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Hi All,




Thought I have been reading books, hearing lot of devotional audio

songs which can move heart, have been praying daily, been around with

group of people, still I dont see any change in me. Everytime I

committ a mistake I feel guilty and then turn up to things like

books, the e-mails from the group, the songs etc. But again withing

few days end oup committing same mistake. Evil passions and desired

deep in my mind. I dont what to know from where all this is getting

originated, but how do we conquer them, how do we overcome them. This

is really killing me and bringing lot of pain and unpeacefulness.




I would be thankful, if any one can advise me and hope I get some

will power to not committ the same mistake.







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Dear Palani,


This is a difficult situation to find yourself in. We have all been there,

no doubt. Bhagavan says 'persist , and all will come right in the end'.See

the Chapter in Difficulties in David Godman's collection of Ramana's

utterances in 'Be As You Are'.


Vasanas are coming out, but they will weaken in time. Bear them with

equanimity, rather than judgementaly. The consolation is that the Self

knows exactly what to do and when and how to do it .


Patience is the great virtue, we need to learn. But persistence, and not

wilting, but relying on the eventual abundance of grace to arrive, is the

clue. Trust and have great faith in that great power, your own Self which

knows the way.


Bhagavan says 'surrender, if you need the Higher Power to help you'.


The nervous system has to be trained to bear the energy of awakening

gradually, or else it could be injurous. I hope others will give their

views to help you in your dilemna,


All love,


In His Grace,




--- ksrpal2002 <ksrpal2002 wrote:


> Hi All,




> Thought I have been reading books, hearing lot of devotional audio

> songs which can move heart, have been praying daily, been around with

> group of people, still I dont see any change in me. Everytime I

> committ a mistake I feel guilty and then turn up to things like

> books, the e-mails from the group, the songs etc. But again withing

> few days end oup committing same mistake. Evil passions and desired

> deep in my mind. I dont what to know from where all this is getting

> originated, but how do we conquer them, how do we overcome them. This

> is really killing me and bringing lot of pain and unpeacefulness.




> I would be thankful, if any one can advise me and hope I get some

> will power to not committ the same mistake.




> Thanks


> Palani




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Dear Palani,


Your post made me think of this account which I love. I too suffered

from excruciating guilt which haunted me for years until Bhagavan took

the burden. Maybe that is why this story moves me so much. (And if

guilt arises now, I imagine myself holding it like a package in my

hands, prostrating at his feet, and laying it there. As for repeating

things I know are wrong ... I just keep praying to him to live me.)


This is from the Krishna Bhikshu chapter in The Power of the Presence,

Part Three, by David Godman:


It was a summer evening, and we were all sitting outside in the open

space by the well. Suddenly one of the visitors started weeping bitterly.


'I am a horrible sinner. For a long time I have been coming to you,

but there is no change in me. Can I become pure at last? How long am I

to wait? When I am here near you, I am good for a time. But when I

leave this place, I become a beast again. You cannot imagine how bad I

can be -- hardly a human being. Am I to remain a sinner forever?'


'Why do you come to me? What have I to do with you?' demanded

Bhagavan. 'What is there between us that you should come here and weep

and cry in front of me?'


The man started moaning and crying even more, as if his heart were



'All my hopes of salvation are gone. You were my last refuge and you

say you have nothing to do with me! To whom shall I turn now? What am

I to do? To whom am I to go?'


Bhagavan watched him for some time and said, 'Am I your Guru that I

should be responsible for your salvation? Have I ever said that I am

your Master?'


'If you are not my Master, then who is? And who are you, if not my

Master? You are my Guru. You are my guardian angel. You must take pity

me and release me from my sins!'


He started sobbing and crying again.


We all sat silent, overcome with pity. Only Bhagavan looked alert and



'If I am your Guru, what are my fees? Surely you should pay me for my



'But you won't take anything,' cried the visitor. 'What can I give you?'


'Did I ever say that I don't take anything? And did you ever ask me

what you can give me?'


'If you would take, then ask me. There is nothing I would not give you.'


'All right. Now I am asking. Give me. What will you give me?'


'Take anything. Everything I have is yours.'


'Then give me all the good you have done in this world.'


'What good could I have done? I have not a single virtue to my credit.'


'You have promised to give. Now give. Don't talk of your credit. Just

give away all the good you have done in your past.'


'Yes, I shall give. But how does one give? Tell me how the giving is

done and I shall give.'


'Say like this: " All the good I have done in the past I am giving away

entirely to my Guru. Henceforth I have no merit from it nor have I any

concern with it. " Say it with your whole heart.'


'All right, Swami. " I am giving away to you all the good I have done

so far, if I have done any, and all its good effects. I am giving it

to you gladly, for you are my Master and you are asking me to give it

all away to you.'


'But this is not enough,' said Bhagavan sternly.


'I gave you all I have and all you asked me to give. I have nothing

more to give.'


'No, you have. Give me all your sins.'


The man looked wildly at Bhagavan, terror stricken.


'You do not know, Swami, what you are asking for. If you knew, you

would not ask me. If you take over my sins, your body will rot and

burn. You do not know me, you do not know my sins. Please do not ask

me for my sins.'


He wept bitterly.


'I shall look after myself. Don't you worry about me,' said Bhagavan.

'All I want from you is your sins.'


For a long time the bargain would not go through. The man refused to

part with his sins. But Bhagavan was adamant.


'Either give me your sins along with your merits, or keep both and

don't think of me as your Master. "


In the end the visitor's scruples broke down and he declared,

'Whatever sins I have done, they are no longer mine. All of them and

their results, too, belong to Ramana.'


Bhagavan seemed to be satisfied. 'From now on there is no good nor bad

in you. You are just pure. Go and do nothing, either good or bad.

Remain yourself. Remain what you are.'


A great peace fell over the man and over us all. No one knows what

happened to the fortunate visitor, for he was never seen in the ashram

again. He might have had no further need to come.


with love,





, " ksrpal2002 " <ksrpal2002



> Hi All,




> Thought I have been reading books, hearing lot of devotional audio

> songs which can move heart, have been praying daily, been around with

> group of people, still I dont see any change in me. Everytime I

> committ a mistake I feel guilty and then turn up to things like

> books, the e-mails from the group, the songs etc. But again withing

> few days end oup committing same mistake. Evil passions and desired

> deep in my mind. I dont what to know from where all this is getting

> originated, but how do we conquer them, how do we overcome them. This

> is really killing me and bringing lot of pain and unpeacefulness.




> I would be thankful, if any one can advise me and hope I get some

> will power to not committ the same mistake.




> Thanks


> Palani


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Dear Palani,


Your post made me think of this account which I love. I too suffered

from excruciating guilt which haunted me for years until Bhagavan took

the burden. Maybe that is why this story moves me so much. (And if

guilt arises now, I imagine myself holding it like a package in my

hands, prostrating at his feet, and laying it there. As for repeating

things I know are wrong ... I just keep praying to him to live me.)


This is from the Krishna Bhikshu chapter in The Power of the Presence,

Part Three, by David Godman:


It was a summer evening, and we were all sitting outside in the open

space by the well. Suddenly one of the visitors started weeping bitterly.


'I am a horrible sinner. For a long time I have been coming to you,

but there is no change in me. Can I become pure at last? How long am I

to wait? When I am here near you, I am good for a time. But when I

leave this place, I become a beast again. You cannot imagine how bad I

can be -- hardly a human being. Am I to remain a sinner forever?'


'Why do you come to me? What have I to do with you?' demanded

Bhagavan. 'What is there between us that you should come here and weep

and cry in front of me?'


The man started moaning and crying even more, as if his heart were



'All my hopes of salvation are gone. You were my last refuge and you

say you have nothing to do with me! To whom shall I turn now? What am

I to do? To whom am I to go?'


Bhagavan watched him for some time and said, 'Am I your Guru that I

should be responsible for your salvation? Have I ever said that I am

your Master?'


'If you are not my Master, then who is? And who are you, if not my

Master? You are my Guru. You are my guardian angel. You must take pity

me and release me from my sins!'


He started sobbing and crying again.


We all sat silent, overcome with pity. Only Bhagavan looked alert and



'If I am your Guru, what are my fees? Surely you should pay me for my



'But you won't take anything,' cried the visitor. 'What can I give you?'


'Did I ever say that I don't take anything? And did you ever ask me

what you can give me?'


'If you would take, then ask me. There is nothing I would not give you.'


'All right. Now I am asking. Give me. What will you give me?'


'Take anything. Everything I have is yours.'


'Then give me all the good you have done in this world.'


'What good could I have done? I have not a single virtue to my credit.'


'You have promised to give. Now give. Don't talk of your credit. Just

give away all the good you have done in your past.'


'Yes, I shall give. But how does one give? Tell me how the giving is

done and I shall give.'


'Say like this: " All the good I have done in the past I am giving away

entirely to my Guru. Henceforth I have no merit from it nor have I any

concern with it. " Say it with your whole heart.'


'All right, Swami. " I am giving away to you all the good I have done

so far, if I have done any, and all its good effects. I am giving it

to you gladly, for you are my Master and you are asking me to give it

all away to you.'


'But this is not enough,' said Bhagavan sternly.


'I gave you all I have and all you asked me to give. I have nothing

more to give.'


'No, you have. Give me all your sins.'


The man looked wildly at Bhagavan, terror stricken.


'You do not know, Swami, what you are asking for. If you knew, you

would not ask me. If you take over my sins, your body will rot and

burn. You do not know me, you do not know my sins. Please do not ask

me for my sins.'


He wept bitterly.


'I shall look after myself. Don't you worry about me,' said Bhagavan.

'All I want from you is your sins.'


For a long time the bargain would not go through. The man refused to

part with his sins. But Bhagavan was adamant.


'Either give me your sins along with your merits, or keep both and

don't think of me as your Master. "


In the end the visitor's scruples broke down and he declared,

'Whatever sins I have done, they are no longer mine. All of them and

their results, too, belong to Ramana.'


Bhagavan seemed to be satisfied. 'From now on there is no good nor bad

in you. You are just pure. Go and do nothing, either good or bad.

Remain yourself. Remain what you are.'


A great peace fell over the man and over us all. No one knows what

happened to the fortunate visitor, for he was never seen in the ashram

again. He might have had no further need to come.


with love,





, " ksrpal2002 " <ksrpal2002



> Hi All,




> Thought I have been reading books, hearing lot of devotional audio

> songs which can move heart, have been praying daily, been around with

> group of people, still I dont see any change in me. Everytime I

> committ a mistake I feel guilty and then turn up to things like

> books, the e-mails from the group, the songs etc. But again withing

> few days end oup committing same mistake. Evil passions and desired

> deep in my mind. I dont what to know from where all this is getting

> originated, but how do we conquer them, how do we overcome them. This

> is really killing me and bringing lot of pain and unpeacefulness.




> I would be thankful, if any one can advise me and hope I get some

> will power to not committ the same mistake.




> Thanks


> Palani


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" ksrpal2002 " <ksrpal2002 wrote:


> I would be thankful, if any one can advise me and hope I get some

> will power to not committ the same mistake.



Dear Palani:


I do not feel qualified to give any advice to anyone, but I can share

as a friend the way I " try " to deal with these kind of situations when

they present themselves.

It may not work for you, but apparently we both have nothing to loose

at the moment.


I try not to be so hard on myself, meaning I don't expect to change

completely on a fortnight.

For guilt matters and the like I try not to qualify actions as " evil "

or " bad " , guilt will grow on those qualifications.

All emotions that " bother " us have the root on a thought and manifest

at the physical level also, so I try to " locate " the emotion in my

body and also trace the thought that supports it.

Some emotions and lack of will have also a root in the body, not

enough sleep, too much sleep, food that is not good for us, some

hidden or evident unbalance or desease, I try to check this out.

Contrary to what you think (that I respect of course), I do believe

that knowing where objects, situations, thoughts, emotions and

you-name-it originates is of the utmost importance because it will

show us that everything originates in a sense of misplaced identity,

namely, we take ourselves to be the body-mind. And if that is not

enough, we even feel guilty about it!!

I try to be with people that will encourage me without indulging in my


Besides many other techniques, if nothing works, I turn my mind to, in

my case, Bhagavan Ramana (for you may be a different Guru, or Ishta

Devata, or the formless Self), and say: " Dear Bhagavan, this load is

very heavy indeed for me, I have been carrying it for a long time now

and did everything I could without success, I leave it at your feet

now, it's no longer mine, you taught me to do so, bye. "

It works...


In the end, endurance and patience are required at every step of all



Oh by the way, the fact that you are exposing yourself (I would say

your ego) in such a manner through this list maybe be a good sign that

something is about to change or changing already...


Good luck friend,

Yours in Bhagavan,


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" Commiting the same mistakes " . Man always lives life conventionally,

he never contemplates life, thinks and ponders about the hidden

motives that drive and lead him, he is oblivious to these driving

forces. When these forces are seen, surfaced to the surface of his

conscious mind or being, they are no longer hidden to him. When this

happens he can discover -for himself- the emotional root which is

triggered by the circumstances -which drives man.The circumstances

are usually thought forms, a conventional logic behind the emotional

root. What is the treatment? Another logic for the same

circumstances has to be discovered in order to balnce the sway of

the balnce away from the conventional logic, a logic that you

discover for yourself by contemplating life or an accepted and

trusted logic from a Master or a Guru like Ramana. A logic that you

believe in its explicit truth while the other conventional logic is

brabded -in your eyes as false. When your logic about the

circumstances that triggers your mistakes is balnced, the emotional

root will not be triggered and the driving force will be suspended

and comes to a halt. So you will not commit the same mistake

again.There is no self restrain, it is a change in your belief in

the logic that moves you, instead from being moved by the

conventional logic, now you are moved by another type of logic -what

I call the logic of the Truth. With persistance this logic of Truth

will balance the conventional logic and both drop away together. I

would like to mention here the example of Sri Ramana: " When your

hands are dirty, you use soap then the running water will wash the

dirt and the soap, and your hands become clean. "


, " ksrpal2002 " <ksrpal2002



> Hi All,




> Thought I have been reading books, hearing lot of devotional audio

> songs which can move heart, have been praying daily, been around


> group of people, still I dont see any change in me. Everytime I

> committ a mistake I feel guilty and then turn up to things like

> books, the e-mails from the group, the songs etc. But again


> few days end oup committing same mistake. Evil passions and


> deep in my mind. I dont what to know from where all this is


> originated, but how do we conquer them, how do we overcome them.


> is really killing me and bringing lot of pain and unpeacefulness.




> I would be thankful, if any one can advise me and hope I get some

> will power to not committ the same mistake.




> Thanks


> Palani


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Namaste Mourad

Namaste Palani


Mourad did explain in a logical and thoroughly way the mechanism which drives us

to repeat old habits, old socalled mistaked

Please " install " the observer in yourself, who watches everything which goes on

in your apparatus - mind, body, feeling, " love " and so on - without judging!

This observer is a must - at least imo - it helps sooo much to distance

ourselves from whats going on inside ourselves....


in Ramana







Saturday, May 03, 2008 12:18 PM

Re: Desire?




" Commiting the same mistakes " . Man always lives life conventionally,

he never contemplates life, thinks and ponders about the hidden

motives that drive and lead him, he is oblivious to these driving

forces. When these forces are seen, surfaced to the surface of his

conscious mind or being, they are no longer hidden to him. When this

happens he can discover -for himself- the emotional root which is

triggered by the circumstances -which drives man.The circumstances

are usually thought forms, a conventional logic behind the emotional

root. What is the treatment? Another logic for the same

circumstances has to be discovered in order to balnce the sway of

the balnce away from the conventional logic, a logic that you

discover for yourself by contemplating life or an accepted and

trusted logic from a Master or a Guru like Ramana. A logic that you

believe in its explicit truth while the other conventional logic is

brabded -in your eyes as false. When your logic about the

circumstances that triggers your mistakes is balnced, the emotional

root will not be triggered and the driving force will be suspended

and comes to a halt. So you will not commit the same mistake

again.There is no self restrain, it is a change in your belief in

the logic that moves you, instead from being moved by the

conventional logic, now you are moved by another type of logic -what

I call the logic of the Truth. With persistance this logic of Truth

will balance the conventional logic and both drop away together. I

would like to mention here the example of Sri Ramana: " When your

hands are dirty, you use soap then the running water will wash the

dirt and the soap, and your hands become clean. "


, " ksrpal2002 " <ksrpal2002



> Hi All,




> Thought I have been reading books, hearing lot of devotional audio

> songs which can move heart, have been praying daily, been around


> group of people, still I dont see any change in me. Everytime I

> committ a mistake I feel guilty and then turn up to things like

> books, the e-mails from the group, the songs etc. But again


> few days end oup committing same mistake. Evil passions and


> deep in my mind. I dont what to know from where all this is


> originated, but how do we conquer them, how do we overcome them.


> is really killing me and bringing lot of pain and unpeacefulness.




> I would be thankful, if any one can advise me and hope I get some

> will power to not committ the same mistake.




> Thanks


> Palani











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> Hi All,




> Thought I have been reading books, hearing lot of devotional audio

> songs which can move heart, have been praying daily, been around with

> group of people, still I dont see any change in me. Everytime I

> committ a mistake I feel guilty and then turn up to things like

> books, the e-mails from the group, the songs etc. But again withing

> few days end oup committing same mistake. Evil passions and desired

> deep in my mind. I dont what to know from where all this is getting

> originated, but how do we conquer them, how do we overcome them. This

> is really killing me and bringing lot of pain and unpeacefulness.




> I would be thankful, if any one can advise me and hope I get some

> will power to not committ the same mistake.


Desire is a butterfly

with crumpled wings


tangled in a web




With each twist and every turn,

strangle hold tightens.


A hungry spider watches.


Desire is a gaping hole with

fangs like a vampire

viced-jaws clamped

leeching life

down the drain.


Desire is a burning itch

that doesn't go away...


Flames lick

like lovers in heat

and passion bug bites

swelling body and soul...




" Scratch harder. Bite more!

Suck the juice out of us, you whore!

We're blistering with disease you gave us. "


Insidious trap.

Genius trap.


Tricks us into thinking

it's the cure to make it go away.


Stick. Stick. Sticky we stick.


We are flies on a floor

covered with emotional glue.


Why bother struggling to break free?


Could just wait for death for release...


I suppose I may

stick around for awhile.

Seems less futile.


Oh bitter sweet, Desire,

I love you too much to respond.


Let's be silent, together

in a still mist of truce

resting peacefully,

fulfilled in each other.


I want nothing.



(including any revenues associated with the rights to this poem I

wrote & copyrighted; take it, just take it... On me)

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Nice poem, David - I'd say some sort of desire remains around as long

as the body lives. At least in terms of telling you this, as if the

desire for 'others' vanishes I think others might vanish along with

it. The dream tends to follow desire, thought and attachment pretty



Doesn't mean we can't look at unnecessary desires (most of 'em,

really) and consider if it's worth the suffering they tend to

generate. Nisargadatta stated " freedom from desire means the

compulsion to satisfy is absent " , so that's yet another way of

looking at things.





, " David " <david.bozzi



> > Hi All,

> >

> >

> >

> > Thought I have been reading books, hearing lot of devotional


> > songs which can move heart, have been praying daily, been around


> > group of people, still I dont see any change in me. Everytime I

> > committ a mistake I feel guilty and then turn up to things like

> > books, the e-mails from the group, the songs etc. But again


> > few days end oup committing same mistake. Evil passions and


> > deep in my mind. I dont what to know from where all this is


> > originated, but how do we conquer them, how do we overcome them.


> > is really killing me and bringing lot of pain and unpeacefulness.

> >

> >

> >

> > I would be thankful, if any one can advise me and hope I get some

> > will power to not committ the same mistake.


> Desire is a butterfly

> with crumpled wings


> tangled in a web

> struggling,

> attached.


> With each twist and every turn,

> strangle hold tightens.


> A hungry spider watches.


> Desire is a gaping hole with

> fangs like a vampire

> viced-jaws clamped

> leeching life

> down the drain.


> Desire is a burning itch

> that doesn't go away...


> Flames lick

> like lovers in heat

> and passion bug bites

> swelling body and soul...


> Screaming.


> " Scratch harder. Bite more!

> Suck the juice out of us, you whore!

> We're blistering with disease you gave us. "


> Insidious trap.

> Genius trap.


> Tricks us into thinking

> it's the cure to make it go away.


> Stick. Stick. Sticky we stick.

> Immobilized.

> We are flies on a floor

> covered with emotional glue.


> Why bother struggling to break free?


> Could just wait for death for release...


> I suppose I may

> stick around for awhile.

> Seems less futile.


> Oh bitter sweet, Desire,

> I love you too much to respond.


> Let's be silent, together

> in a still mist of truce

> resting peacefully,

> fulfilled in each other.


> I want nothing.



> (including any revenues associated with the rights to this poem I

> wrote & copyrighted; take it, just take it... On me)


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Om Namo Bhagawate Sri Ramanaya!



I also suffer from these kind of feelings sometimes. so wanted to put this

before you.


Accepting things as they come may be the solution to this. Not judging things

, that this is good and this is bad. When we get mind into picture then only

problem arises.And if we start thinking that I (the ego) am the cause for

everything we start suffering . Just surrender and accept everything as it

comes. Let Go.


I felt like putting this before you. If there is any correction please anyone







David <david.bozzi wrote:

> Hi All,




> Thought I have been reading books, hearing lot of devotional audio

> songs which can move heart, have been praying daily, been around with

> group of people, still I dont see any change in me. Everytime I

> committ a mistake I feel guilty and then turn up to things like

> books, the e-mails from the group, the songs etc. But again withing

> few days end oup committing same mistake. Evil passions and desired

> deep in my mind. I dont what to know from where all this is getting

> originated, but how do we conquer them, how do we overcome them. This

> is really killing me and bringing lot of pain and unpeacefulness.




> I would be thankful, if any one can advise me and hope I get some

> will power to not committ the same mistake.


Desire is a butterfly

with crumpled wings


tangled in a web




With each twist and every turn,

strangle hold tightens.


A hungry spider watches.


Desire is a gaping hole with

fangs like a vampire

viced-jaws clamped

leeching life

down the drain.


Desire is a burning itch

that doesn't go away...


Flames lick

like lovers in heat

and passion bug bites

swelling body and soul...




" Scratch harder. Bite more!

Suck the juice out of us, you whore!

We're blistering with disease you gave us. "


Insidious trap.

Genius trap.


Tricks us into thinking

it's the cure to make it go away.


Stick. Stick. Sticky we stick.


We are flies on a floor

covered with emotional glue.


Why bother struggling to break free?


Could just wait for death for release...


I suppose I may

stick around for awhile.

Seems less futile.


Oh bitter sweet, Desire,

I love you too much to respond.


Let's be silent, together

in a still mist of truce

resting peacefully,

fulfilled in each other.


I want nothing.


(including any revenues associated with the rights to this poem I

wrote & copyrighted; take it, just take it... On me)








Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it.



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vanakkam shilpa!


when one is engaged in the process of internalising, there is no question of

" accepting things as they come " ...


when one is engaged in the process of internalising, there is no room for room

for judgement " that this is good and this is bad " either ...


the mind is essential in the process of internalising but it's The Grace that is

responsible for the illumination...


surrendering is vital...


Yellaam Bhagawanukku samarppanam




shilpa patnaik <shilpa_vizag2000 wrote:

Om Namo Bhagawate Sri Ramanaya!



I also suffer from these kind of feelings sometimes. so wanted to put this

before you.


Accepting things as they come may be the solution to this. Not judging things

, that this is good and this is bad. When we get mind into picture then only

problem arises.And if we start thinking that I (the ego) am the cause for

everything we start suffering . Just surrender and accept everything as it

comes. Let Go.


I felt like putting this before you. If there is any correction please anyone







David <david.bozzi wrote:

> Hi All,




> Thought I have been reading books, hearing lot of devotional audio

> songs which can move heart, have been praying daily, been around with

> group of people, still I dont see any change in me. Everytime I

> committ a mistake I feel guilty and then turn up to things like

> books, the e-mails from the group, the songs etc. But again withing

> few days end oup committing same mistake. Evil passions and desired

> deep in my mind. I dont what to know from where all this is getting

> originated, but how do we conquer them, how do we overcome them. This

> is really killing me and bringing lot of pain and unpeacefulness.




> I would be thankful, if any one can advise me and hope I get some

> will power to not committ the same mistake.


Desire is a butterfly

with crumpled wings


tangled in a web




With each twist and every turn,

strangle hold tightens.


A hungry spider watches.


Desire is a gaping hole with

fangs like a vampire

viced-jaws clamped

leeching life

down the drain.


Desire is a burning itch

that doesn't go away...


Flames lick

like lovers in heat

and passion bug bites

swelling body and soul...




" Scratch harder. Bite more!

Suck the juice out of us, you whore!

We're blistering with disease you gave us. "


Insidious trap.

Genius trap.


Tricks us into thinking

it's the cure to make it go away.


Stick. Stick. Sticky we stick.


We are flies on a floor

covered with emotional glue.


Why bother struggling to break free?


Could just wait for death for release...


I suppose I may

stick around for awhile.

Seems less futile.


Oh bitter sweet, Desire,

I love you too much to respond.


Let's be silent, together

in a still mist of truce

resting peacefully,

fulfilled in each other.


I want nothing.


(including any revenues associated with the rights to this poem I

wrote & copyrighted; take it, just take it... On me)


Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it.


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