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From the Garland of Guru Sayings- 'who' translation.

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>> Verse 91. Since even (the gods) Vayu and Agni were unable

> to lift or burn a blade of grass, (in the presence of God), how can an

> ego-ridden person accomplish anything what-ever (by his own endeavor

> unsustained by Grace)?(*3)


> (*3) The story referred to occurs in the Kenopanisad. The gods won a

> victory over the devils (asuras); they thought that it was

> due to their own powers; they failed to remember that God's grace had

> sustained them in the fight. So to teach them humility God appeared to them

as an Effulgence. Indra, the King of the gods, sent first Agni (Fire) and then

Vayu (Air) to find out who it was. God asked them in turn what they could do,

and each replied boastfully. Agni was asked to burn a blade of grass, and Vayu

to lift it; both were put to shame, because of their egoism; at last Indra

> himself came; but then the Effulgence vanished. Then Uma, the Supreme

> Goddess, appeared and explained to Indra who it was that

> had appeared, and taught him to be humble, remembering that without Divine

grace no one can do anything. From this and other stories we learn that the

gods (angels) are only a superior order of beings, and not independent of God.


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> These quotations are from the book,

> Guru--Ramana--Vachana--Mala by " Who, "

> published by Sri Ramanasramam.

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Alan, sometimes it just takes a woman to help a man see the truth and by the way, put him in his place :-). I hope you can take teasing. If not I am in big trouble. My Master's lecture tonight was on gratitude. He is able to know what I am thinking and doing. So, I do not get away with very much. I know I will get a dharma lecture, if I really mess up. How he keeps track of all his students plus gives readings and advice to 60 to 70 people a day is beyond my comprehension. All the reading he has done over the years, he remembers each one when the person returns to him. He is remarkable and I love him very much, (not in an entertainment way) as he would say. I really am blessed. After meditation tomorrow night we have a small party. My merry Zen Master is a party animal. He will cook for everybody, decorate the plates with cut strawberries and personally hand each one of us a plate done just for us. He has devoted his life to help elevate human suffering and try to help people learn the proper way to live. I don't know of too many people who have the love and compassion in them that he does. The meditation center that he built, has a large statue of Kaun Yin in the garden, that about sums up what he is about.

As we each search our hearts and try to understand what really does matter in life. Money, fame, winning, what does that really matter if you do not have anyone to love you or you are not able to love. All the things of the world pass away when we die, but our soul goes on forever. The momentary gratifications in this short time period we are here do not count when our soul moves on. What does count is our connection of love with the Divine the real true source of love and compassion. That love can change us and our world if we let God work through us.

Love and Light, and by the way be grateful that you have eyes that see, ears that hear, a body that is able to move without mechanical means, food, water and a place to rest your head at night. k



Alan Jacobs

Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:22 PM

From the Garland of Guru Sayings- 'who' translation.



>> Verse 91. Since even (the gods) Vayu and Agni were unable> to lift or burn a blade of grass, (in the presence of God), how can an> ego-ridden person accomplish anything what-ever (by his own endeavor> unsustained by Grace)?(*3)> > (*3) The story referred to occurs in the Kenopanisad. The gods won a> victory over the devils (asuras); they thought that it was> due to their own powers; they failed to remember that God's grace had> sustained them in the fight. So to teach them humility God appeared to them as an Effulgence. Indra, the King of the gods, sent first Agni (Fire) and then Vayu (Air) to find out who it was. God asked them in turn what they could do, and each replied boastfully. Agni was asked to burn a blade of grass, and Vayu to lift it; both were put to shame, because of their egoism; at last Indra> himself came; but then the Effulgence vanished. Then Uma, the Supreme> Goddess, appeared and explained to Indra who it was that> had appeared, and taught him to be humble, remembering that without Divine grace no one can do anything. From this and other stories we learn that the gods (angels) are only a superior order of beings, and not independent of God.> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> These quotations are from the book,> Guru--Ramana--Vachana--Mala by "Who,"> published by Sri Ramanasramam.

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Dear Karla,


Many thanks for your interesting and beautifully descriptive letter. Yes, I can take teasing. I am 6' 2" and have long legs as a result of having them pulled since my school days.


Your experience with this Zen Master sounds really idyllic. Zen is the Japanese form of Ch'an Buddhism which is totally Non Dual and very close to Advaita. Have you read David Godman's 'Be As You Are'? it is a first rate anthology of Ramana's Teaching and very well organised. If you study it I am sure you will be able to intergrate your 'merry time' with the Zen Master and Bhagavan's teaching, in such a way as to further your quest for Self Realisation which is the same in the end as Nirvana ,in the Buddhist sense.


All love and keep writing,


Every best wish


Alan --- On Fri, 16/1/09, karla <docdanes wrote:

karla <docdanesRe: From the Garland of Guru Sayings- 'who' translation. Date: Friday, 16 January, 2009, 5:47 AM



 Alan, sometimes it just takes a woman to help a man see the truth and by the way, put him in his place :-). I hope you can take teasing. If not I am in big trouble. My Master's lecture tonight was on gratitude. He is able to know what I am thinking and doing. So, I do not get away with very much. I know I will get a dharma lecture, if I really mess up. How he keeps track of all his students plus gives readings and advice to 60 to 70 people a day is beyond my comprehension. All the reading he has done over the years, he remembers each one when the person returns to him. He is remarkable and I love him very much, (not in an entertainment way) as he would say. I really am blessed. After meditation tomorrow night we have a small party. My merry Zen Master is a party animal. He will cook for everybody, decorate the plates with cut strawberries and personally

hand each one of us a plate done just for us. He has devoted his life to help elevate human suffering and try to help people learn the proper way to live. I don't know of too many people who have the love and compassion in them that he does. The meditation center that he built, has a large statue of Kaun Yin in the garden, that about sums up what he is about.

As we each search our hearts and try to understand what really does matter in life. Money, fame, winning, what does that really matter if you do not have anyone to love you or you are not able to love. All the things of the world pass away when we die, but our soul goes on forever. The momentary gratifications in this short time period we are here do not count when our soul moves on. What does count is our connection of love with the Divine the real true source of love and compassion. That love can change us and our world if we let God work through us.

Love and Light, and by the way be grateful that you have eyes that see, ears that hear, a body that is able to move without mechanical means, food, water and a place to rest your head at night. k



Alan Jacobs


Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:22 PM

From the Garland of Guru Sayings- 'who' translation.



>> Verse 91. Since even (the gods) Vayu and Agni were unable> to lift or burn a blade of grass, (in the presence of God), how can an> ego-ridden person accomplish anything what-ever (by his own endeavor> unsustained by Grace)?(*3)> > (*3) The story referred to occurs in the Kenopanisad. The gods won a> victory over the devils (asuras); they thought that it was> due to their own powers; they failed to remember that God's grace had> sustained them in the fight. So to teach them humility God appeared to them as an Effulgence. Indra, the King of the gods, sent first Agni (Fire) and then Vayu (Air) to find out who it was. God asked them in turn what they could do, and each replied boastfully. Agni was asked to burn a blade of grass, and Vayu to lift it; both were put to shame, because of their egoism; at last Indra> himself came; but then the Effulgence vanished. Then Uma, the

Supreme> Goddess, appeared and explained to Indra who it was that> had appeared, and taught him to be humble, remembering that without Divine grace no one can do anything. From this and other stories we learn that the gods (angels) are only a superior order of beings, and not independent of God.> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~> These quotations are from the book,> Guru--Ramana- -Vachana- -Mala by "Who,"> published by Sri Ramanasramam.

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Dear Karla,


Welcome to the Sangha. Now, because of you, we know that Alan is 6

feet 2 inches and has long legs because they have been pulled so

often! :-).


I really enjoy Zen Buddhism and once in a while write on it. I love

the stories of Zen Buddhist masters, except the ones where the master

cuts the head off a cat to make a point.


You are among friends and please share as the spirit moves you.


Namaste and love to all




, Alan Jacobs

<alanadamsjacobs wrote:


> Dear Karla,


> Many thanks for your interesting and beautifully

descriptive letter. Yes, I can take teasing. I am 6' 2 " and have long

legs as a result of having them pulled since my school days.


> Your experience with this Zen Master sounds really idyllic. Zen is

the Japanese form of Ch'an Buddhism which is totally Non Dual and

very close to Advaita. Have you read David Godman's 'Be As You Are'?

it is a first rate anthology of Ramana's Teaching and very well

organised. If you study it I am sure you will be able to intergrate

your 'merry time' with the Zen Master and Bhagavan's teaching, in such

a way as to further your quest for Self Realisation which is the same

in the end as Nirvana ,in the Buddhist sense.


> All love and keep writing,


> Every best wish


> Alan


> --- On Fri, 16/1/09, karla <docdanes wrote:


> karla <docdanes

> Re: From the Garland of Guru

Sayings- 'who' translation.


> Friday, 16 January, 2009, 5:47 AM

> Alan, sometimes it just takes a woman to help a man see the truth

and by the way, put him in his place :-).  I hope you can take

teasing.  If not I am in big trouble.  My Master's lecture tonight

was on gratitude.  He is able to know what I am thinking and doing.

So, I do not get away with very much.  I know I will get a dharma

lecture, if I really mess up.  How he keeps track of all his students

plus gives readings and advice to 60 to 70 people a day is beyond my

comprehension.  All the reading he has done over the years, he

remembers each one when the person returns to him.  He is remarkable

and I love him very much, (not in an entertainment way) as he would

say.  I really am blessed.  After meditation tomorrow night we have

a small party.  My merry Zen Master is a party animal.  He will cook

for everybody, decorate the plates with cut strawberries and

personally hand each one of us a plate done just for us.  He has

devoted his life to

> help elevate human suffering and try to help people learn the

proper way to live.  I don't know of too many people who have the

love and compassion in them that he does.  The meditation center that

he built, has a large statue of Kaun Yin in the garden, that about

sums up what he is about. 

> As we each search our hearts and try to understand what really does

matter in life.  Money, fame, winning, what does that really matter

if you do not have anyone to love you or you are not able to love. 

All the things of the world pass away when we die, but our soul goes

on forever.  The momentary gratifications in this short time period

we are here do not count when our soul moves on.  What does count is

our connection of love with the Divine the real true source of love

and compassion.  That love can change us and our world if we let God

work through us. 

> Love and Light, and by the way be grateful that you have eyes that

see, ears that hear, a body that is able to move without mechanical

means, food, water and a place to rest your head at night.  k


> -

> Alan Jacobs


> Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:22 PM

> From the Garland of Guru

Sayings- 'who' translation.




> >> Verse 91. Since even (the gods) Vayu and Agni were unable

> > to lift or burn a blade of grass, (in the presence of God), how can an

> > ego-ridden person accomplish anything what-ever (by his own endeavor

> > unsustained by Grace)?(*3)

> >

> > (*3) The story referred to occurs in the Kenopanisad. The gods won a

> > victory over the devils (asuras); they thought that it was

> > due to their own powers; they failed to remember that God's grace had

> > sustained them in the fight. So to teach them humility God

appeared to them as an Effulgence. Indra, the King of the gods, sent

first Agni (Fire) and then Vayu (Air) to find out who it was. God

asked them in turn what they could do, and each replied boastfully.

Agni was asked to burn a blade of grass, and Vayu to lift it; both

were put to shame, because of their egoism; at last Indra

> > himself came; but then the Effulgence vanished. Then Uma, the Supreme

> > Goddess, appeared and explained to Indra who it was that

> > had appeared, and taught him to be humble, remembering that

without Divine grace no one can do anything. From this and other

stories we learn that the gods (angels) are only a superior order of

beings, and not independent of God.

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~ ~

> > These quotations are from the book,

> > Guru--Ramana- -Vachana- -Mala by " Who, "

> > published by Sri Ramanasramam.


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Thank you Harsha. It is good to be here. I am still trying to learn about religions and the differences between them, so if I sometimes seems a little naive, just educate me. Alan presents ideas that are very similar to the Buddhist, but it is like looking at the same thing but from a different angle. Maybe my understanding will be more complete if I can have a panoramic view of spiritual growth. Actually Buddhist believe in doing no harm to anything, so cutting the head off a cat surprises me. The small mediation building the Master uses has a few roaches running around, because he does not believe in pest control. Last night at the end of the question period, before leaving, he looked in his cup and said, "opps, I think my brother is in there". Tonight is the big party when everyone brings food for the Master to serve. Giving and sharing with joy and love, it is great time with a lot of laughter. The Master is quite a character. k




Friday, January 16, 2009 10:05 AM

Re: From the Garland of Guru Sayings- 'who' translation.



Dear Karla,Welcome to the Sangha. Now, because of you, we know that Alan is 6feet 2 inches and has long legs because they have been pulled sooften! :-).I really enjoy Zen Buddhism and once in a while write on it. I lovethe stories of Zen Buddhist masters, except the ones where the mastercuts the head off a cat to make a point.You are among friends and please share as the spirit moves you.Namaste and love to allHarsha , Alan Jacobs<alanadamsjacobs wrote:>> Dear Karla,>  > Many thanks for your interesting and beautifullydescriptive letter. Yes, I can take teasing. I am 6' 2" and have longlegs as a result of having them pulled since my school days.>  > Your experience with this Zen Master sounds really idyllic. Zen isthe Japanese form of Ch'an Buddhism which is totally Non Dual andvery close to Advaita. Have you read David Godman's 'Be As You Are'?it is a first rate anthology of Ramana's Teaching and very wellorganised. If you study it I am sure you will be able to intergrateyour 'merry time' with the Zen Master and Bhagavan's teaching, in sucha way as to further your quest for Self Realisation which is the samein the end as Nirvana ,in the Buddhist sense. >  > All love and keep writing,>  > Every best wish >  > Alan > > --- On Fri, 16/1/09, karla <docdanes wrote:> > karla <docdanes> Re: From the Garland of GuruSayings- 'who' translation.> > Friday, 16 January, 2009, 5:47 AM> > > > > > >  > Alan, sometimes it just takes a woman to help a man see the truthand by the way, put him in his place :-). I hope you can taketeasing. If not I am in big trouble. My Master's lecture tonightwas on gratitude. He is able to know what I am thinking and doing.So, I do not get away with very much. I know I will get a dharmalecture, if I really mess up. How he keeps track of all his studentsplus gives readings and advice to 60 to 70 people a day is beyond mycomprehension. All the reading he has done over the years, heremembers each one when the person returns to him. He is remarkableand I love him very much, (not in an entertainment way) as he wouldsay. I really am blessed. After meditation tomorrow night we havea small party. My merry Zen Master is a party animal. He will cookfor everybody, decorate the plates with cut strawberries andpersonally hand each one of us a plate done just for us. He hasdevoted his life to> help elevate human suffering and try to help people learn theproper way to live. I don't know of too many people who have thelove and compassion in them that he does. The meditation center thathe built, has a large statue of Kaun Yin in the garden, that aboutsums up what he is about. > As we each search our hearts and try to understand what really doesmatter in life. Money, fame, winning, what does that really matterif you do not have anyone to love you or you are not able to love. All the things of the world pass away when we die, but our soul goeson forever. The momentary gratifications in this short time periodwe are here do not count when our soul moves on. What does count isour connection of love with the Divine the real true source of loveand compassion. That love can change us and our world if we let Godwork through us. > Love and Light, and by the way be grateful that you have eyes thatsee, ears that hear, a body that is able to move without mechanicalmeans, food, water and a place to rest your head at night. k> > - > Alan Jacobs > > Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:22 PM> From the Garland of GuruSayings- 'who' translation.> > > > >> Verse 91. Since even (the gods) Vayu and Agni were unable> > to lift or burn a blade of grass, (in the presence of God), how can an> > ego-ridden person accomplish anything what-ever (by his own endeavor> > unsustained by Grace)?(*3)> > > > (*3) The story referred to occurs in the Kenopanisad. The gods won a> > victory over the devils (asuras); they thought that it was> > due to their own powers; they failed to remember that God's grace had> > sustained them in the fight. So to teach them humility Godappeared to them as an Effulgence. Indra, the King of the gods, sentfirst Agni (Fire) and then Vayu (Air) to find out who it was. Godasked them in turn what they could do, and each replied boastfully.Agni was asked to burn a blade of grass, and Vayu to lift it; bothwere put to shame, because of their egoism; at last Indra> > himself came; but then the Effulgence vanished. Then Uma, the Supreme> > Goddess, appeared and explained to Indra who it was that> > had appeared, and taught him to be humble, remembering thatwithout Divine grace no one can do anything. From this and otherstories we learn that the gods (angels) are only a superior order ofbeings, and not independent of God.> > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~> > These quotations are from the book,> > Guru--Ramana- -Vachana- -Mala by "Who,"> > published by Sri Ramanasramam.>

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