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Denise Levertov - Scraps of moon

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A week end Poem from Ivan. Somewhat complex, but his notes are worth reading. His thought for the day is right to the point!


Best wishes for a happy and auspicious week end to all.




--- On Fri, 27/2/09, Poetry Chaikhana <ivan wrote:

Poetry Chaikhana <ivan[Poetry Chaikhana] Denise Levertov - Scraps of moonalanadamsjacobsDate: Friday, 27 February, 2009, 6:11 PM


Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --






Scraps of moon

By Denise Levertov(1923 - 1997)

Scraps of moonbobbing discarded on broken waterbut sky-mooncomplete, transcendingall violationHere she seems to be talking to herself aboutthe shape of a life:Only OnceAll which, because it wasflame and song and granted usjoy, we thought we'd do, be, revisit,turns out to have been what it wasthat once, only; every invitationdid not begina series, a build-up: the marvelousdid not happen in our lives, our storiesare not drab with its absence: but don'texpect to return for more. Whatever morethere will be will beunique as those were unique. Tryto acknowledge the nextsong in its body-halo of flames as utterlypresent, as now or never.







-- from The Great Unknowing: Last Poems, by Denise Levertov

Amazon.com / Photo by Irargerich /






Thought for the Day:

Ask--Who is this mysterious beingwearing my face, looking through my eyes,answering to my name?



Here's your Daily Music selection --

Kareem Roustom and El-Zafeer Ensemble

Almitra's Question

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Hi Alan -Isn't that a wonderful opening image Denise Levertov gives us? We see "Scraps of moon / bobbing discarded on broken water" -- an image of the night sky scattered into separate, constantly moving pieces by the moving surface the water. But she follows with the statement, "sky-moon complete, transcending / all violation."She is building on the meditator's metaphor of the mind being like water reflecting the vision of the heavens. When the mind is agitated, it reflects an image of reality that is fragmented, chaotic, broken into separate objects. But when the mind is brought to a state of serene stillness, it then reflects the wholeness. Even the moon itself is not separate from the sky, but a part of the single continuity that is the sky-moon.Reality is not composed of separate objects and people. It is an interpenetrating oneness. This is the vision the still mind

receives, "transcending / all violation."And from that starting point, Levertov drops into the awareness that "the shape of life" is "Only Once." Within this wholeness, the present moment is always unique, a profound mystery, and never to be missed. Each glimmering upon the surface of awareness, each experience, each moment is unfolding now -- not in the past, not in the future -- and therefore it is occurring only once. Never repeated.Somewhere in adolescence we start to mutter that mantra, "Been there, done that," and we put ourselves on auto-pilot. Been there, done that is never true -- not ever. Each experience is new, utterly itself and not from the past or to be repeated in the future. Even when an event occurs a second time, it is not the exact same event, but a new world unto itself.Denise Levertov's advice comes from a place of deep wisdom:...Tryto acknowledge the nextsong in its body-halo of

flames as utterlypresent, as now or never.Have a beautiful weekend!Ivan

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