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Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj - Awaken to the Eternal

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Namaste' Soul,


Thank You for this.


The approach to yoga, Nisarga Yoga, is named for and inspired by Sri

Nisargadatta Maharaj.







, " souleternalbeing "

<souleternalbeing wrote:


> Dear Sangha,


> Part 1 http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=WsH6y0Y1ni4


> Part 2 http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=7SNJEHeQpTM & feature=related


> Part 3 http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=R4hQsqO_dw0 & feature=related


> Part 4 http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=2M4kRMKtTXI & feature=related


> Part 5 http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=gCcHNLz8FXc & feature=related


> Part 6 http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=hkobYEDWdAc & feature=related



> Namaste ,

> Soul


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Namaste James,


Thank you for sharing this. I had a little peek into your Nisarga

Yoga...what a great gift. I'll now spend some more time looking at

the web site. Thank you so much. It is a blessing Nisargadatta would

be happy about i'm sure!


Also, about Ayurveda...

I have a book on Yoga and Ayurveda I put together a few years ago..if

I can work out how to make it into a pdf, i'll send it to you. I

found it interesting to see that because each body is a unique dosha

( almost wrote dosa..but that will have to wait until i get to south

India!)....it is helpful, well i found it so, to understand the

effects of certain asanas and the way in which asana is done, upon

the individual body/mind. I have seen people with high pitta doing

ashtanga, and Bikram yoga, which only aggrivates and increases Pitta.


Of course , in terms of advaita, non-duality, it is seen the

individaul body/mind is not our True or Ultimate Nature, but still it

is arising in This , Consciousness, which we are, and it is no

contradiction to act to look after it...or not...it ultimately

doesn't matter.

One is seen to be both emptiness and fullness, consciousness and

matter....non-duality...all included in This which we truly are.


Living with an undertanding, actually a knowing (although not

mental), of who we truly are, doensn't necessarily look a certain

way... the actor called 'Soul' for example may have a past of asana

etc, and continue down this track, but it is seen it is not who I

Truly am...THIS has no form, past, smell, taste, texture, thought

ect. and is quite undefinable and ungraspable.


So...it is an interesting journey!


With both no-one and someone seen to be the same One!










, " James Traverse "

<nisarga111 wrote:


> Namaste' Soul,


> Thank You for this.


> The approach to yoga, Nisarga Yoga, is named for and inspired by Sri

> Nisargadatta Maharaj.


> Love,

> James




> , " souleternalbeing "

> <souleternalbeing@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sangha,

> >

> > Part 1 http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=WsH6y0Y1ni4

> >

> > Part 2 http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=7SNJEHeQpTM & feature=related

> >

> > Part 3 http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=R4hQsqO_dw0 & feature=related

> >

> > Part 4 http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=2M4kRMKtTXI & feature=related

> >

> > Part 5 http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=gCcHNLz8FXc & feature=related

> >

> > Part 6 http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=hkobYEDWdAc & feature=related

> >

> >

> > Namaste ,

> > Soul

> >


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I'm not sure how to create a pdf....and so can just add a couple of

pages from the booklet.

I made this mainly for yoga students...

I can't access files here, so will copy and past here.




Asanas for Specific Doshas



-Asana is important to Vata. Without asana practice it can be more

difficult for meditation practice.

-Vata is prone to scoliosis.

- It is important to keep the spine flexible.

- Because of the nature of excessive movement in Vata, this

constitution easily prone to injury.

-Asana practice must be done slowly, deepening the breath before

commencing. The body must be warmed up gradually, and joints loosened.

- Postures include those which emphasize the pelvic region and colon.

-Aim to release tension from the hips, lumbar and sacroiliac joints.

- Good postures are sitting, spinal bending, spinal twists, forward


(which produce calm and stillness), standing and balancing postures

(which develop calm and stability), and corpse pose at the end of the

sequence to calm down Vata.

- Back bends must be done slowly.

-A gentle asana practice which does not exhaust is recommended.



-Asana practice for Pitta constitution must be cooling, nurturing,

expansive and relaxing.

-Relaxing, slow deep breaths and quiet sitting between postures is


- Pitta must be careful not to do a strong workout and not to

overheat and sweat too much.

- Pitta dosha benefits from postures which release tension from the

mid-abdomen, small intestine and liver where pitta accumulates.

-Postures such as Bow, Cobra, Boat, Fish, Shoulderstand and Plough

allow Pitta to be released from the body and flow downward through

the digestive tract.

-Forward bends are cooling and grounding when done gently.

-Seated Twists help to clear the liver and detoxifies Pitta.

-Backbends are heating so must be practiced minimally.

- End in cooling postures and cooling pranayama.



- Kapha types must accept stiffness in the joints and slowly move it

out through consistent pracice.

- Active, dynamic style of asana pracice (vinyasa style), like Salute

to the Sun is beneficial for Kapha. A practice which produces sweat.

- Benefit comes from a stronger practice which pushes through

limits, and challeges Kapha types.

- Postures which are beneficial include those which move accumulated

Kapha from the chest and head region, such as Virabhadrasana.

Backbends are good as they are heating. Bow pose is one of the best,

and Plow pose for the Lungs.

- Forward bends close the chest and are cooling, so must be practiced


- Kapha types do not need Savasana at the end of a sequence of

Asanas, unles overly tired and need rest.



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Yoga and Ayurveda Booklet.




The Doshas


The five elements (bhutas in Sanskirit) manifest in the body, are

called DOSHAS.


VAYU (Air) & AKASH (Space)=VATA


AGNI(Fire) & JALA (Water) = PITTA


JALA (Water) & PRITHVI (Earth) =KAPHA



The Elememts or Bhutas cannot be identified materially until they

appear as DOSHAS.

Doshas are that which are neither retained or eliminated.

The Doshas function in specific areas of the body.


KAPHA functions in the upper part of the body in parts which need

more moisture, binding and lubricating : The sense organs of the eyes

and ears, tongue, bronchi, heart, pericardium and upper part of the

stomach. This area has more secretions (jala) and structure (prithvi)

than any other part of the body.


PITTA functions mostly in the mid-section of the body : The lower

part of thestomach, the small intestine up to the illeocecal valve,

the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and spleen. In this area much

transformation takes place as these organs produce chemical

substances containing enzymes and acids.


VATA functions mostly in the lower part of the body from the navel

downwards: The large intestine, reproductive organs and organs of



KAPHA, PITTA and VATA each have their own main areas of functioning

and they are also found pervading the entire body. Vata has the most

influence as it governs the ability to respond to stimuli and also

moves Pitta and Kapha around the body.


VATA - Separation/ Movement

PITTA - Conversion/ Transformation

KAPHA – Cohesion/ Liquidity



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