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Dear friends,


Here is a spiritual shareing from Sri V. Ganesan to share with you all, received




> Namaskar.

> The following quotations [ 'revelations' ] sent to

> me by dear brother JOHN


> is worth pondering over and meditated upon ! Take time,

> stay with each

> 'statement' and experience that each one of them is

> your own 'state' !

> True spirituality is experienced to be 'real'

> through such 'sharings' ;

> isn't it ?

> Love,

> Ganesan.



> * " To know that there is no separation, there are no

> limitations, and nothing

> is by chance is to know inner peace. To illustrate this,

> experience your

> innermost thoughts while listening to the silence; for it

> is in the silence

> that we will truly know the oneness that we are. To accept

> the truth of this

> oneness is to know that we are a magnificent expression of

> Love, which is

> life's energy. " *~ Laurie A. Monroe**


> **


> * " I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if

> one advances

> confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors

> to live the life

> which he has imagined, he will meet with a success

> unexpected in common

> hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an

> invisible boundary; new,

> universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish

> themselves around

> and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and

> interpreted in his favor in

> a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of

> a higher order of

> beings. In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws

> of the universe

> will appear less complex, and solitude will not be

> solitude, nor poverty

> poverty, nor weakness weakness. If you have built castles

> in the air, your

> work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now

> put the foundations

> under them.* " ~ Henry David Thoreau


> * " The intellect has little to do on the road to

> discovery. There comes a

> leap in consciousness, call it Intuition or what you will,

> the solution

> comes to you and you don't know how or why. " ~*

> Albert Einstein*


> *


> * " Now he has departed from this strange world a

> little ahead of me. That

> means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know

> that the

> distinction between past, present and future is only a

> stubbornly persistent

> illusion. " ~* Albert Einstein**




> * " Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more

> complex, and more

> violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage

> -- to move in

> the opposite direction. " ~* Albert Einstein**


> **


> * " Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very

> persistent one. " ~* Albert

> Einstein**


> **


> * " You must be the change you want to see in the

> world. " * *~* Mahatma Gandhi




> * " There are only two ways to live your life. One is

> as though nothing is a

> miracle. The other is as though everything is a

> miracle. " ~* Albert Einstein

> **


> **


> * " Great spirits have always found violent opposition

> from mediocrities. The

> latter cannot understand it when a man does not

> thoughtlessly submit to

> hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses

> his intelligence. "

> ~* Albert Einstein**


> **


> * " Science without religion is lame. Religion without

> science is

> blind. " ~* Albert

> Einstein**


> **


> * " The only thing that interferes with my learning is

> my education. " ~* Albert

> Einstein**


> **


> * " The only real valuable thing is intuition. " ~*

> Albert Einstein**


> **


> * " It would be possible to describe everything

> scientifically, but it would

> make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you

> described a Beethoven

> symphony as a variation of wave pressure. " ~* Albert

> Einstein**


> **


> * " You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not

> the only one. I hope someday

> you'll join us,

> and the world will be as one " *~ John Lennon**


> **


> * " That which sees through the eye but whom the eye

> sees not; that is the

> Atman. " ~ *Mundaka Upanishad*


> *


> * " Be still and know, I am God " * ~ Jesus Christ




> * " 'I exist' is the only permanent self-evident

> experience of everyone.

> Nothing else is as self-evident as 'I am'. What

> people call self-evident,

> that is, the experience they get through the senses is far

> from

> self-evident. The Self alone is that. So to do

> self-enquiry and be that 'I

> am' is the only thing to do. 'I am' is reality.

> I am this or that is unreal.

> 'I am' is truth, another name for Self. " *~

> Ramana Maharshi





> * " There is no greater mystery than this, that we keep

> seeking reality though

> in fact we are reality. We think that there is something

> hiding reality

> and that this must be destroyed before reality is gained.

> How ridiculous!

> A day will dawn when you will laugh at all your past

> efforts. That which

> will be the day you laugh is also here and now. " *


> ~ Ramana Maharshi




> * " The 'Here' is everywhere and the

> 'Now' - always. Go beyond 'I - am - the -

> body' idea and will find that space and time are in you

> and not you in space

> and time. Once you have understood this, the main obstacle

> to realization is

> removed " * ~ Nisargadhta Maharaj



> * " Synchronistic events provide an immediate religious

> experience as a direct

> encounter with the compensatory patterning of events in

> nature as a whole,

> both inwardly and outwardly. " * ~ Carl G. Jung




> * " They (Synchronicities) demonstrate the unity of

> psyche and matter,

> forcing us to transcend our rational, scientific,

> materialistic attitudes. " * ~

> Mansfield


> " *I feel within me a peace above all earthly

> dignities, a still and quiet

> conscience. " ~ *William Shakespeare**




> * " I cannot be awake for nothing looks to me as it did

> before, Or else I am

> awake for the first time, and all before has been a mean

> sleep. " *~ Walt

> Whitman

> <http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/w/waltwhitma146864.html>




> * " Increasing evidence is demonstrating that ESP does

> exist, but it cannot be

> explained or quantified by physical laws; and furthermore,

> that the mind

> (consciousness) and the brain are two separate entities.

> Simultaneously,

> research in quantum physics points to the existence of a

> second, nonmaterial

> universe. So, the time is fast approaching when Western

> scientists must come

> to terms with the Eastern mystical concept: 'that an

> extrasensory force

> exists in another reality, and intersects and integrates

> with the physical

> world' " . *~ Mystica




> *The most beautiful thing we can experience is the

> mysterious. It is the

> source of all true art and science. ~* Albert Einstein**




> * " To the mind that is still, the whole universe

> surrenders. " *~ Lao-tzu



> * " With Synchronicity, all the resources we need are

> made available to us at

> the precise moment that is appropriate. The people who come

> into our lives

> are the ones we need at that moment in time. Everything is

> perfect. We only

> need to recognize this to tune in to the flow.*


> **






> Right PlaceAt the Right Time,

> Doing the Right Thing,

> With the Right People,

> For the Right Reason,

> Everything is Perfect.

> You Can Have the Right Results!

> All you need is a Right Heart & Mind…an Open Heart

> & Mind


> AND Remember to keep your Eyes Open too!


> Everything happens for a Reason and Every Experience is a

> Learning

> Experience. "


> **


> *~ *Alex Chua


> * " Any sort of survival (non-physical existence) holds

> such significance for

> human thinking and feeling as to dwarf almost all other

> scientific

> discoveries. " * ~ J B Rhine**

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