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Is all suffering imagination?

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10-25-08 – Post

Is all suffering imagination?


What is the cause of suffering? Other than thoughts, concepts, ideas,

assumptions, beliefs, stories, images, does suffering exist at all?

Is suffering rooted in the thought, concept, idea, assumption,

belief, story, image that this is my life and I have to somehow make

it work? Is suffering rooted in the untrue thought, the erroneous

concept, the wrong idea, the false assumption, the fallacious,

invalid, misleading, deceiving, delusory belief, the fictitious

story, the running commentary, the fictional, imaginary, illusory,

unreal image of the presence of a separate independent self-center,

reference point, I me entity, individual, person?


Who is suffering? What is the nature of suffering? Is suffering

nothing other than self-centered thought, self-centered concepts,

self-centered thinking itself?


Is the separate independent self-center, reference point, I me

entity, individual, person, the root of all self-centered thought,

self-centered concepts, self-centered thinking, imaginary, just

imagination? Is the I me thought added to the presently appearing

sensation claiming I'm suffering? But is it true? Apart from thought,

where is this I, where is this me, where is this suffering?


Is all my suffering based on an imaginary I me entity, a thought

based I me entity, a conceptual I me entity? Is the secondary added

identification, the secondary added involvement of the conceptual I

me entity, of the I me thought, the I me concept, the suffering



Is all suffering imagination? Is all my suffering based in

imagination? Is there any suffering apart from imagination? Is all my

suffering an imaginary story? Is what the imaginary story, is about,

the suffering, or is the imaginary story itself the suffering?

Without an imaginary story, without imagination, can there be any



Other than the separate independent I me thought, concept, idea,

assumption, belief, story, can any separate independent I me entity,

individual, person be found? Is it non-existent? Is there no separate

independent I me entity, individual, person, and yet, I am, present

and aware? Are thoughts, concepts, ideas, assumptions, beliefs,

stories, images, imagination just appearances arising because of, in

and as non-dual, one without a second, non-conceptual, space-like

awareness? Is this I, not a separate independent entity, individual,

person, but awareness itself?

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