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From the Garland -WHO TRANSLATION Contd.

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From the Garland of Guru's Sayings - WHO



> Verse 145.


The highest teaching of the Vedantas, free from doubts, is the

> state of Supreme Silence brought about by the unification of

> the Transcendent and the individual soul (which is the

> ego).


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> This

> quotation is from the book, Guru--Ramana--Vachana--Mala by " Who, "

> published by Sri Ramanasramam.

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> From the Garland of Guru's Sayings -



> Translation



> Verse 146.


  For the very earnest sadhakas

> (spiritual seekers) who are free from desires

(of worldly advantage) the inquiry into the real nature of the being,

> denoted by the word " Thou " is alone sufficient fo the winning of liberation,

without any inquiry into truth of

> the Being denoted by the word " That " .




> (13) In this and the next verses the real

> intention of the Vedantic teaching " Thou art That "

> is set forth. Here the word " That " signifies the

> Transcendental Reality called Brahmin; " Thou "

> signifies the entity behind the apparent personality of the

> disciple to whom the teaching is addressed; this teaching is

> easily misunderstood, and worse still grossly misapplied;

> hence the explanation given here.


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> > This

> > quotation is from the book,

> Guru--Ramana--Vachana--Mala by " Who, "

> > published by Sri Ramanasramam.


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> From the Garland of Guru's Sayings -


> WHO Translation


Verse 147. Revelation added the words " That " and " art " in order to (help to)

turn inwards the minds of other sadhakas (spiritual seekers) whose mentality is

unripe, not for anything else. see(14)footnote


(14) Revelation does not give the teaching in this form uniformly; in some

places only an injunction to seek and find the Self is given.


Note:This verse refers to the Mahavakya 'Thou Art That'



~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~


> > This

> > quotation is from the book,

> Guru--Ramana- -Vachana- -Mala by " Who, "

> > published by Sri Ramanasramam.

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From the Garland of Guru's Sayings -


WHO Translation


~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~>

Verse 148. Oh mind, you have already suffered, thinking, " I am a

jiva (an individual) " ; do not fall into a worse delusion by believing " I am

Brahman (the Absolute, or the Supreme Being) " ; in the Transcendental

State there is no one answering to the name of " I. " (15)


(15) The " I " that is the first term of the

expression " I am Brahman " is unreal; that is,

there is (in fact) no such being even now; and even the

illusory appearance of it will cease when (true)

illumination is won. Hence, the expression can easily

mislead and worsen bondage, instead of taking one to



~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

This quotation is from the book, Guru--Ramana- -Vachana- -Mala by " Who, "

published by Sri Ramanasramam.

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