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A. R. Ammons - Poetics

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A profound and interesting poem sent by Ivan.--- On Wed, 25/3/09, Poetry Chaikhana <ivan wrote:

Poetry Chaikhana <ivan[Poetry Chaikhana] A. R. Ammons - PoeticsalanadamsjacobsDate: Wednesday, 25 March, 2009, 3:47 PM


Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --







By A. R. Ammons(1926 - 2001)

I look for the waythings will turnout spiraling from a center,the shapethings will take to come forth inso that the birch tree whitetouched black at brancheswill stand outwind-glitteringtotally its apparent self:I look for the formsthings want to come asfrom what black wells of possibility,how a thing willunfold:not the shape on paper -- thoughthat, too -- but theuninterfering means on paper:not so much looking for the shapeas being availableto any shape that may besummoning itselfthrough mefrom the self not mine but ours.







-- from Collected Poems: 1951 - 1971, by A. R. Ammons

Amazon.com / Photo by Randy Son Of Robert /






Thought for the Day:

Make a supreme effort!What are you hoarding all of your energy for?



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Chris Rael & Deep Singh

Tunnel Ragas

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Hi Alan -This poem is a delightful meditation on how form emerges "spiraling from a center" of essential nature.I look for the formsthings want to come asfrom what black wells of possibility,how a thing willunfold:Form is the expression of a more subtle foundation. Ammons is using the world of color and shape as an exercise for the awareness, a way of looking at the outer to discover the inner.Looking at the world this way, a stillness settles on us, and we begin to see the stillness of things, even in their movement. And we start to recognize how shape and color both hide and reveal the true nature of things.so that the birch tree whitetouched black at brancheswill stand outwind-glitteringtotally its apparent self:Looking at the world this way, the perceptual wall between ourselves and what we

witness fades away, and we become something new, bigger, open, a collective unity, "the self not mine but ours"...not so much looking for the shapeas being availableto any shape that may besummoning itselfthrough mefrom the self not mine but ours.Wonderful!Ivan

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New on the Poetry Chaikhana BlogIn addition to the daily poem, other recent blog posts include:

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Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and commentaries are 2002 - 2008 by Ivan M. Granger.All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators and/or publishers.


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