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Thomas Merton - O Sweet Irrational Worship

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An interesting poem sent by friend Ivan, his notes are worth reading at the end.--- On Fri, 10/4/09, Poetry Chaikhana <ivan wrote:

Poetry Chaikhana <ivan[Poetry Chaikhana] Thomas Merton - O Sweet Irrational WorshipalanadamsjacobsDate: Friday, 10 April, 2009, 5:00 PM


Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --






O Sweet Irrational Worship

By Thomas Merton(1915 - 1968)

Wind and a bobwhiteAnd the afternoon sun.By ceasing to question the sunI have become light,Bird and wind.My leaves sing.I am earth, earthAll these lighted thingsGrow from my heart.A tall, spare pineStands like the initial of my firstName when I had one.When I had a spirit,When I was on fireWhen this valley wasMade out of fresh airYou spoke my nameIn naming Your silence:O sweet, irrational worship!I am earth, earthMy heart's loveBursts with hay and flowers.I am a lake of blue airIn which my own appointed placeField and valleyStand reflected.I am earth, earthOut of my grass heartRises the bobwhite.Out of my nameless weedsHis foolish worship.







-- from Selected Poems of Thomas Merton, by Thomas Merton

Amazon.com / Photo by Begbie Images /






Thought for the Day:

Doing good for othersis your second duty.Your firstis to be fully yourself.



Here's your Daily Music selection --

David Swan Montgomery


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Hi Alan -It is Passover in the Jewish tradition. In the Western Christian tradition, today is Good Friday leading into Easter Sunday. It's springtime. And it's a full moon. Whatever you celebrate this weekend, remember to celebrate the life springing up all around you and in you!All these lighted thingsGrow from my heart.Ivan

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New on the Poetry Chaikhana BlogIn addition to the daily poem, other recent blog posts include:

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Donations to the Poetry ChaikhanaI want to send out a sincere thank you to each one of you who contributed some of your hard-earned money in the last week:- Valerie (CA), Constance (CO) - No new rs this weekI am so grateful for each and every contribution. Your support makes a big difference in maintaining the Poetry Chaikhana.---A few reasons to consider making a donation of your own...

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Ivan maintains the Poetry Chaikhana in his free time, usually in the mornings before work. Your donation allows him to trim back his work hours and dedicate more time to the Poetry Chaikhana and your emails.

I know economic times are tight for many people. A small amount contributed each month is as helpful as a larger one-time donation.





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Poetry ChaikhanaP.O. Box 2320Boulder, CO 80306


Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and commentaries are 2002 - 2008 by Ivan M. Granger.All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators and/or publishers.


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