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Dialogue # 01

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A dialogue between a True Master & a Genuine Disciple


D: Master I know that I am living in a mirage world, but still I am

attached to this mirage world & proud with certain things in this mirage

world. Although my understanding is clear I am still hanging on here,

what is the way out?


M: Son, any degree of analysis or further understanding will take you

nowhere. The solution lies in appreciation, your appreciation to the

Divine that exists as a background in your mirage world is still in its



D: What do you mean by the Divine that exists in my life as a



M: Your appreciation is focused and centered on what makes you

conspicuous among others in this mirage world, that is why you fail to

see the Divine Graces that are present with you and seen in this mirage

world and without taking note that without these Divine Graces you would

not even have created your own mirage world.


D: What are the Divine Graces that you are talking about?


M: The Divine Graces are numerous and inexhaustible, but extremely

simple and very subtle to the extent that we do not take note of them

– unless we are deprived of them – because we take them for



D: Can you give me an example Master?


M: Sleep, can you bring yourself to sleep. Who is the Bringer of sleep?

Look for the rest of the Divine Graces yourself, my son.


D: Ok, I see what you mean. This is the first step –which knows the

Divine Graces- What next?


M: Appreciate these simple Graces and re-arrange your inner table of

priorities so that these Graces are the most important in your life and

rank top; otherwise if you are deprived of them, your life will be Hell.

Then, become like a little child with his mother, that is to say, a

child knows fully well that without his mother he is totally lost, so

the child always –with the corner of his eye- tries to keep his

mother in his sight otherwise if she disappears, he is lost. So always

with the corner of your eye, keep these Divine Graces in sight, until

they are ingrained in your consciousness to the extent that they

displace anything else in your consciousness.


D: What prevents me from appreciating these simple Divine Graces?


M: First is your lack of AWE from not abiding and neglecting these

Divine Graces, which originates from your lack of Empathy for others

that are deprived from these Divine Graces, because if you can fully

project and reach out your consciousness to live fully – even for a

single instant – any man who is deprived from just one of these

Divine Graces and fully experience the Hell he is passing through, then

your appreciation for these Graces will be maximized. Secondly, is your

riches that are ingrained in your consciousness which makes you think

that you lack nothing, mainly the richness of your understanding or any

other kind of riches that makes you think that you are protected and

immune in your mirage world therefore you do not need the Divine. Then

you will come to know fully that the only TRUE IMMUNITY AND PROTECTION

comes from abiding with these Divine Graces.


D: But Master, what you described seems a bit static and dull living!


M: You think in such a way because you are still hanging to the mirage

world of activity and passivity, but by continually witnessing and

abiding in the REALM of the Divine Graces, which keep on showering in

your life and in your experience every moment and this becomes more

deeply ingrained in your consciousness every moment a bit deeper till

finally you are fully convinced that this Divine Realm is the most

SUFFICING REALM there is, and there is nothing whatever MORE, then even

you will be displaced and erased from your consciousness –which is

no longer your consciousness but ABSOLUTE CONSCIOUSNESS.











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