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Synopsis of recent talks sent by Sri Ganesan

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“ WISDOM and ACTION †-- No. 3



Today, we are going to share on the third and fourth principles of what we have

been sharing for the past few sessions. They are :


3. Sri Bhagavan said :“If one identifies oneself with the body, ‘Karma ’

[destiny] is inevitable and unavoidable (which means, that one is bound, one is

in ‘bondage’ ). If one’s attention is turned inwards, one is always

‘free’ . One is ever a ‘Free Man’ .â€


4. When asked whether His Direct Teaching could be put in a single word, Sri

Bhagavan answered : “ ATTENTION †[ “Ulladunar †in Tamil, meaning,

“Attention paying attention to ATTENTION.†]



( 1. In 1936, Paul Brunton asked the Maharshi : “Can a man

of the world, viz.,one who is involved in worldly activities,

practice this Jnana Marga or this Wisdom Path ?â€

Sri Bhagavan’s cryptic answer was : “There is no

contradiction between work and Wisdom.â€


2. On another occasion, Sri Bhagavan said : “The only purpose

of life is to realize the SELF. All other activities are

waste of time.†)




There are two stories – like the two sides of the same coin – to elaborate

on the “third principleâ€. We are all children in one way – each one’s

heart is that of a child – and hence, throughout our living span of existence

we are always absorbingly interested in listening to stories !


The First story to affirm that “if one identified with a body, destiny is



Major A.W. Chadwick was the first Westerner to settle permanently as a resident

at the Ashram from 1938, till he dropped the body in the 1960s. He had adopted

himself in such a harmonious traditional Ashram-way that viewers wondered over

his way of life ! Once a devotee who was amazed looking at Chadwick, asked Sri

Bhagavan as how it was possible for Chadwick to adopt himself to such a pious

Hindu way of living.

Bhagavan gave the following reply : “Chadwick was with us. He had a great

fascination for the Westerner way of life that he is born in the West. Now, he

has come back to us !â€


Paying attention outward of oneself and getting involved with activities

outside of oneself traps one into the octopus grip of the ‘Law of Karma’ ,

giving effect to the series of birth and deaths !


The Second story confirms : ‘ If one’s attention is turned inwards, one

is always ‘free’ . One is ever a ‘Free Man’. ’


Once a stranger from North India came to Sri Bhagavan and was firmly seated in

the Hall. When almost all had left the Hall, he approached Bhagavan and

pleaded, thus : “Bhagavan ! I had committed four murders in my life. I had

escaped uncaught; not even my wife knows about it. Yet, my conscience now

pricks me, very deeply too. Is there a redemption for me, my Lord ?â€


Bhagavan gave him a Glance of Grace. After a few moments, slowly yet most

assuredly he replied : “ Yes, there is redemption. Yes, there is redemption !

Give up the thought that you had murdered !†There ruled absolute silence.


The stranger shed profuse tears of joy and gratitude. He prostrated to

Sri Bhagavan and left. Many years after that, an old devotee, H.C. Khanna of

Kanpur, happened to travel in the Himalayas. Bhagavan had already dropped the

body. Khanna met a Swami with impressive countenance seated in a cave.

He introduced himself as a devotee of Bhagavan Ramana. The Swami got up and

touched the feet of Khanna, saying : “You have come from Arunachala ! My God

and Guru is Bhagavan Ramana. How fortunate and how blessed I feel in the

proximity of a fellow-devotee of the Supreme Master ! “ He, then, narrated

the whole story of “his Four Murders†and how there was no trace of

affectation left in him; and, how following the commandment of Bhagavan,

instantly released him from the grips of ‘Karma’ . After narrating this

wonderful story to me, Khanna added : “Once, Bhagavan told me in the Hall :

‘ If one accepted the ‘Prarabdha Karma’ , it will start operating. And,

if one refused to identify oneself with ‘Prarabdha Karma’ , operation of

‘Prarabdha Karma’ is totally nullified.’


Is it not clear that a true seeker should ever be a “dheera†[ bold &

courageous ] ? How to deny the ‘Karma’ ? This will be the obvious next

question ! Only by turning within and surrendering oneself to the Inner Guru.

Silence is the Inner Guru.

The fourth principle is of supreme importance : “Attention paying attention

to ATTENTION.†Sri Bhagavan repeatedly guided us : “ Go within, Plunge

within, Dive inwards.†To take one’s attention inwardly, one has to have a

correct grasp of Bhagavan’s ‘Direct Teaching’ of “Wisdom


Read the following verses from Bhagavan’s “ Forty Verses on Reality †:


“ Though the world and mind rise and fade together, the world

shines by the light of the mind. The ground whence the world

and mind arise, and wherein they set, that State of Perfection

does not either rise or set, but ever shines supreme.

That is Reality.â€


“ Under whatever name or form we worship IT, IT leads us on

to Wisdom of the Nameless, Formless Absolute. Yet, to see

one’s true SELF as the Absolute, to subside into IT and be

one with IT – this is the True Wisdom of Absolute Reality.â€


“ ‘Twos’ and ‘Threes’ ** depend upon one thing -- the ego.

If one asks in one’s Heart, ‘What is this ego ?’ and finds it,

they slip away. Only those who have found this, know the

Absolute Reality. And, they will never be perplexed.â€

[** ‘Twos’ = names & forms; ‘Threes’ = God,World,Jivas (beings) ]


“ There is no Wisdom without ignorance and without Wisdom

ignorance cannot be. To ask, ‘Whose is this Wisdom ?

‘Whose is this ignorance ?’ and thus to realize the Primal

SELF – this alone is True Wisdom.â€






Sri Bhagavan has sung : “Easy is Self-Wisdom;

the easiest thing there is.â€


Let us adhere to his guidance and boldly take a plunge ‘within’ NOW and

be the SELF !

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