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From Garland of Guru's Sayings WHO translation

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Verse 90. If the duties fulfilled according to the injunctions (of the sacred

lore) fail to generate devotion to the Supreme Being, then all such activity is

vain; it is (even) equal to sinful conduct,

since it creates (fresh) bondage.


(2) Action prescribed by the holy books, if performed more

or less unselfishly, purifies the mind and makes it capable of

devotion, which still further purifies the mind and leads on to



The same acts performed selfishly produce finite rewards, in the shape of

enjoyments here or in heaven; these enjoyments deepen the desire for them; they

thus set up a vicious circle which perpetuates bondage.


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> These quotations are from the book,

> Guru--Ramana--Vachana--Mala by " Who, "

> published by Sri Ramanasramam.

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Alan, I am confused as usual, I don't remember how I found this group and you know what, I don't even know what religion these teachings are from. Not that it really matters, they are good teachings, but I probably should have a clue. I have a Zen Master I learn from usually at least a couple of times a week in his lectures or classes. I still think the Christian religion has a lot of offer, unfortunately many Christians have very closed minds. I hope not to be too critical, but they do a lot of talking to God, but not very much listening. I have not been meditating really very long, but I am amazed at what information is available in the sea of knowledge we swim in if we just try to tune in. So many think God only spoke to people back in the ancient times and he stopped talking to us after the bush burned up a long time ago. But, he is just as involved now as ever, but maybe we have lost our ability to believe. We have allowed our logical grown up minds to block out the child in us that can be carried away by imagination, to take delight in looking behind every tree to see if there is an angel or farie there, to believe in miracles, to understand that God loves us and the angels are always with us to guide us if we let them. That we are here to learn lessons, not just to go through painful experiences and when we surrender we will understand that we will be taken care of. As my Master said once, when the Dali Lama sent him to the US he told him basically that he would eat when he needed to and sleep when he needed to, and that was all he really needed. When we turn away from the material things in this world and understand that the true peace and contentment does not come through the satisfaction of the ego, winning in a competition, beating someone else out, collecting material items for show or trying to be better than anyone else, it really does come from knowing God. He is involved in our experience here on earth and all we have to do is ask for help and it will come. But, we also have to remember, how we conduct ourselves will have an impact on what we will manifest. The cause and effect, you reap what you sow. I have learned that I have to be very responsible in my actions and thoughts, because things come back to me rather quickly now. If we sow hate, anger, envy etc. you can bet it will come back to you as negative energy you will have to deal with. Even simple things like bumping a shopping cart just a little to move it over just a little so you can pass. Instead of being polite and excusing yourself so the person will move the cart. Dang! It really was just a little bump on the front of the cart to straighten it out. But, then today it came back as a driver of a truck intentionally hitting the left upper back of a man with his mirror. Life is full of surprises. Love and Peace



Alan Jacobs

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 9:58 PM

From Garland of Guru's Sayings WHO translation



> Verse 90. If the duties fulfilled according to the injunctions (of the sacred lore) fail to generate devotion to the Supreme Being, then all such activity is vain; it is (even) equal to sinful conduct,since it creates (fresh) bondage.(2) Action prescribed by the holy books, if performed moreor less unselfishly, purifies the mind and makes it capable ofdevotion, which still further purifies the mind and leads on to Self-Realization. The same acts performed selfishly produce finite rewards, in the shape of enjoyments here or in heaven; these enjoyments deepen the desire for them; they thus set up a vicious circle which perpetuates bondage.> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> These quotations are from the book,> Guru--Ramana--Vachana--Mala by "Who,"> published by Sri Ramanasramam.

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