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Dear Sri Ramachandram,


This article I posted on Luthar.com may help.

Other members may also offer advice.

Write again if you still have difficulties.


All best wishes,




Aids To Self Enquiry: By Alan Jacobs

Posted by: alanadamsjacobs • Sep 27th, 2008



“Those who leave the path of Self Enquiry, the way of liberation, and wander

off along the myriad forest tracks, will encounter only confusionâ€. Bhagavan





Self Enquiry is the Direct Path and Bhagavan’s great contribution for the

modern age for all.



Self Enquiry is the back bone of the main weapon in Bhagavan’s teaching for

eliminating the vasanas, tendencies and vrittis, the thought forms which act as

a veil and occlude your Real Self.



Total Surrender will also achieve the goal, but this way is slower as in the

beginning we are only capable of partial Surrender.



To start Self Enquiry is not easy! We must have a great yearning and wish to

commence. Pray for grace in this respect. It starts with the mind , turning

inwards at 180 degrees and with concentration probing inward, beneath the skin,

to find the source of the I Thought or ego.



Many find the right side of the chest is an effective doorway to enter the

interior and eventually the heart, where the source of the ego dwells.



The first aid is therefore to increase our power of concentration, without

thought interfering. Most concentration spans are about 4 minutes. One can

increase its power by practice. Gaze at a portrait of Bhagavan, or a candle or a

spot on the wall.



The next aid is study. One must read about Self Enquiry as Bhagavan taught it.

His two essays WHO AM I and SELF ENQUIRY are essential. They can be downloaded

from the Ashram site or read from Collected Works. Read them over and over again

until they have sunk in. They are not very long.


Then one can read from the index on Self Enquiry in Talks With Ramana Maharshi

– which can also be downloaded as can David Godman’s Be As You Are which has

three chapters in his book on S.E.





1. It could be holding the breath , to stop thought and diving into the heart to

find the source of the I thought, or just diving without holding the breath. [i

have an article called Diving Into The Heart posted on luthar.com about this



2. It could be questioning when thoughts or emotions arise, and asking “to

whom does this come- to me?†Then ask “who am I?â€, with attention again

seeking for the source of the I thought.


3. It could be paying attention to The Self- Self attention- or paying attention

to awareness.


4. It could be holding onto the I thought or the feeling of the ego or me, with

attention, whenever it arises.


5. Repeat I-I-I-I (I is the Real Name of God) . This could lead you to the

sourcde of the I thought with perseverance


6.Try the Breathing approach.


On the inhalation [count of 4]

Put the question to yourself

Who Am I?


For 4 counts retain the breath and remember that I AM


For 4 counts Exhale


Rmembering that I am not the body.


Many repetions will lead you on.



Perseverance, continued practice and great faith are needed. Each time you

enquire, it will gradually loosen identification with the mind and body and

start the severing of the Granthi Knot which holds the ‘I am the body,




Self Enquiry is linked to devotion, it must become emotional not only from the

head, and then it is easier to get to the source of the I thought.


Read the beginning quote once again please.


Choose the way that appeals to you most- get into the Heart any way you can.

Keep in contact with the Group by asking about difficulties encountered.




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" sriramachandran86 " <sriramachandran86 wrote:


> how i can start self-enqary,if i start meadition .so many

> thought comes me. what can i do?


Dear Ramachandraji,


Apart from the advice given by Mr Alan Jacobs, here is another point of


You say that " many thoughts comes to me " , the question is, how do you

know that many thoughts come to you?

and more important, WHO is that one that knows that many thoughts are

coming to " him " ?

That principle is the Knower. Also called the I-Thought.

The thoughts that come to the Knower are the Known.

Both Knower and Known are sustained and come out of Pure Consciousness,

or the Conscious principle, the " I Am " or put in other words, your Sense

of Existence.

Abide in that Sense of Existence, in that understanding, try to see that

the thoughts and the knower of the thoughts have the same essence, like

the waves and the ocean have the same essence, water.

Abiding in that Essence wothout wavering will take care of thoughts and

everything else.

If attentiveness to That goes away, " effortlessly " come back to it...

The rest will be in Grace's hands.


Yours in Bhagavan,



yours in Bhagavan

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, " sriramachandran86 "

<sriramachandran86 wrote:


> hi ,how r u


> how i can start self-enqary,if i start meadition .so many

> thought comes me. what can i do?




Maybe you could have a look at the following webpage of mine:


where I have discussed this problem basing my discussion on the Gita

6th chapter.


PraNAms to all seekers of Truth.

PraNAms to Bhagavan Ramana.


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Dear friend:

Thanks for ur advice to me . it very helpfull to me.i

am Happy to say this last week i went ramanasramam (Tiruvannamalai ).

I am kindly ask 1 more question to u.


1.Bhagavan's say " when ur start Self Enquiry ,it taken

fully from ur mind. so the mind can't give any answer to u " ( that

means the mind do not give any dircet answer to u).then how i can

Identified me(I). plz clear about this confusion.

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Dear friend:

Thanks for ur advice to me . it very helpfull to me.i

am Happy to say this last week i went ramanasramam (Tiruvannamalai ).

I am kindly ask 1 more question to u.


1.Bhagavan's say " when ur start Self Enquiry ,it taken

fully from ur mind. so the mind can't give any answer to u " ( that

means the mind do not give any dircet answer to u).then how i can

Identified me(I). plz clear about this confusion.


Thanks for our all group members and u.





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Dear Sramachandran,


If I understand your question correctly, there is no verbal answer from the mind to the Enquiry 'Who Am I?' . If and when you reach the Real I it is unmistakable experientially- beyond words-the goal- sat chit ananada!


How wonderful to have been at the Ashram


I hope other members answer your question besides myself.


All best wishes and regards,


Alan --- On Sun, 8/2/09, sriramachandran86 <sriramachandran86 wrote:

sriramachandran86 <sriramachandran86 Re: quastion Date: Sunday, 8 February, 2009, 11:02 AM



Dear friend:Thanks for ur advice to me . it very helpfull to me.i am Happy to say this last week i went ramanasramam (Tiruvannamalai ). I am kindly ask 1 more question to u.1.Bhagavan's say "when ur start Self Enquiry ,it taken fully from ur mind. so the mind can't give any answer to u"( that means the mind do not give any dircet answer to u).then how i can Identified me(I). plz clear about this confusion.Thanks for our all group members and u.ThanksS.Sriramachandran.

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Alan Jacobs <alanadamsjacobs wrote:> If I understand your question correctly, there is no verbal answer from the mind to the Enquiry 'Who Am I?' . If and when you reach the Real I it is unmistakable experientially- beyond words-the goal- sat chit ananada!Dear SriRamachandran,I would like to join my voice to Alan's already complete answer.> then how i can > Identified me(I). plz clear about this confusion.You don't need to identify yourself, You always Are.Is there a time you can say "I don't exist?" Even after a good night's sleep, whe Mind is not around, when waking up, you recollect that you were deep asleep, that you existed, maybe not "conscious of" it, but there was awareness of that "unconsciousness" anyway.What was aware of that "unconsciousness"?At this very moment, while reading this email, what kind of confusion could be about your existence?The idea is to come back to "This". Clarity will follow, and even if thoughts in form of questions appear to confuse, they are also part of "This".Yours in Bhagavan,Mouna

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