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An interesting posting from Sri Ganesan to pass on. Regards to all, Alan




> *Please see that*

> *even the " war of*

> *words " sometimes*

> *does help...!*

> >

> >



> Namaskar.







> *---------- Forwarded Message -----------*

> " Ganesan V "






> *The qualitative depth and absolute importance of sharing*

> *the Truth lies in the fact that Truth applies to ALL -- no

> exceptions !*

> **

> *What the spiritual Seers called " sattva manas " [

> 'pure mind' ]*

> *is a state where there are no 'illusions' . When

> one reaches*

> *that state, 'it' lands him into the final state of

> Illumination*

> *[ Non-movement ] . This non-movement state, perhaps, is

> what *

> *Jesus Christ calls as " Be Still " . This state of

> Illumination is*

> *not a 'noun' but a 'verb' ! It happens

> continuously without*

> *a gap, all the time, actively and vibrantly ! When it

> happens*

> *there is " no one " to record it as his own,

> though it takes*

> *place exclusively only in an individual ! There is no

> collective*

> *group experience ! " The 'I' has to deny the

> 'I' and yet remain*

> *as the 'I', " said Sri Bhagavan.*

> **

> *The problem with 'mind' is it is so clever it

> actively creates " a gap " *

> *between illusion and Truth; and, hiding behind that

> 'gap' it*

> *prevents the final and natural movement from

> 'illusion' to *

> * " Movementlessness " , Truth, taking place !

> This is where*

> *the so-called 'intellectuals' get caught and

> helplessly paralysed !*

> **

> *To know: " All that is seen is not true " is the

> first stage . One*

> *has to soak oneself in the experience of such a thing *

> *happening to oneself. The proof of it is, one, without a

> *

> *trace of doubt, experiencing for oneself the

> " illusion " *

> *aspect of all that is seen -- either in the waking or

> dream states.*

> *This is the second stage. This state is **not a state of

> intellectual*

> *conviction but an actual 'experience' . Which

> means *

> * blocking totally the 'mind' to play its age-old

> trick of*

> *creating a " gap " . Great effort in the form of

> alertness,*

> *awareness, awakeness and acceptance is to be made.*

> *This is the third and final stage.*

> *The positive action of " waiting'** alone can

> prevent the mind's*

> *swift creation of a " gap " . This effortless

> action of " waiting " *

> *is the outer garb of the " NOW " . The

> " gap " is the illusion: 'Time'*

> *and the waiting is the " Eternal Now " ! Mind can

> never*

> *'understand' the " NOW' for the simple

> reason that *

> *total eradication of 'mind' is the essence of

> " NOW " !*

> **

> * " Intellectuals " have tremendous sincerity, but

> go in the*

> *wrong direction. Instead of moving towards the East,*

> *they are frantically running towards the West !*

> **

> *Love,*

> *Ganesan.*



> >






> >

> *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > *

> > Verse 52.* The dream-body is obviously different from

> the waking one; when

> the *karma* (action) giving rise to the dream becomes

> active, the mind

> necessarily takes on another body.(25)

> >

> > (25) *Karma,* which literally means

> " action, " here means the previous

> actions, which determine the course of life, its pleasures

> and sufferings.

> There is nothing in common between waking and dream except

> the mind, which

> creates two distinct worlds in the two states.

> >

> >

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > These quotations are from the book,

> *Guru--Ramana--Vachana--Mala* by

> " Who, " published by Sri Ramanasramam.

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