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From Muruganar's Padamalai

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From Padamalai- Bhagavan's Utterances as recorded by Muruganar, the great Tamil

poet who was Self Realised through Bhagavan's Grace.







When to Enquire.


If one carefully determines the most auspicious day to perform Self Enquiry, the

one good action, there is no other day like tday.

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Ok Alan, I have a real naive question. A friend of mind is a Swami. He spent time with Osho in India. Now is that of the Buddhist or Hindu religion? I just assumed that it was Buddhist. He lives in a different part of the country and is in Washington now, so I can't ask him, plus he does not talk to me much. He is very secretive. Actually he is the only person I have ever had what some people call a soul contact with, I think he was a brother in a previous life. He is happily married so I know he is not a soul mate. But when we met, I saw visions of a couple of owls and part of a dream I had had as we stared into each other's eyes. He finally took a deep breath and said well we will keep in touch. He has not ever told me what he saw. On the next meeting, we did not have the same experience so one of us changed in the months between our meetings. Is a Swami just before becoming a Guru? or are they related in any way. k



Alan Jacobs

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 7:46 PM

From Muruganar's Padamalai



From Padamalai- Bhagavan's Utterances as recorded by Muruganar, the great Tamil poet who was Self Realised through Bhagavan's Grace.P.212V.40SELF ENQUIRYWhen to Enquire.If one carefully determines the most auspicious day to perform Self Enquiry, the one good action, there is no other day like tday.

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Never mind, I looked it up. I learn something everyday. He is the opposite of me, outgoing, enjoys being around people and involved in social events. I guess I got the brains in the family and he got the social skills. He is real sweet and I am full of the devil. :-). Funny isn't it, when you think about it. The people we meet on our journey and the impact they have on our lives. Some wake us up to the metaphysical , knowing past lives, telepathy and so many other things are real and not just some people's imagination. k




Tuesday, January 20, 2009 8:18 PM

Re: From Muruganar's Padamalai



 Ok Alan, I have a real naive question. A friend of mind is a Swami. He spent time with Osho in India. Now is that of the Buddhist or Hindu religion? I just assumed that it was Buddhist. He lives in a different part of the country and is in Washington now, so I can't ask him, plus he does not talk to me much. He is very secretive. Actually he is the only person I have ever had what some people call a soul contact with, I think he was a brother in a previous life. He is happily married so I know he is not a soul mate. But when we met, I saw visions of a couple of owls and part of a dream I had had as we stared into each other's eyes. He finally took a deep breath and said well we will keep in touch. He has not ever told me what he saw. On the next meeting, we did not have the same experience so one of us changed in the months between our meetings. Is a Swami just before becoming a Guru? or are they related in any way. k



Alan Jacobs

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 7:46 PM

From Muruganar's Padamalai



From Padamalai- Bhagavan's Utterances as recorded by Muruganar, the great Tamil poet who was Self Realised through Bhagavan's Grace.P.212V.40SELF ENQUIRYWhen to Enquire.If one carefully determines the most auspicious day to perform Self Enquiry, the one good action, there is no other day like tday.

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Dear Karla.


Osho was a Hindu, but as a onetime Professor of Comparative Religion he knew a great deal about Buddhism and wrote some books on that subject. Your dream with the Swami could have some significance and this Swami could be of help to you if ever you make contact with him again. A Swami is not necessarily a Guru. It is a man who has taken Sanyas i.e. become a Renunciate in the Hindhu Dharma. Some Sanyasins or Swamis can however, be Gurus. It is unusual for them to be married. If, however, they were married before taking Sanyas the relationship is generally celibate. .


Trust that helps.


L & L


Alan --- On Wed, 21/1/09, karla <docdanes wrote:

karla <docdanesRe: From Muruganar's Padamalai Date: Wednesday, 21 January, 2009, 2:18 AM



 Ok Alan, I have a real naive question. A friend of mind is a Swami. He spent time with Osho in India. Now is that of the Buddhist or Hindu religion? I just assumed that it was Buddhist. He lives in a different part of the country and is in Washington now, so I can't ask him, plus he does not talk to me much. He is very secretive. Actually he is the only person I have ever had what some people call a soul contact with, I think he was a brother in a previous life. He is happily married so I know he is not a soul mate. But when we met, I saw visions of a couple of owls and part of a dream I had had as we stared into each other's eyes. He finally took a deep breath and said well we will keep in touch. He has not ever told me what he saw. On the next meeting, we did not have the same experience so one of us changed in the months between our meetings.

Is a Swami just before becoming a Guru? or are they related in any way. k



Alan Jacobs


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 7:46 PM

From Muruganar's Padamalai



From Padamalai- Bhagavan's Utterances as recorded by Muruganar, the great Tamil poet who was Self Realised through Bhagavan's Grace.P.212V.40SELF ENQUIRYWhen to Enquire.If one carefully determines the most auspicious day to perform Self Enquiry, the one good action, there is no other day like tday.

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