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An interesting posting sent from Swamiji to start the week. Regards, Alan

THE ESSENTIAL NEED FOR EFFORTalanadamsjacobsDate: Monday, 9 February, 2009, 3:45 PM



Bhagavan has described sadhana as:

"The means one adopts by which one excludes all thoughts other than the thought of God." Bhagavan has also emphasized that it is the effort of "the 'I' thought (ego), which is carrying out a progressive and protracted sadhana that culminates with the awakening (remembrance) of the immaculate nature of a Pure Mind." 1 In fact, when Bhagavan was once asked to define yoga, He replied:

"Effort itself is yoga." 2 In regards to sadhana that is based on "remembrance", Bhagavan declared:

"Grace is the Self. I have already said, 'If you remember Bhagavan, you are prompted to do so by the Self.' Is not Grace already there? Is there a moment when Grace is not operating in you? Your remembrance is the forerunner of Grace. That is the response, that is the stimulus, that is the Self and that is Grace." 3 How can this statement be true when standing alongside the propounded emphasis by some that we need only 'be as we are', for the Self is the only Reality, and ever shining within? Simply speaking, this position is putting the cart before the horse. Bhagavan's own words bring to light the Truth that long practice from

past sadhana and then further effort alone makes permanent the effortless state. The difficulty in dealing solely with dry theory is put to rest by the experience of That, the samadhi (meditative absorption) referred to in the Kaivalya Upanishad called vijnana vedanta, which the theory only implies. When the question was put before Bhagavan of the need for practice and then further practice being required to attain the final state of the highest and permanent samadhi, He declared:

"People have all sorts of notions about nirvikalpa… All this is due to their viewing it intellectually. Nirvikalpa is Chit - effortless, formless Consciousness… To some whose minds have become ripe from a long practice in the past, nirvikalpa comes suddenly as a flood, but to others it comes in the course of their sadhana, which slowly wears down the obstructing thoughts and reveals the screen of Pure Awareness 'I'-'I'. Further practice renders the screen permanently exposed. This is Self-realization, Mukti, or Sahaja Samadhi, the natural, effortless State." 4 ______________________________1 Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p.

73.2 Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam, 2006, p. 74.3 Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 251, p. 217.4 Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p. 88-89.

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