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Popcorn Philosophy - What would Ramana say?

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Popcorn Philosophy


The mystical experience

came to me like popcorn.


It was not an extrovertive

experience of the wonders

of nature (although there

was an element of that

jnana yoga insight).


It was not an introvertive

experience of 'nothingness'

(although there was an

element of that Buddhist

awakening in it).


The unifying experience of

Oneness and the Emptiness

that is not Nothing were

'short documentaries' in

a 'show' that featured the

main attraction in theistic

mysticism; that is, an

encounter with and merging

into God.


One moment I was filled with

existential angst (guilt,

remorse, feeling lost and

wanting to die) and then

after a brief moment of

silence, surrendering to

what seemed like a real

possibility of impending

death, POP!


Suddenly I was filled with

a startling sense that there

really is a power greater

than I am as an individual,

commonly referred to as God.


The next moment I was in

the presence of a glowing

'light being' (given my

Christian upbringing, I

saw this glow as Jesus).


The light being motioned

ever so slightly for me

to turn to the right, and

in the same split moment

that I did, I was 'absorbed'

into a huge blue white light…


And in the very presence

and residence of God, being

flooded with an unconditional

love that took all of the

guilt and remorse away and

reset my 'clock', my life

odometer to 000000.


And then I disappeared into

a star-filled 'universe' in

which everything made perfect

sense and I saw a cosmic order

and harmony (these were the

short doc's I mentioned earlier).


Once again, the central

experience was the POP! into

an entirely new 'reality' -

more real than the physical

world. This reality, our source

and the essence of our pure

being is not confined within

space or time. It is eternity.


Once we POP! into this realm,

all fear is gone, all questions

are answered. The seeking is

over. Just like that.


Now it is not a matter of

'Spiritual Growth " which to a

mystic is an oxymoron. There

is no expansion or unfolding

or seeking to further attune

to this reality. The race is

over. We have found our true



And all of the 'masters' who

have experienced this magical

mystery tour turn around to

attempt to teach this very

real potential of transcendence

that we are convinced is the

destiny of humankind.


Only there are no words that

are precise and accurate. So

we use analogy and metaphor -

sometimes silly ones, like:


Popcorn Philosophy - a confined

life set free to exist in a

puffy cloud of bliss.


It certainly makes the movie

of life a whole lot more

enjoyable. If you are interested

in learning more, just step

into the lobby of the Mystic

Heart School and stay tuned.




If you've already popped, I'd

love to hear your story.





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