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Spiritual practice / mouna

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, " upadesa " <maunna wrote:


> " Richard Clarke " <richard@> wrote:


> > What does matter I think is whether one

> > is 'building ego' or 'dissolving' ego.


> Dear All:


> This is the most essential and hardest thing in every so-called

> " spiritual practice " . And it's called Discrimination. Because ego

> likes " ritualistic " approaches as well as " in the moment "


> satasangas kind " all together now " as well as " mystic solitude " , and

> why is that? because ego, from one point of view is the sense of

> DOERSHIP, regardless of the action or the situation performed by the

> body-mind. Meaning, I am DOING ... (fill the blanks). One thing ego

> can't stand is investigation, and that is why is good to pass our

> so-called practice (in whichever form it is presenting itself)


> the threadmill of Self-Inquiry.

> As Tim said before, why not do it day by day, or even moment to

> moment, or it also can be done after some period of time when we


> that something is " not working " ...


> Yours in Bhagavan,

> Mouna

> ...





precisely. there is no 'ego' to get rid

of, merely an apparent identity, a bundle

of habits (vasanas). this " persona " is

superimposed by ignorance upon the boundless,

timeless and all-pervading self. upon persistent

and sincere investigation, it melts like a

morning mist when the sun rises, and the self

alone remains, perfect and whole as it ever is.


thank you, mouna amigo.







> Here is a good example of " practice " ... followed

very " methodically " .

> I suppose everybody will guess who wrote it:


> " When I met my Guru, he told me: " You are not what you take

> yourself to be. Find out what you are. Watch the sense 'I am', find

> your real Self. " I obeyed him, because I trusted him. I did as he


> me. All my spare time I would spend looking at myself in silence.


> what a difference it made, and how soon!


> My teacher told me to hold on to the sense 'I am' tenaciously and

> not to swerve from it even for a moment. I did my best to follow his

> advice and in a comparatively short time I realized within myself


> truth of his teaching. All I did was to remember his teaching, his

> face, his words constantly. This brought an end to the mind; in the

> stillness of the mind I saw myself as I am -- unbound.


> I simply followed (my teacher's) instruction which was to focus


> mind on pure being 'I am', and stay in it. I used to sit for hours

> together, with nothing but the 'I am' in my mind and soon peace and

> joy and a deep all-embracing love became my normal state. In it all

> disappeared -- myself, my Guru, the life I lived, the world around

> me. Only peace remained and unfathomable silence. "





yes. this is an excellent, correct and

(evidently) most effective instruction.




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