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From Ramana Puranam

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P.61 V. 343-50


The wealth, the real that blazes forth

as the radiant light of the Self,

is obscured and dimmed by the ego,

the thought 'I am the body',

which harasses and torments jivas

through the obstacle whereby they are unable

to satisfy unlimited and excessive desires

thus filing them with the poverty that is base and worthless ignorance.

But you, source of my existence,

shine within my Heart

like a perfect storehouse of treasure

that is beyond the three primal entities,

so that I, your devotee,

rise up resplendently and with exhilaration,

totally free of that ignominy.


P.85 V.537-40


Dwelling in the pure space of the Lord's grace,

witnessing the Lord's dance of grace,

seated beneath the Lord's feet of grace,

consuming the ambrosia of the Lord's grace,

the demeaning birth that flourishes

by holding onto the body being at an end,

they will live in wholeness,

established in unending bliss.


Ramana Puranam is a magnificent Poem in praise of Sri Bhagavan composed in the

manner of the famous ancient Tamil Poet Saint Manikkavachagar author of the

great poem Tiruvachakam, beloved by Bhagavan and chanted by request of Bhagavan

while his Mother was approaching Maha Samahdi,later to be raised by him to Self



Muranagar started this Poem and reached verse 233 and then ran out of steam.

Bhagavan compassionately transfered to him, by silent transmission the remaining

verses up to V.540. The above stanzas are therefore by Bhagavan. Ramana writes

here as in his Marital Garland of Letters, from the standpoint of the Devotee.


I append notes by Satsangh members on the meaning of the Lotus Feet



> In Hinduism, the lotus (Sanskrit: padma) primarily represents beauty

> and non-attachment. The lotus is born in the mud but floats on the

> water without becoming wet or muddy shining beautifully in the Sun.

> This symbolizes how how one should live in the world. Enlightened

> Guru is compared to the Lotus. He lives and walks in the world but

> does not become one of the world. He is completely detached from the

> worldly attachments. Thus his feet are Lotus feet.


> Purnima



.. As the hindu simile says, the lotus

grows in ths swamp, its root and stem surrounded by dirt, mud

and vermin; yet it remains ever pure, and even water itself cannot

stick to it and spoil the pristine cleanness... so the guru's feet,

even though apparently wallowing in the dust of the world,

remain ever pure and unaffected.



padanamaskaram, ramanaji!




The entire Poem translated by Robert Butler and others, is published by

Ramanasramam with a commentary by David Godman.

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