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Nisargadatta Maharaj says Give up All and You Gain All

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Q: Your particular existence and my particular existence, do they both exist in the mind of Brahma?M: The universal is not aware of the particular. The existence as a person is a personal matter. A person exists in time and space, has name and shape, beginning and end; the universal includes all persons and the absolute is at the root of and beyond all.

Q: Surely there must be something in common between the many points of consciousness we are.M: Where are the many points? In your mind. You insist that your world is independent of your mind. How can it be? Your desire to know other people's minds is due to your not knowing your own mind.First know your own mind and you will find that the question of other minds does not arise at all, for there are no other people.You are the common factor, the only link between the minds. Being is consciousness; 'I am' applies to all.

Q: There are affections in the dream which seem real and everlasting. Do they disappear on waking up?M: In dream you love some and not others. On waking up you find you are love itself, embracing all. Personal love, however intense and genuine, invariably binds; love in freedom is love of all.

Q: So there is no way to gain detachment?M: There is nothing to gain. Abandon all imaginings and know yourself as you are. Self-knowledge is detachment. All craving is due to a sense of insufficiency. When you know that you lack nothing, that all there is, is you and yours, desire ceases.

Q: To know myself must I practise awareness?M: There is nothing to practise. To know yourself, be yourself. To be yourself, stop imagining yourself to be this or that. Just be. Let your true nature emerge. Don't disturb your mind with seeking.

Q: It will take much time if I Just wait for self-realisation.M: What have you to wait for when it is already here and now? You have only to look and see. Look at your self, at your own being. You know that you are and you like it. Abandon all imagining, that is all. Do not rely on time. Time is death. Who waits -- dies. Life is now only. Do not talk to me about past and future -- they exist only in your mind.

Q: How can I find peace when the world suffers?M: The world suffers for very valid reasons. If you want to help the world, you must be beyond the need of help. Then all your doing as well as not doing will help the world most effectively.

Q: How can non-action be of use where action is needed?M: Where action is needed, action happens. Man is not the actor. His is to be aware of what is going on. His very presence is action. The window is the absence of the wall and it gives air and light because it is empty. Be empty of all mental content, of all imagination and effort, and the very absence of obstacles will cause reality to rush in. If you really want to help a person, keep away. If you are emotionally committed to helping, you will fail to help. You may be very busy and be very pleased with your charitable nature, but not much will be done. A man is really helped when he is no longer in need of help. All else is just futility.

Q: There is not enough time to sit and wait for help to happen. One must do something.M: By all means -- do. But what you can do is limited; the self alone is unlimited. Give limitlessly -- of yourself. All else you can give in small measures only. You alone are immeasurable. To help is your very nature. Even when you eat and drink you help your body. For yourself you need nothing. You are pure giving, beginning-less, endless, inexhaustible. When you see sorrow and suffering, be with it. Do not rush into activity. Neither learning nor action can really help. Be with sorrow and lay bare its roots -- helping to understand is real help.

Q: My death is nearing.M: Your body is short of time, not you. Time and space are in the mind only. You are not bound. Just understand yourself -- that itself is eternity.Source: I am That By Nisargadatta Maharaj


-- Om namo Bhagavate Sri RamanayaPrashant Jalasutram

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Prasanth Jalasutram wrote:



> Q: Your particular existence and my particular existence, do they both

> exist in the mind of Brahma?


> M: The universal is not aware of the particular. The existence as a

> person is a personal matter. A person exists in time and space, has

> name and shape, beginning and end; the universal includes all persons

> and the absolute is at the root of and beyond all.


> Q: Surely there must be something in common between the many points of

> consciousness we are.


> M: Where are the many points? In your mind. You insist that your world

> is independent of your mind. How can it be? Your desire to know other

> people's minds is due to your not knowing your own mind.First know

> your own mind and you will find that the question of other minds does

> not arise at all, for there are no other people.You are the common

> factor, the only link between the minds. Being is consciousness; 'I

> am' applies to all.


> Q: There are affections in the dream which seem real and everlasting.

> Do they disappear on waking up?


> M: In dream you love some and not others. On waking up you find you

> are love itself, embracing all. Personal love, however intense and

> genuine, invariably binds; love in freedom is love of all.


> Q: So there is no way to gain detachment?


> M: There is nothing to gain. Abandon all imaginings and know yourself

> as you are. Self-knowledge is detachment. All craving is due to a

> sense of insufficiency. When you know that you lack nothing, that all

> there is, is you and yours, desire ceases.


> Q: To know myself must I practise awareness?


> M: There is nothing to practise. To know yourself, be yourself. To be

> yourself, stop imagining yourself to be this or that. Just be. Let

> your true nature emerge. Don't disturb your mind with seeking.


> Q: It will take much time if I Just wait for self-realisation.


> M: What have you to wait for when it is already here and now? You have

> only to look and see. Look at your self, at your own being. You know

> that you are and you like it. Abandon all imagining, that is all. Do

> not rely on time. Time is death. Who waits -- dies. Life is now only.

> Do not talk to me about past and future -- they exist only in your mind.


> Q: How can I find peace when the world suffers?


> M: The world suffers for very valid reasons. If you want to help the

> world, you must be beyond the need of help. Then all your doing as

> well as not doing will help the world most effectively.


> Q: How can non-action be of use where action is needed?


> M: Where action is needed, action happens. Man is not the actor. His

> is to be aware of what is going on. His very presence is action. The

> window is the absence of the wall and it gives air and light because

> it is empty. Be empty of all mental content, of all imagination and

> effort, and the very absence of obstacles will cause reality to rush

> in. If you really want to help a person, keep away. If you are

> emotionally committed to helping, you will fail to help. You may be

> very busy and be very pleased with your charitable nature, but not

> much will be done. A man is really helped when he is no longer in need

> of help. All else is just futility.


> Q: There is not enough time to sit and wait for help to happen. One

> must do something.


> M: By all means -- do. But what you can do is limited; the self alone

> is unlimited. Give limitlessly -- of yourself. All else you can give

> in small measures only. You alone are immeasurable. To help is your

> very nature. Even when you eat and drink you help your body. For

> yourself you need nothing. You are pure giving, beginning-less,

> endless, inexhaustible. When you see sorrow and suffering, be with it.

> Do not rush into activity. Neither learning nor action can really

> help. Be with sorrow and lay bare its roots -- helping to understand

> is real help.


> Q: My death is nearing.


> M: Your body is short of time, not you. Time and space are in the mind

> only. You are not bound. Just understand yourself -- that itself is

> eternity.


> Source: I am That By Nisargadatta Maharaj







> --

> Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

> Prashant Jalasutram







































































































:) thank you, prashant. pleasure to read those words of wisdom...


shabbat shalom all,


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