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Self-Enquiry is real religiosity.

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Dear all,

A religious person is one who sets out search for his " I " and more


he goes on searching,the more he finds out that his " I " is not there at all.


The day the shadow of " I " disappears,the day neither " I " or " you " remains,


you will be pulled into the Self with it's magnetic effect.Then you feel at home


for the first time.


At present you are mistaking workshop of mind for your home and you are


identifying with the utilitarian body- mind complex and suffering from


uninterrupted mental conflict because of this wrong identity.So we have to


find our real home through Self-Enquiry with awareness as the basis for




If we live in the mind thinking that it is our home,there is continuous


chattering interrupting our innate peace.There is anxiety,worry,tension,


anguish,misery,suffering,desires etc and all these create many,many


layers of curtain around the consciousness making it to appear cloudy,


and you cannot feel at home because of them.These disturb the joy,peace,


blissfulness which is our innate nature.


At present we are experiencing the things in unawareness and we go on


repeating the same mistake again and again.That is why history repeats


itself.If we are aware during an experince,we will not repeat the same


mistake again.If we comprehensively encounter one experience in


awareness,we develop the capacity to face any situation and there is the


flowering of the art of Self-Enquiry.This is the real religiosity.


Wrong belief that we are not the Self which leads us to identity with the


body-mind complex will continuously obstruct,negate and closes the doors


to all possibilities of flowing of light and energy of Self.The creative energy



Self is plugged,blocked and diverted to some activity that society thinks is


going to pay.


In Self-Enquiry one should not judge his mind,instead one should love it,


by just witnessing it,then only the mind reveals it's content in the


awareness and withers.During this destructuring of mind in awareness


there is pain of disillusionment because so far we thought ego is is our real


home and leaving it now causes pain.One has to pass through this pain of


disillusionment before transcending pleasure-pain ego life.


In the awareness of Self-Enquiry,one will purify himself of all wrong


conditionings and auto suggestions.Self-Enquiry is an act of witnessing


consciousness.The life you have so far lived is a long pretension of things


that are not.For example one talks about compassion,universal brotherhood,


service to humanity etc keeping intact the ego with it's intrinsic separative


feeling.These pretentions veil on your essential Self.You go on acquiring


more veils in the form of knowledge,learning,scholorship etc.But Self-Enquiry


is not a question of learning,it is an art perceiving the things " as they are " ,


it is an act of knowing which is verbal in nature.It is just witnessing the



chattering of mind with love.Everything,that which is not,disappears if you


are aware,so also the inner chattering.When inner chattering stops even for


few moments,you feel at home.Whenever inner chattering starts again


simply " be aware " ,the inner chattering stops and you will suddenly feel at


home.This is Self-Enquiry.


Once the mind understands that you have found something greater,


something better,something higher,slowly it receeds.It's function is fulfilled.


Now the mind is inward turned.It's activity is is a hurdle now.


When your mind is silent without any activity of thought,you will at home


anywhere and you will be in tune with the whole.Gradually the awareness


spreads slowly during sleep also and your whole energy is turned into


silent pool without any ripples.


Then there is no need to crave for anything including the hope for God,


liberation.Then you will just " be " which is synonimous of " being the Self " .


This is real Self-Enquiry and real religiosity.


Then deep inside you will be full of joy,celebration,ecstasy and


you will be continuously receiving more and more blessings from


Godliness.Your life will be a life of benediction.

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