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From the Garland of Guru's Sayings translated by WHO

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> Verse 115. The man who has the sense of the body being

> himself cannot

> possibly worship God as formless; whatever worship he makes

> will be worship

> in form alone, not otherwise.(9)


> (9) 0n this point many " reforming " sectarians are

> purblind; they deceive

> themselves, professing to worship God as formless, which is

> impossible to

> one that is ego-ridden, as explained above. If one be

> humble enough he

> will see that he should do as enjoined by the sacred lore,

> and would be no

> loser by it in the end. The next sentence makes it clear.


> Verse 116. (But) he that is unqualified for the formless

> worship obtains

> by the grace of God in the end the Illumination of the Real

> Self, by

> worshipping Him with form.


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> These quotations are from the book,

> Guru--Ramana--Vachana--Mala by " Who, "

> published by Sri Ramanasramam.

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