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fwd Sat Chit Ananada

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: Namaste All,: : Brahman is considered to be the 'substrate' reality.: Substrate as in 'substance.' Due to the power of maya: (which is a power of Brahman), the universe of duality: comes into manifestation.: : Every aspect of that manifestation is, in the final: analysis, Brahman. This includes avidya (self-ignorance),: and self-knowledge as well. Thus Brahman is substrate,: the substance, of it all.: : The best analogy we have for this in duality is the dream: example, (which being an analogy is incomplete, but is useful: none the less).: : The dream comes from me, is sustained by me, and resolves: into me. The material of the dream is my being. All the: characters in the dream are my being. All of the scenery: is my being. There is nothing in the dream that is not my: being. My being is the 'substrate' reality of it all.: : I may appear to be a robber in the dream. I may appear to be a: celebrity. Everything, both good and bad, has come from my being,: including the ignorance (the avidya) that I, as character: in the dream, am having a dream.: : When I, as an individual, wake up in the morning after dreaming,: I realize that nothing has actually happened to me. Everything: in the dream was my being. My being was the substrate reality.: And I was untouched by it all.: : Best wishes,: D To further substantiate what you say here is a quote from Maharshi'sSankara and The Forty Verses. "The manifest is only an illusion. The silver seen in the substratum of the mother-of-pearl has no existence apart from it but is the mother-of-pearl itself similarly, manifestation has no existence apart from its substratum of Brahman. Whatever, oh sadhu, appears to the deluded as the manifested world of names and forms, on account of their ignorance and wrong knowledge, whatever objectivity appears as real, all this, when truly realized as it is, is the effect of Brahman, and is superimposed on the substratum of Brahman. Only owing to delusion it appears to be real and it is Brahman, its substratum, which appears to be superimposed on it. Really all these names and forms are nothing at all. They are a myth pure and simple and have no existence apart from their substratum of Brahman. They are nothing but the Being-Consciousness-Bliss which neither rises nor sets. If it were contended that the manifested world has any existence apart from Brahman, that would impair the infinity of Brahman. It would also contradict the authority of the Atharva Veda which declares in unequivocal terms "All this world is indeed Brahman". It would also make out the omniscient Lord as having uttered a falsehood when he said: "All these elements are not in Me. I, the Indivisible Whole, am not in them." kNondualitySalon/message/105677

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Dear Era,


Thanks for passing on your wisdom to us, so beautifully stated.


All love,


In His Grace,


Alan --- On Wed, 9/7/08, Era <mi_nok wrote:

Era <mi_nok fwd Sat Chit Ananada Date: Wednesday, 9 July, 2008, 11:49 AM



: Namaste All,: : Brahman is considered to be the 'substrate' reality.: Substrate as in 'substance.' Due to the power of maya: (which is a power of Brahman), the universe of duality: comes into manifestation.: : Every aspect of that manifestation is, in the final: analysis, Brahman. This includes avidya (self-ignorance) ,: and self-knowledge as well. Thus Brahman is substrate,: the substance, of it all.: : The best analogy we have for this in duality is the dream: example, (which being an analogy is incomplete, but is useful: none the less).: : The dream comes from me, is sustained by me, and resolves: into me. The material of the dream is my being. All the: characters in the dream are my being. All of the scenery:

is my being. There is nothing in the dream that is not my: being. My being is the 'substrate' reality of it all.: : I may appear to be a robber in the dream. I may appear to be a: celebrity. Everything, both good and bad, has come from my being,: including the ignorance (the avidya) that I, as character: in the dream, am having a dream.: : When I, as an individual, wake up in the morning after dreaming,: I realize that nothing has actually happened to me. Everything: in the dream was my being. My being was the substrate reality.: And I was untouched by it all.: : Best wishes,: D To further substantiate what you say here is a quote from Maharshi'sSankara and The Forty Verses. "The manifest is only an illusion. The silver seen in the substratum of the

mother-of-pearl has no existence apart from it but is the mother-of-pearl itself similarly, manifestation has no existence apart from its substratum of Brahman. Whatever, oh sadhu, appears to the deluded as the manifested world of names and forms, on account of their ignorance and wrong knowledge, whatever objectivity appears as real, all this, when truly realized as it is, is the effect of Brahman, and is superimposed on the substratum of Brahman. Only owing to delusion it appears to be real and it is Brahman, its substratum, which appears to be superimposed on it. Really all these names and forms are nothing at all. They are a myth pure and simple and have no existence apart from their substratum of Brahman. They are nothing but the Being-Consciousness -Bliss which neither rises nor sets. If it were contended that the manifested world has any existence apart from Brahman, that would impair the infinity of

Brahman. It would also contradict the authority of the Atharva Veda which declares in unequivocal terms "All this world is indeed Brahman". It would also make out the omniscient Lord as having uttered a falsehood when he said: "All these elements are not in Me. I, the Indivisible Whole, am not in them." khttp://groups. / group/Nonduality Salon/message/ 105677

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