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Pure light/Alan / breath

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Jeff Belyea wrote:



> Dear Alan,


> Thank you. A little bit of 'his story'

> to say that from your articles, I'd say

> that our approaches certainly do dovetail...


> >From a Christian background, caught the last

> train to Hippieville in early 70s and spent

> time in a Hindu ashram. By mid 70s, despair

> overtook me and I asked God to let me die.

> (When I later began to read of Bhagavan's

> laying down to experience death, my heart

> resonated profusely, his teachings opened

> up for me.)


> That, 'let me die,' became my mantra.

> In one last desperate plea, after months

> of this, I offered what I later learned can

> be interpreted as a Bodhisattva vow (though

> I knew nothing of such a vow), and said

> that if I could ever find peace of mind

> I would spend the rest of my life telling

> others who were searching (especially

> desperately searching) that is was possible.


> With no 'response' I returned to my mantra,

> until one morning, July 21, 1975 at about

> 9:30, while I was completely surrendered to

> the idea of impending death...in the silence

> I 'heard' (no words) what I have come to

> call, 'a wisdom whisper from the heart'

> that absolutely set me free and introduced

> me to the I-I of my pure being.


> I have been teaching ever since - in books,

> classes, posts, discussion groups and

> speaking engagements - what a friend has

> called, 'stealth satsangs'.


> Originally I went directly from Quiet

> Awareness to Heart Awareness in teaching,

> but over the years found that the breath

> is a 'chariot of the gods' that can take

> us to the all-important portal of the heart.


> As you mentioned in your article, the breath

> helps focus concentration and ability to

> stay in the silence of awareness and, for me,

> a 'listening' for the wisdom whisper from

> the heart.


> Love,


> Jeff






























































Is the bridge

Between being

And being not.,

Called by people

" Life " and " Death " .


The timeless,

All containing life,

One without a second

Has nothing to oppose.

The opposite of death

Is birth.


Inhaling –

I am born.

Exhaling –

I die.

In the meantime

My life




Praise be!




in love,






> <%40>, Alan Jacobs

> <alanadamsjacobs wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jeff,

> > Â

> > An interesting post. I am interested in 'Breath Awareness' as it may

> dovetail in with my own practice of Diving Into the Heart with breath

> inhalation, retention and exhalation, see my article on this topic in

> Luthar.com

> > Â

> > Warm regards,

> > Â

> > Looking forward to hearing from you,

> > Â

> > Yours in Bhagavan,

> > Â

> > Alan

> >

> > --- On Thu, 9/4/09, Jeff Belyea <jeff wrote:

> >

> >

> > Jeff Belyea <jeff

> > Re: Pure light/Harsha

> >

> <%40>

> > Thursday, 9 April, 2009, 4:27 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , ramesh chivukula

> <ramesh_chiv@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Pure Light

> > > ÂÂ

> > > We are but vibrating

> > > Bodies of light ;

> > > Dancing and Singing

> > > In HIS glory

> > > ÂÂ

> > > We are in reality

> > > Massless…

> > > Mass is the greatest

> > > Illusion ever created.

> > > ÂÂ

> > > When there is no mass

> > > There is no Identity ..

> > > There is only Pure Light

> > > Filled with ONLY LOVE..

> > > ÂÂ

> > > love

> > > ramesh

> >

> > Harsha,

> >

> > Hope you don't mind this

> > cross post from my group. It

> > seems to fit so well with the

> > Pure Light post.

> > ____________ _________ ____

> >

> > A little cosmic cruisin'

> >

> > As the introduction to this group

> > reads, the Mystic Heart School of

> > Meditation offers both spiritual

> > guidance and practical wisdom;

> > that is, the premise here is

> > that from the faithful practice

> > of meditation and intention comes

> > practical wisdom, and by grace,

> > a discovery and/or renewal of

> > our inherent natural enlightenment.

> >

> > Enlightenment has two meanings

> > in this regard. To be enlightened

> > 'about' something is to be well

> > informed about a subject matter -

> > practical wisdom.

> >

> > Enlightenment in the spiritual

> > or philosophical sense (philo-

> > sophical means 'words about

> > wisdom') is about a new awareness -

> > lighting up your mind to discover

> > previously unknown or forgotten

> > inner wisdom; specifically in the

> > spiritual sense, our Oneness

> > with God (Source...).

> >

> > Of course, we are discreet and

> > distinctly in an individual human

> > form. Yet, when we practice the

> > simple process in the foundational

> > meditation taught here called,

> > 'Quiet Awareness' we shift from

> > simply being a body/being that

> > occupies a certain space in time

> > to our 'awareness' of that being.

> >

> > So, we have a body AND we have

> > awareness of that body/mind being.

> >

> > And who is it that is aware of

> > ...ourself? A way to consider this

> > is to think of the physical body

> > as a 'vehicle' that 'carries'

> > awareness. One step further would

> > be to think of the body as solid

> > and awareness as light...ah,

> > that's what we talking about -

> > enlightenment: awareness that

> > who we really are is composed

> > of...light - light that is the

> > abiding place of cosmic consciousness.

> >

> > The more we step into that light

> > awareness, the more we realize

> > that there is a 'witness' to our

> > life as we know it...and the

> > witness is US!

> >

> > Meditation and spiritual guidance

> > are techniques for coming more

> > and more into awareness of our

> > pure being - as pure light, as

> > pure spirit. What comes with

> > this deepening awareness is an

> > expanded consciousness that

> > takes us beyond our individual

> > self-identity and begins to

> > see the 'silver thread' (a

> > metaphor, not literal) of our

> > connection with everyone and

> > everything. Much, much more comes

> > with it, but this is an aspect.

> > We'll explore many other aspects

> > of enlightenment on these

> > occasional cosmic cruises.

> >

> > As you look outside on a sunny

> > day (or any daylight) imagine

> > for a moment that who you are

> > is that light - encompassing

> > all that is, universally. From

> > this perspective we can say

> > that we are 'a spark of God's

> > own fire', we can begin to

> > sense our own divinity.

> >

> > OK, enough cosmic cruisin'

> > for today. Let's pull over

> > and see who is still aboard.

> >

> > Tickets, please. That means,

> > post a response if you want

> > to stay on this ride, and

> > for those who have an interest,

> > we'll go on to 'Breath Awareness'.

> >

> > Love,

> >

> > Jeff

> > http://groups. / group/mystichear tmeditation/

> >



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