the Sage’s word,

> Is “rest in the Self, that which IS is peace!”

> In him, place our trust and our firm faith,

> As certainty! Our true nature goes forth,

> Removing offending tendrils of mind,

> Revealing great peace, one’s fulfilment of hope,

> Affirming belief that the snake is a rope.

> The seeker surely becomes ‘the great find’,

> His own blissful being, the summit in kind,

> One with the Self, as the Absolute sees.


> To be One with the Self, the Master says,

> We must first enter that dear sacred part;

> Not the fleshy pump that throbs in the left,

> But the pulsating core, our home ‘as it is’,

> That we find on the right, there’s the real Heart!

> By harnessing breath, being adept and deft,

> We dive with great skill and all of our might,

> To unveil the Self of limitless light.

> There dwelling in depths of our dear Heart’s cave,

> Lives shining ‘Unity’ blazing as Self,

> Pulsation of I-I, where shadows cease.

> So fixing gaze there, finally, off we stave,

> Perverted, wandering, demonic mind elf,

> Returning to ‘That’, our birthright of peace.


> Returning to ‘That’, our birthright of peace,

> Is knowing that all this vile body performs

> Was predestined before it ever took form.

> So from stress, despair and fretting, pray cease!

> Our freedom dwells in our natural State,

> Renouncing the ‘I Am The Doer’ notion,

> Detached from fruit of form’s puppet motion,

> Yet grace can avert even predestined fate!

> Be like a skilled actor on this stage of strife!

> Play with goodwill the part you’ve been given,

> No matter how strangely you find you are driven,

> Knowing who, truly you are, in this life.

> Until fate pulls down the final curtain,

> Know you’re Self not body, know that is certain!


> Know you’re Self not body, know that is certain!

> In this Realisation, there’s no cause to leave home,

> You can strive in the city, there’s no need to roam.

> To change style of life would all be in vain,

> For mind remains with you, until it is slain.

> Demonic ghost ego, source and fabric of thought

> Create body and world, whereby we are caught.

> Change of place, never changed the way we behave,

> Whether living at home, in the forest or cave.

> There are two ways by which our bonds may be freed:

> Either ask “to whom is this strange fate decreed?”

> Or surrender false ‘me’ to be then stricken down,

> So praying intensely for ‘my will’ to cease,

> We leave it to grace, to grant us release.


> We leave it to grace, to grant us release.

> God will do this through the gaze of his Sage,

> He sends down His messenger for every age,

> To those who yearn and pray for great peace.

> The Realised Sage lives on here and now,

> Without confusing the Self with the mind.

> Humble, compassionate, loving and kind,

> Wisely profound, as his way clearly shows.

> He steers the vessel of his firm devotees,

> Fulfilling everyone’s spiritual need.

> In deep silence, he sits, with perfect ease,

> To awaken those, whom his guidance well heed.

> Graciously, his great glance of initiation,

> Drives the mind inwards, to Self Realisation!


> Driving the mind inwards, to Self Realisation,

> He grants safe passage through life’s stormy ocean;

> What frail soul will ever be excluded

> From the presence of the holy Supreme?

> No matter how depraved or deluded,

> His mercy never ends, and will always redeem,

> Raising the soul from the depth of depression,

> To free one from the ‘I am this body’ obsession,

> From passions that churn desire and aversion,

> His fair wind, sends clear equanimity;

> Enmeshed no more in worldly adversity,

> Never perturbed by praise nor foul enmity,

> We learn that there’s the greatest giving

> In knowing all are the Self, and so truly living.


> In knowing all are the Self, and so truly living,

> We thank the great Sage who is ever giving.

> We praise the Lord, who leads us to His holy feet,

> His gracious gaze is eternally sweet,

> And without ceasing, is forever giving,

> He grants the freedom, which gladdens our living.

> He severs the grip of bondage’s chains,

> He frees the soul, where confusion reigns,

> He bestows both compassion and deep peace,

> He sends out his grace to grant us release.

> He teaches the truth that Consciousness is all,

> And Self Enquiry to raise us up from our fall.

> We praise God Almighty whom is ever living,

> This crown of my verses is our thanksgiving!


> To regain that Selfhood we lost from birth,

> That’s the Sage wisdom by which we are graced,

> This is the high wisdom proclaimed on Earth.

> Just seek for the source where mind is based.

> Take refuge in the all loving Lord,

> Who can be known by enquiring ‘who frees?’

> He cuts you free with his mighty sword,

> One with the Self, as the Absolute sees.

> Returning to ‘That’, our birthright of peace,

> Know you’re Self, not body, know that is certain!

> We leave it to grace, to grant us release.

> He drives the mind inwards, to Self Realisation,

> In knowing all are the Self, and so truly living,

> This crown of my verses is our thanksgiving!


> Alan Jacobs





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Dear Alan


tku for sharing this wonderful sonnet with us.

I humbly ask for permission to forward it to those i know who might understand



in His Grace





Alan Jacobs

Saturday, April 19, 2008 6:39 PM






All beings long to he happy, always;

Happiness without a tinge of sorrow,

To enjoy a life of carefree days,

Taking no burden of thought for tomorrow.

When restless mind is at peace in deep sleep,

What angst of worry, grief or despair?

So happiness lies therein, buried deep.

How to find this treasure, awake, aware?

Ask the question, who am I, and from where?

That's the essential means of the holy task,

So ending egotistic 'me' and 'my'.

No pleasure endures in things of this Earth,

Enquire within, who hides behind the mask?

To regain that Selfhood we lost from birth.


To regain that Selfhood we lost from birth,

First consider well the cinema screen,

To understand that, warrants merited worth.

On the screen there appears a tense drama,

The film begins and we enjoy the show.

Fire, flood, sex, death, a vast panorama;

The screen's unchanging, but the film is shadow.

The simile teaches, strange as it may be,

That both seer and seen make up the mind,

On Consciousness as screen, all action is based.

To know that is true, is the clue to be free,

A guiding beacon very rare to find.

That's the Sage wisdom by which we are graced.


That's the Sage wisdom by which we are graced.

We're taught the silver screen as a metaphor.

Seated in theatre stalls, now we are placed,

To proceed with clarity and question some more.

The bright theatre lamp is the light supreme,

Illuminating both actors and the scene.

We see stage and play only by light,

Yet when action ends, the lamp remains bright.

Just as woven cloth and its colour white

Are never, ever perceived as apart,

So with mind and light when both unite,

Form ego, knotted and bound in the heart.

Of all that we've ever learned since birth

This is the high wisdom proclaimed on Earth.


This is the high wisdom proclaimed on Earth,

How to make the mind merge back in its source?

Only by enquiring with all of one's force,

The central question regarding its birth,

The ultimate scrutiny of 'Who Am I'?

As thoughts froth forth like waves on the ocean,

They'll all be slain by such introspection,

Unveiling the Self, the lost inward eye.

Pearls lay buried on the deep sea floor,

Attracting divers to search for this goal.

Holding their breath they plunge to the core

Of the ocean bed, for the oyster's pearl soul.

To gain this gem in the heart's sacred place,

Just seek for the source where the mind's based.


Just seek for the source where the mind's based.

You travel alone on a mystery train;

By this metaphor we're comfortably placed,

To travel by providence, free from pai

So put all your heavy baggage on the rack,

Only a fool would carry it on his head!

Be glad, accept the predestined track,

Rest quietly, safe at home on your bed!

Surrender in joyful jubilation!

Surrender utterly to God's mighty will,

Surrender with total resignation,

Surrender knowing that all is well,

Surrender whole heartedly with one accord,

Take refuge in the all loving Lord!


Take refuge in the all loving Lord!

For life's a dream and sleeping dreams are short,

The waking dream is long; both stem from mental thought.

The Real is beyond both this waking and sleep.

The sword of enquiry slays dream states deep,

So reaching their substratum, numinous,

The state of pure consciousness, Self luminous!

Blissfully aware, yet awake in sleep.

As the cockerel crows ready to sup,

At the radiant dawn of first morning light,

Awareness pours into the near empty cup,

Granting a moment's taste of Self insight.

This light is the eye that forever sees,

Who can be known by enquiring 'who frees?'


Who can be known by enquiring 'who frees?'

The Master who lives in the cave of the heart,

Not separate from one's Self, being the start,

Of the final search from bondage to release.

The Sage appears when the soul is ready,

With strong gaze of grace he says " be aware

That God and his wisdom are ever there! "

He acts as a brake to make the mind steady,

While mercy flows freely in sunshine and air,

Hindered only by one's incapacity.

If you come to him, meekly with empty cup,

His grace is then bound to fill it up.

The Master's glance is the grace of the Lord,

He cuts you free with his mighty sword.


He cuts you loose with his mighty sword,

To gently guide you, on the mountain path,

To Self Realisation, the blissful truth.

Consummation of that, the Sage's word,

Is " rest in the Self, that which IS is peace! "

In him, place our trust and our firm faith,

As certainty! Our true nature goes forth,

Removing offending tendrils of mind,

Revealing great peace, one's fulfilment of hope,

Renouncing belief that a snake is a rope.

The seeker surely becomes 'the great find',

His own blissful being, the summit in kind,

One with the Self, as the Absolute sees.


To be One with the Self, the Master says,

We must first enter that dear sacred part;

Not the fleshy pump that throbs in the left,

But the pulsating core, our home 'as it is',

That we find on the right, there's the real Heart!

By harnessing breath, being adept and deft,

We dive with great skill and all of our might,

To unveil the Self of limitless light.

There dwelling in depths of our dear Heart's cave,

Lives shining 'Unity' blazing as Self,

Pulsation of I-I, where shadows cease.

So fixing gaze there, finally, off we stave,

Perverted, wandering, demonic mind elf,

Returning to 'That', our birthright of peace.


Returning to 'That', our birthright of peace,

Is knowing that all this vile body performs

Was predestined before it ever took form.

So from stress, despair and fretting, pray cease!

Our freedom dwells in our natural State,

Renouncing the 'I Am The Doer' notion,

Detached from fruit of form's puppet motion,

Yet grace can avert even predestined fate!

Be like a skilled actor on this stage of strife!

Play with goodwill the part you've been given,

No matter how strangely you find you are driven,

Knowing who, truly you are, in this life.

Until fate pulls down the final curtain,

Know you're Self not body, know that is certain!


Know you're Self not body, know that is certain!

In this Realisation, there's no cause to leave home,

You can strive in the city, there's no need to roam.

To change style of life would all be in vain,

For mind remains with you, until it is slain.

Demonic ghost ego, source and fabric of thought

Create body and world, whereby we are caught.

Change of place, never changed the way we behave,

Whether living at home, in the forest or cave.

There are two ways by which our bonds may be freed:

Either ask " to whom is this strange fate decreed? "

Or surrender false 'me' to be then stricken down,

So praying intensely for 'my will' to cease,

We leave it to grace, to grant us release.


We leave it to grace, to grant us release.

God will do this through the gaze of his Sage,

He sends down His messenger for every age,

To those who yearn and pray for great peace.

The Realised Sage lives on here and now,

Without confusing the Self with the mind.

Humble, compassionate, loving and kind,

Wisely profound, as his way clearly shows.

He steers the vessel of his firm devotees,

Fulfilling everyone's spiritual need.

In deep silence, he sits, with perfect ease,

To awaken those, whom his guidance well heed.

Graciously, his great glance of initiation,

Drives the mind inwards, to Self Realisation!


Driving the mind inwards, to Self Realisation,

He grants safe passage through life's stormy ocean;

What frail soul will ever be excluded

From the presence of the holy Supreme?

No matter how depraved or deluded,

His mercy never ends, and will always redeem,

Raising the soul from the depth of depression,

To free one from the 'I am this body' obsession,

From passions that churn desire and aversion,

His fair wind, sends clear equanimity;

Enmeshed no more in worldly adversity,

Never perturbed by praise nor foul enmity,

We learn that there's the greatest giving

In knowing all are the Self, and so truly living.


In knowing all are the Self, and so truly living,

We thank the great Sage who is ever giving.

We praise the Lord, who leads us to His holy feet,

His gracious gaze is eternally sweet,

And without ceasing, is forever giving,

He grants the freedom, which gladdens our living.

He severs the grip of bondage's chains,

He frees the soul, where confusion reigns,

He bestows both compassion and deep peace,

He sends out his grace to grant us release.

He teaches the truth that Consciousness is all,

And Self Enquiry to raise us up from our fall.

We praise God Almighty whom is ever living,

This crown of my verses is our thanksgiving!


To regain that Selfhood we lost from birth,

That's the Sage wisdom by which we are graced,

This is the high wisdom proclaimed on Earth.

Just seek for the source where mind is based.

Take refuge in the all loving Lord,

Who can be known by enquiring 'who frees?'

He cuts you loose with his mighty sword,

One with the Self, as the Absolute sees.

Returning to 'That', our birthright of peace,

Know you're Self, not body, know that is certain!

We leave it to grace, to grant us release.

He drives the mind inwards, to Self Realisation,

In knowing all are the Self, and so truly living,

This crown of my verses is our thanksgiving!


Alan Jacobs










Checked by AVG.

Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.1/1385 - Release 18/04/2008





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Dear Michael,


Thanks for your appreciation. Yes, please forward it to whomever you wish.


All best wishes and warm regards,




--- Michael Bindel <michael.bindel wrote:


> Dear Alan


> tku for sharing this wonderful sonnet with us.

> I humbly ask for permission to forward it to those i know who might

> understand it.....


> in His Grace


> michael


> -

> Alan Jacobs


> Saturday, April 19, 2008 6:39 PM






> All beings long to he happy, always;

> Happiness without a tinge of sorrow,

> To enjoy a life of carefree days,

> Taking no burden of thought for tomorrow.

> When restless mind is at peace in deep sleep,

> What angst of worry, grief or despair?

> So happiness lies therein, buried deep.

> How to find this treasure, awake, aware?

> Ask the question, who am I, and from where?

> That's the essential means of the holy task,

> So ending egotistic 'me' and 'my'.

> No pleasure endures in things of this Earth,

> Enquire within, who hides behind the mask?

> To regain that Selfhood we lost from birth.


> To regain that Selfhood we lost from birth,

> First consider well the cinema screen,

> To understand that, warrants merited worth.

> On the screen there appears a tense drama,

> The film begins and we enjoy the show.

> Fire, flood, sex, death, a vast panorama;

> The screen's unchanging, but the film is shadow.

> The simile teaches, strange as it may be,

> That both seer and seen make up the mind,

> On Consciousness as screen, all action is based.

> To know that is true, is the clue to be free,

> A guiding beacon very rare to find.

> That's the Sage wisdom by which we are graced.


> That's the Sage wisdom by which we are graced.

> We're taught the silver screen as a metaphor.

> Seated in theatre stalls, now we are placed,

> To proceed with clarity and question some more.

> The bright theatre lamp is the light supreme,

> Illuminating both actors and the scene.

> We see stage and play only by light,

> Yet when action ends, the lamp remains bright.

> Just as woven cloth and its colour white

> Are never, ever perceived as apart,

> So with mind and light when both unite,

> Form ego, knotted and bound in the heart.

> Of all that we've ever learned since birth

> This is the high wisdom proclaimed on Earth.


> This is the high wisdom proclaimed on Earth,

> How to make the mind merge back in its source?

> Only by enquiring with all of one's force,

> The central question regarding its birth,

> The ultimate scrutiny of 'Who Am I'?

> As thoughts froth forth like waves on the ocean,

> They'll all be slain by such introspection,

> Unveiling the Self, the lost inward eye.

> Pearls lay buried on the deep sea floor,

> Attracting divers to search for this goal.

> Holding their breath they plunge to the core

> Of the ocean bed, for the oyster's pearl soul.

> To gain this gem in the heart's sacred place,

> Just seek for the source where the mind's based.


> Just seek for the source where the mind's based.

> You travel alone on a mystery train;

> By this metaphor we're comfortably placed,

> To travel by providence, free from pai

> So put all your heavy baggage on the rack,

> Only a fool would carry it on his head!

> Be glad, accept the predestined track,

> Rest quietly, safe at home on your bed!

> Surrender in joyful jubilation!

> Surrender utterly to God's mighty will,

> Surrender with total resignation,

> Surrender knowing that all is well,

> Surrender whole heartedly with one accord,

> Take refuge in the all loving Lord!


> Take refuge in the all loving Lord!

> For life's a dream and sleeping dreams are short,

> The waking dream is long; both stem from mental thought.

> The Real is beyond both this waking and sleep.

> The sword of enquiry slays dream states deep,

> So reaching their substratum, numinous,

> The state of pure consciousness, Self luminous!

> Blissfully aware, yet awake in sleep.

> As the cockerel crows ready to sup,

> At the radiant dawn of first morning light,

> Awareness pours into the near empty cup,

> Granting a moment's taste of Self insight.

> This light is the eye that forever sees,

> Who can be known by enquiring 'who frees?'


> Who can be known by enquiring 'who frees?'

> The Master who lives in the cave of the heart,

> Not separate from one's Self, being the start,

> Of the final search from bondage to release.

> The Sage appears when the soul is ready,

> With strong gaze of grace he says " be aware

> That God and his wisdom are ever there! "

> He acts as a brake to make the mind steady,

> While mercy flows freely in sunshine and air,

> Hindered only by one's incapacity.

> If you come to him, meekly with empty cup,

> His grace is then bound to fill it up.

> The Master's glance is the grace of the Lord,

> He cuts you free with his mighty sword.


> He cuts you loose with his mighty sword,

> To gently guide you, on the mountain path,

> To Self Realisation, the blissful truth.

> Consummation of that, the Sage's word,

> Is " rest in the Self, that which IS is peace! "

> In him, place our trust and our firm faith,

> As certainty! Our true nature goes forth,

> Removing offending tendrils of mind,

> Revealing great peace, one's fulfilment of hope,

> Renouncing belief that a snake is a rope.

> The seeker surely becomes 'the great find',

> His own blissful being, the summit in kind,

> One with the Self, as the Absolute sees.


> To be One with the Self, the Master says,

> We must first enter that dear sacred part;

> Not the fleshy pump that throbs in the left,

> But the pulsating core, our home 'as it is',

> That we find on the right, there's the real Heart!

> By harnessing breath, being adept and deft,

> We dive with great skill and all of our might,

> To unveil the Self of limitless light.

> There dwelling in depths of our dear Heart's cave,

> Lives shining 'Unity' blazing as Self,

> Pulsation of I-I, where shadows cease.

> So fixing gaze there, finally, off we stave,

> Perverted, wandering, demonic mind elf,

> Returning to 'That', our birthright of peace.


> Returning to 'That', our birthright of peace,

> Is knowing that all this vile body performs

> Was predestined before it ever took form.

> So from stress, despair and fretting, pray cease!

> Our freedom dwells in our natural State,

> Renouncing the 'I Am The Doer' notion,

> Detached from fruit of form's puppet motion,

> Yet grace can avert even predestined fate!

> Be like a skilled actor on this stage of strife!

> Play with goodwill the part you've been given,

> No matter how strangely you find you are driven,

> Knowing who, truly you are, in this life.

> Until fate pulls down the final curtain,

> Know you're Self not body, know that is certain!


> Know you're Self not body, know that is certain!

> In this Realisation, there's no cause to leave home,

> You can strive in the city, there's no need to roam.

> To change style of life would all be in vain,

> For mind remains with you, until it is slain.

> Demonic ghost ego, source and fabric of thought

> Create body and world, whereby we are caught.

> Change of place, never changed the way we behave,

> Whether living at home, in the forest or cave.

> There are two ways by which our bonds may be freed:

> Either ask " to whom is this strange fate decreed? "

> Or surrender false 'me' to be then stricken down,

> So praying intensely for 'my will' to cease,

> We leave it to grace, to grant us release.


> We leave it to grace, to grant us release.

> God will do this through the gaze of his Sage,

> He sends down His messenger for every age,

> To those who yearn and pray for great peace.

> The Realised Sage lives on here and now,

> Without confusing the Self with the mind.

> Humble, compassionate, loving and kind,

> Wisely profound, as his way clearly shows.

> He steers the vessel of his firm devotees,

> Fulfilling everyone's spiritual need.

> In deep silence, he sits, with perfect ease,

> To awaken those, whom his guidance well heed.

> Graciously, his great glance of initiation,

> Drives the mind inwards, to Self Realisation!


> Driving the mind inwards, to Self Realisation,

> He grants safe passage through life's stormy ocean;

> What frail soul will ever be excluded

> From the presence of the holy Supreme?

> No matter how depraved or deluded,

> His mercy never ends, and will always redeem,

> Raising the soul from the depth of depression,

> To free one from the 'I am this body' obsession,

> From passions that churn desire and aversion,

> His fair wind, sends clear equanimity;

> Enmeshed no more in worldly adversity,

> Never perturbed by praise nor foul enmity,

> We learn that there's the greatest giving

> In knowing all are the Self, and so truly living.


> In knowing all are the Self, and so truly living,

> We thank the great Sage who is ever giving.

> We praise the Lord, who leads us to His holy feet,

> His gracious gaze is eternally sweet,

> And without ceasing, is forever giving,

> He grants the freedom, which gladdens our living.

> He severs the grip of bondage's chains,

> He frees the soul, where confusion reigns,

> He bestows both compassion and deep peace,

> He sends out his grace to grant us release.

> He teaches the truth that Consciousness is all,

> And Self Enquiry to raise us up from our fall.

> We praise God Almighty whom is ever living,

> This crown of my verses is our thanksgiving!


> To regain that Selfhood we lost from birth,

> That's the Sage wisdom by which we are graced,

> This is the high wisdom proclaimed on Earth.

> Just seek for the source where mind is based.

> Take refuge in the all loving Lord,

> Who can be known by enquiring 'who frees?'

> He cuts you loose with his mighty sword,

> One with the Self, as the Absolute sees.

> Returning to 'That', our birthright of peace,

> Know you're Self, not body, know that is certain!

> We leave it to grace, to grant us release.

> He drives the mind inwards, to Self Realisation,

> In knowing all are the Self, and so truly living,

> This crown of my verses is our thanksgiving!


> Alan Jacobs












> Checked by AVG.

> Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.1/1385 - Release Date:

> 18/04/2008 9.30




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Guest guest

Michael Bindel wrote:


> Dear Alan


> tku for sharing this wonderful sonnet with us.

> I humbly ask for permission to forward it to those i know who might

> understand it.....


> in His Grace


> michael



> .


yes, dear alan, i like and appreciate your poetry too.

imho, it should be published in a book form. did you

publish anything?


happy pesah (passover) all,



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Dear Yosy,


I'm glad you enjoyed the Sonnets.


My first collection will be published this autumn by Matador.


Your yomtov greetings are heartily reciprocated,


All best wishes,




--- Yosy Flug <yosyflug wrote:


> Michael Bindel wrote:

> >

> > Dear Alan

> >

> > tku for sharing this wonderful sonnet with us.

> > I humbly ask for permission to forward it to those i know who might

> > understand it.....

> >

> > in His Grace

> >

> > michael

> >


> > .


> yes, dear alan, i like and appreciate your poetry too.

> imho, it should be published in a book form. did you

> publish anything?


> happy pesah (passover) all,


> yosy


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Dear Alan,


Send your picture and bio and we can feature you on the blog as an up an

coming poet! Maybe our dear Yosy can contribute some of his poetry along

with his picture and bio and we can put it up. What do you all say?


By the way, posting on the blog is wide open to the sangha members. Please

let me know if you are interested. Don't be shy!


Namaste and Love,




On Behalf Of Alan Jacobs

Sunday, April 20, 2008 10:36 AM




Dear Yosy,


I'm glad you enjoyed the Sonnets.


My first collection will be published this autumn by Matador.


Your yomtov greetings are heartily reciprocated,


All best wishes,




--- Yosy Flug <yosyflug wrote:


> Michael Bindel wrote:

> >

> > Dear Alan

> >

> > tku for sharing this wonderful sonnet with us.

> > I humbly ask for permission to forward it to those i know who might

> > understand it.....

> >

> > in His Grace

> >

> > michael

> >


> > .


> yes, dear alan, i like and appreciate your poetry too.

> imho, it should be published in a book form. did you

> publish anything?


> happy pesah (passover) all,


> yosy







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Dear Harsha,


I am open to the blog idea for my poetry as you know . I will folow your

suggestions in getting started. If Yosi wants to join, or anyone else, all

to the good. There is a photo of myself you can easily find on the Poet

Seers site. I am afraid I have no idea how to post a photo otherwise.

Hope this helps.


Namaste and love too,





--- Harsha wrote:


> Dear Alan,


> Send your picture and bio and we can feature you on the blog as an up an

> coming poet! Maybe our dear Yosy can contribute some of his poetry along

> with his picture and bio and we can put it up. What do you all say?


> By the way, posting on the blog is wide open to the sangha members.

> Please

> let me know if you are interested. Don't be shy!


> Namaste and Love,

> Harsha





> On Behalf Of Alan Jacobs

> Sunday, April 20, 2008 10:36 AM




> Dear Yosy,


> I'm glad you enjoyed the Sonnets.


> My first collection will be published this autumn by Matador.


> Your yomtov greetings are heartily reciprocated,


> All best wishes,


> Alan


> --- Yosy Flug <yosyflug wrote:


> > Michael Bindel wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Alan

> > >

> > > tku for sharing this wonderful sonnet with us.

> > > I humbly ask for permission to forward it to those i know who might

> > > understand it.....

> > >

> > > in His Grace

> > >

> > > michael

> > >

> >

> > > .

> >

> > yes, dear alan, i like and appreciate your poetry too.

> > imho, it should be published in a book form. did you

> > publish anything?

> >

> > happy pesah (passover) all,

> >

> > yosy

> >



> ---



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This would be good. Your poetry would be a good addition to Harsha's blog.


Om Arunachala,



, " Harsha " wrote:


> Dear Alan,


> Send your picture and bio and we can feature you on the blog as an up an

> coming poet! Maybe our dear Yosy can contribute some of his poetry along

> with his picture and bio and we can put it up. What do you all say?


> By the way, posting on the blog is wide open to the sangha members.


> let me know if you are interested. Don't be shy!


> Namaste and Love,

> Harsha





> On Behalf Of Alan Jacobs

> Sunday, April 20, 2008 10:36 AM




> Dear Yosy,


> I'm glad you enjoyed the Sonnets.


> My first collection will be published this autumn by Matador.


> Your yomtov greetings are heartily reciprocated,


> All best wishes,


> Alan


> --- Yosy Flug <yosyflug wrote:


> > Michael Bindel wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Alan

> > >

> > > tku for sharing this wonderful sonnet with us.

> > > I humbly ask for permission to forward it to those i know who might

> > > understand it.....

> > >

> > > in His Grace

> > >

> > > michael

> > >

> >

> > > .

> >

> > yes, dear alan, i like and appreciate your poetry too.

> > imho, it should be published in a book form. did you

> > publish anything?

> >

> > happy pesah (passover) all,

> >

> > yosy

> >



> ---



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Dear Richard,


Thanks. I am visiting Tiru for all November this year. Perhaps this time

we can meet up?


All best wishes and warm regards,





--- Richard Clarke <richard wrote:


> Alan,


> This would be good. Your poetry would be a good addition to Harsha's

> blog.


> Om Arunachala,

> Richard


> , " Harsha " wrote:

> >

> > Dear Alan,

> >

> > Send your picture and bio and we can feature you on the blog as an up

> an

> > coming poet! Maybe our dear Yosy can contribute some of his poetry

> along

> > with his picture and bio and we can put it up. What do you all say?

> >

> > By the way, posting on the blog is wide open to the sangha members.

> Please

> > let me know if you are interested. Don't be shy!

> >

> > Namaste and Love,

> > Harsha

> >

> >

> >


> > On Behalf Of Alan Jacobs

> > Sunday, April 20, 2008 10:36 AM

> >


> >

> > Dear Yosy,

> >

> > I'm glad you enjoyed the Sonnets.

> >

> > My first collection will be published this autumn by Matador.

> >

> > Your yomtov greetings are heartily reciprocated,

> >

> > All best wishes,

> >

> > Alan

> >

> > --- Yosy Flug <yosyflug wrote:

> >

> > > Michael Bindel wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Alan

> > > >

> > > > tku for sharing this wonderful sonnet with us.

> > > > I humbly ask for permission to forward it to those i know who

> might

> > > > understand it.....

> > > >

> > > > in His Grace

> > > >

> > > > michael

> > > >

> > >

> > > > .

> > >

> > > yes, dear alan, i like and appreciate your poetry too.

> > > imho, it should be published in a book form. did you

> > > publish anything?

> > >

> > > happy pesah (passover) all,

> > >

> > > yosy

> > >

> >

> >

> > ---

> >

> >

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