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Pablo Neruda - Poetry

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A Great Week End Poem From Ivan.--- On Fri, 17/4/09, Poetry Chaikhana <ivan wrote:

Poetry Chaikhana <ivan[Poetry Chaikhana] Pablo Neruda - PoetryalanadamsjacobsDate: Friday, 17 April, 2009, 6:34 PM


Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --







By Pablo Neruda(1904 - 1973)

And it was at that age... Poetry arrivedin search of me. I don't know, I don't know whereit came from, from winter or a river.I don't know how or when,no, they were not voices, they were notwords, nor silence,but from a street I was summoned,from the branches of night,abruptly from the others,among violent firesor returning alone,there I was without a faceand it touched me.I did not know what to say, my mouthhad no waywith namesmy eyes were blind,and something started in my soul,fever or forgotten wings,and I made my own way,decipheringthat fireand I wrote the first faint line,faint, without substance, purenonsense,pure wisdomof someone who knows nothing,and suddenly I sawthe heavensunfastenedand open,planets,palpitating planations,shadow

perforated,riddledwith arrows, fire and flowers,the winding night, the universe.And I, infinitesimal being,drunk with the great starryvoid,likeness, image ofmystery,I felt myself a pure partof the abyss,I wheeled with the stars,my heart broke free on the open sky.

/ Photo by fazen /






Thought for the Day:

Every nation, every person, every objectis within yourself.Forgive the whole worldand watch what happens in you.



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Hi Alan -And it was at that age... Poetry arrivedin search of me.The autobiography of a poet and his art.and something started in my soul,fever or forgotten wings,and I made my own way,decipheringthat fireI especially like the perfectly simple way he describes how the purest art comes through when the artist steps aside:there I was without a faceand it touched me.After reading this poem, I have nothing much to add, except that I think I'll read it again.I wheeled with the stars,my heart broke free on the open sky.IvanPS - A new storyA Zen koan about the foundation of a new monastery and a test with a water bowl. I think you'll like it. Follow the blog link below.

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New on the Poetry Chaikhana BlogIn addition to the daily poem, other recent blog posts include:

Story / Koan: Tipping Over a Vase - Comments (1) Hyakujo filled a vase with water and set it on the ground before the assembled monks... More

Updates to the Poetry Chaikhana Software - Do you ever wonder what I do for the Poetry Chaikhana besides sending out poetry...? More

Video & Music: Stand by Me - Comments (4) Trust me, you'll be moved by this patchwork performance of "Stand by Me" with singers and street musicians from all over the world. More





Donations to the Poetry ChaikhanaI want to send out a sincere thank you to each one of you who contributed some of your hard-earned money in the last week:- Zoe (CA) And thank you to everyone who contributes monthly through a voluntary paid subscription. New rs this week:- Navdeep, NanciI am so grateful for each and every contribution. Your support makes a big difference in maintaining the Poetry Chaikhana.---A few reasons to consider making a donation of your own...

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Ivan maintains the Poetry Chaikhana in his free time, usually in the mornings before work. Your donation allows him to trim back his work hours and dedicate more time to the Poetry Chaikhana and your emails.





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Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and commentaries are 2002 - 2008 by Ivan M. Granger.All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators and/or publishers.


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