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From Letters from Ramanasramam

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*Feb 19 1949

> **

> *A young man from Bangalore came here this morning for the

> *

> *first time and appeared anxious to ask something, but

> could not*

> *get an opportunity. At last at about 3 o'clock in the

> afternoon*

> *he approached Bhagavan and said, " Swami ! Which is

> better*

> *for meditation -- meditating with eyes closed or with eyes

> open ? " *

> **

> *Bhagavan (with a smile): " Is that your doubt ? Do it

> in whichever*

> *way it appears easier for you. " *

> **

> *Questioner: " If I keep my eyes open, all the outside

> things force*

> *themselves on my attention. " *

> **

> *Bhagavan: " Will they not appear even if you close

> your eyes ?*

> *We are sitting here. The mind sees ever so many things.

> It wanders*

> *to many places. " *

> **

> *Questioner: " Yes, Swami. That is true. You should

> therefore*

> *show us a way by which we could avoid seeing all those

> places, " *

> **

> *Bhagavan: " Everything comes out of ourselves. If we

> know our *

> *own SELF and remain still as we are, there is nothing

> else.*

> *Only if we are fickle-minded, everything comes upon

> us. " *

> **

> * The young man could not understand the significance of*

> *Bhagavan's words and so sat there absorbed in his own

> thoughts,*

> *downcast. Bhagavan's Heart melted on seeing him and *

> *addressing a devotee seated nearby, said, " Look ! If

> we are*

> *not existent, what is there outside to see ? The scenery

> that *

> *is shown in a cinema is within the reel of the film. It

> is wound*

> *round and round within the reel wherein it is merged. It

> can be seen*

> *only if and when a hall is hired, a curtain is erected, a

> light is*

> *projected across the reel and the reel is unwound. If

> all*

> *that paraphernalia is removed and the reel is again wound

> up,*

> *the scenery on the screen ceases to exist. The picture

> and*

> *the scenery are all from the reel only. The world also is

> like that.*

> *This body is like a rented house. The Jiva (individual

> soul) gets*

> *into it and enacts a drama. The breath of life is like a

> watchman*

> *at the gate. During sleep, the Jiva goes to his

> original place*

> *and, on the body waking, comes back. Meanwhile, so long

> as*

> *the watchman -- known as the breath of life -- is there,

> no one*

> *else can get inside the body. Usually when dogs or

> thieves*

> *find that there is a watchman, they run away saying there

> is*

> *someone at the gate. Otherwise they get in and do all

> sorts *

> *of damage. The house known as the body is also like

> that.*

> *Even if the Jiva is away, leaving the breath of life,

> all living*

> *beings first come close to see if there is breath of life

> in*

> *the body. If there is breath in the body, they say the

> owner*

> *is in and go away. If there is no inhaling and exhaling

> of breath,*

> *they get in and do whatever they please. When the Jiva

> *

> *does not like the house, he leaves it and he takes away*

> *with him the watchman also. He wanders from one house*

> *to another saying, this is no good and that is no good,*

> *until at last he feels disgusted and gives up houses and *

> *the life connected with them. He then realises that *

> *his own SELF is the best of all and, with an intensity of*

> *feeling, enquires about his own SELF, realises the Truth*

> *and stays within the SELF. When that happens,*

> *who is the seer ? " said Bhagavan.*

> **

> **

> * ************************************************

> **

> **

> * On behalf of the Ashram authorities, a senior devotee *

> *approached Bhagavan and asked him with great reverence:*

> * " They say that they will make the outer cover for

> the*

> * " Sri Chakra " of copper plate with silver

> coating, while*

> *we all feel it would be better for it to be made of *

> *pure silver. What is Bhagavan's advice in the matter

> ? " *


> *Bhagavan: " What have I to do with it ? It is all

> right in *

> *whatever way it is done. Both of you come to an

> unanimous*

> *decision and do that which you have decided as the

> best. " *


> *Enquirer: " Swami ! We wish to know what Bhagavan*

> *would like us to do. " *


> *Bhagavan: " That is exactly what I am saying. That

> which*

> *you all agree to do in mutual consultation will be to my

> liking.*

> *If both of you give different opinions, what can I do ?

> " *


> *Enquirer: " As we hold two different opinions, we are

> *

> *enquiring in order to find out what Bhagavan would*

> *like** best. " *

> **

> *Bhagavan: " Oh ! I see. You want to know what

> Bhagavan*

> *would like best ! What Bhagavan likes best is to remain

> silent*

> *without doing anything. If people with different

> opinions*

> *give up their Mouna (Silence) which is the Embodiment*

> *of Love, and come to me and say, 'We will do

> this,' and*

> *'We will do that' , and enquire of me what I like

> better of the*

> *two, what can I say ? If you all agree upon a course of

> action*

> *and then ask me for my opinion, I would then say it is*

> *all right. But, when you are of two opinions, why do you*

> *come to me and ask me which I like the better ?*

> **

> * What I like is, to know who I am and to remain as I

> am,*

> *with the knowledge that what is to happen will happen and*

> *what is not to happen will not happen. Is that not right

> ?*

> *Do you now understand what Bhagavan likes best ? " *

> **

> * So saying, Bhagavan assumed silence.*

> **


> pp.385-6, 384*

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