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Dorothy Walters - Taken

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An unusual poem sent by Ivan- by a lady who had a kundalini awakening--- On Wed, 25/2/09, Poetry Chaikhana <ivan wrote:

Poetry Chaikhana <ivan[Poetry Chaikhana] Dorothy Walters - TakenalanadamsjacobsDate: Wednesday, 25 February, 2009, 5:15 PM


Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --








By Dorothy Walters(1928 - )

First, you must let your heartbe broken openin a way you have neverfelt before,cannot imagine. You willnot know if what you arefeelingis anguish or joy,something predestinedor merely old wounds flowing once more,reminders of all that isunfinished in your life.Something will flood intoyour chestlike air sweetened bydesert honeysuckle,love that is too strong.You will stand there,very still, not seeing what this is.Later, you will not rememberany of thisuntil the next timewhen you will say,yes, yes, I have known this before, it has come again,just as your eyes fold underonce more.

/ Photo by alicepopkorn /






Thought for the Day:

What you lack in natural devotion,make up for with fierceness for the Divine!



Here's your Daily Music selection --


Didgeridoo Transcendence

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Hi Alan -I feel like it's been too long since we were last taken by a poem from Dorothy Walters.===Dorothy Walters is a retired university professor who, at age 53, experienced a dramatic Kundalini awakening which, as she says, completely transformed her life. She had no guru or teacher to guide her through this process, navigating through the new world that opened itself to her by following inner guidance and instinct.Ms. Walters lives and writes in San Francisco.===Something will flood intoyour chestlike air sweetened bydesert honeysuckle...Have a beautiful day!Ivan

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