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The One Thing Needful

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Dear friends, A helpful posting from Swami Sadsivananda. Alan

alanadamsjacobsDate: Wednesday, 4 February, 2009, 6:21 AM





"The Self manifests externally as Guru when occasion arises; otherwise He is always within, doing the needful." Sri Ramana Maharshi in Talks"When the goal is ever before one as a living reality, all that is needful will come of its own accord."

Sri Anandamayi Ma in Sad Vani From the most ancient times of spiritual endeavor and attainment in all of the major

religions of this world, the truths that inspired mankind were conveyed from Master to disciple in the tradition of oral transmission. One became fit for discipleship with the developed skill of appropriate attention to the teachings, invoked by a keenly alert questioning and a willing receptivity to the course of effort charted by the Master. The Sage Vasistha (the guru of the Lord Rama) proclaimed that this form of teaching through satsanga (keeping close company and a living relationship with the Holy) would not only produce perfection in practice, but would convey the highest Liberation. Therefore he revealed that of the four gatekeepers to the Palace of Liberation, satsanga is included. To find true satsanga that can transform is an act of grace; to be receptive to it, and thus to spiritually progress, is an act of

effort. The inspiring truths conveyed in satsanga concerning spiritual pursuit are of great practical value to all who seek to find the 'pearl of great price', which has come to be known in theory as religion, but in practice as the path leading to a life of the Spirit. Sri Ramana Maharshi maintained this ancient form of instruction. The answers he gave to questions represent what has evolved in our modern times as a uniquely universal spiritual teaching that can be taken up by anyone the world over without adopting the limiting constraints of any one religious tradition. It has been said that these teachings were indeed God-given, for they began with the words of grace flowing from Sri Ramakrishna and continued with the blessing of perfection that was embodied as

Bhagavan. As did his predecessor, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi stressed practice that produces purification (removal of that fog of ignorance, the obstacles and habits of the mercurial mind which diminish our pure vision) as well as the grace of the knowledge of the Self as the eternal companions of those who would be led:

From the unreal to the Real, From darkness to LightFrom death to Immortality!

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