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[Poetry Chaikhana] Juan Ramon Jimenez - Full Consciousness

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Here is a beautiful poem to ponder on over what I trust will be an auspicious week end for all. This poem is posted by kind permission of Ivan Granger. If you join his site you can access many mystical poets, most of whom are Non-dual.

Music and photography are also included.


Love to all,


Alan --- On Fri, 19/9/08, Poetry Chaikhana <ivan wrote:

Poetry Chaikhana <ivan[Poetry Chaikhana] Juan Ramon Jimenez - Full ConsciousnessalanadamsjacobsDate: Friday, 19 September, 2008, 5:00 PM


Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --






Full Consciousness

By Juan Ramon Jimenez(1881 - 1958)

English version by Robert Bly

You are carrying me, full consciousness, god that has desires,all through the world. Here, in the third sea,I almost hear your voice: your voice, the wind,filling entirely all movements;eternal colors and eternal lights,sea colors and sea lights. Your voice of white firein the universe of water, the ship, the sky,marking out the roads with delight,engraving for me with a blazing light my firm orbit:a black bodywith the glowing diamond in its center.







-- from News of the Universe: Poems of Twofold Consciousness, Edited by Robert Bly

Amazon.com / Photo by Blackangel /






Thought for the Day:

All the worldis an altar.



Here's your Daily Music selection --


Best of Both Worlds (Kirtan Cafe - Vol 1)

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Hi Alan -Juan Ramon Jimenez was the son of a banker. He grew up in Moguer, a beautiful region of Spain that deeply imprinted itself on the poet. Jimenez studied painting at the University of Seville before abandoning his schoolwork to dedicate himself completely to writing.In the early 1900s, Jimenez composed several collections of poetry, and he also translated the work of Hindu poet Rabindranath Tagore into Spanish (with Zenobia Camprubi, who later became his wife). Later in his career he also became an influential literary critic. (Despite his great poetic work, in the US Jimenez first gained notoriety for his novel Platero y yo/Platero and I.)When the Spanish Civil War broke out, he was sent by the Republican faction to the US as an honorary cultural attache. When the fascist forces under Franco took control of Spain, Jimenez and his wife settled in Puerto Rico and

Cuba.Themes of nature, depths, immensity, death, darkness, secret life, and transcendence appear in many of his poems. The spirituality reflected in his poetry is deeply personal, mystical, and transformative.In 1956, Juan Ramon Jimenez was awarded the Nobel Prize. He died two years later in Puerto Rico.--It's been too long since we had a poem by Juan Ramon Jimenez. (Thank you, Silvine, for introducing me to his poetry several years ago.)...filling entirely all movements;eternal colors and eternal lights...Have a beautiful weekend!Ivan

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New on the Poetry Chaikhana BlogIn addition to the daily poem, other recent blog posts include:

Video: Vijali's World Wheel Project - Vijali Hamilton creates stunning sacred art that emerges organically from the earth — environmental sculpture carved in hillsides and mountaintops. More

Video: American Ramadan - A good glimpse into the ways American Muslims observe Ramadan, the holy month of fasting and communion with God. More

Book: Hymns of Divine Love - Comments (1) St. Symeon the New Theologian's discourses are readily available in English, but as far as I can tell this is the only English translation of his complete hymns... More





Donations to the Poetry ChaikhanaThank you so much to everyone who has sent a general donation this week:- Julie (CA), T I S (Indonesia)- No new rs this week---A few gentle reasons to consider making a donation of your own...

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How much is $2/month? The cost of one cup of chai. Less, actually.

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Poetry ChaikhanaP.O. Box 2320Boulder, CO 80306


Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and commentaries are Copyright © 2002 - 2008 by Ivan M. Granger.All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators and/or publishers.


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