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From Muraganar's Garland of Guru's Sayings. Prof Swaminathan Translation cont'd

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No matter what,

however big or small,

may come to one

or go away from one,

it's wisdom to stand quite aloof

and yet supporting all,

instead of being a wisp

of weak straw fluttering in the wind.


Note: The Self is like a screen on which a film is projected,

supporting but untouched by the flood or fire in the picture.

Prof. S

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Dear Michael ..


The question here is not just taming the buffalo.. but divorcing it altogether..Unfortunately over the ages and many lifetimes we have been conditioned to identify , cherish , nourish and worship this buffalo !


This buffalo is very greedy - it feeds on every available thing around.. it is sadistic as well as masochistic - it hurts others as well as hurts itself.. It fears none including YAMA ..It is under constant delusion of self impressed grandeur... while this buffalo might have also done great things of much utilitarian value to the mankind.. it has only hurt itself the most .. by being the cause of suffering to the SELF.. All these are well known and well understood and am being only very repetitive here..


One way to limit the linkage to the buffalo ( resulting autoamtically to identification with the TRUE SELF which ever is ) is to introspect what this buffalo has done to us over the years .

Has it caused real happiness or has it been a source of suffereing ? It might have caused some solpa ( little) pleasures now and then but over all has it not resulted in much suffering ? How much battering the buffalo has taken and in turn we have suffered due to this false identification with this buffalo ? Through this introspection ( Atma Vichara as they say ) , we slowly come to realise that all along we have suffered for nothing ! The buffalo is an imaginary frankenstein monster which has taken over our REAL SELF ..Rather than attacking this monster which may only grow stronger , can we not replace it by LOVE OF TRUE SELF ..with HIS GRACE and our FAITH is this not possible ? Will it not mark the beginning of the end of this buffalo ? Day by day we can notice our interest in the wordly affairs wane and we start dwelling more and more in the sanctuary of the SELF !





--- On Sun, 5/3/09, Michael Bindel <michael.bindel wrote:

Michael Bindel <michael.bindelRe: Re: From Muraganar's Garland of Guru's Sayings. Prof Swaminathan Translation cont'd Date: Sunday, May 3, 2009, 11:50 AM




Dear friends


and what is in your practical experience the BEST way to tame this buffalo???



in GD







ramesh chivukula


Sunday, May 03, 2009 5:46 AM

Re: Re: From Muraganar's Garland of Guru's Sayings. Prof Swaminathan Translation cont'd








Dear Raju garu ..


Well said.. Is it not but natural for the buffalo ( EGO ) to want to wallow in muddy waters (among the tamasic crowd where it finds comfort ).. The EGO is ever in danger of destruction hence cleverly looks for many ways to survive.. That is why , even though HIS GRACE is ever present and always being showered upon us , we need to be on our toes to keep the EGO at as much distance as practically possible and await its natural death...





--- On Sun, 5/3/09, drrajunsp <drrajunsp (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

drrajunsp <drrajunsp (AT) (DOT) co.in> Re: From Muraganar's Garland of Guru's Sayings. Prof Swaminathan Translation cont'dSunday, May 3, 2009, 7:53 AM



Dr.Raju wrote:Importance of aloneness in Self-Enquiry.Dear all,We are all suffering from the consequences of false identity.The goal of Self-Enquiry is to be free from that false identity.We are identified with the body-mind,so we are identified with gender,body relations,property, things,race, nationality, profession, beliefs,dogmas, fame,ambition, craving for recgnition etc.That false identity is a substitute to the real and is useful in the world,whereothers are also identified in a similar way.But it has to be supported 24 hoursa day because it is false.The crowd is essential for the false self to exist.So ego is always is in seach of the crowd.Even in the sphere of religion theego wants to belong to the crowd of organised religions because it is a respectable centre for social gathering.Many spiritual centres are social clubsand

gathering in such centres makes the false identity more consolidated.Accustomed to such circumstances of ego consolidation, the moment one isalone,one starts feeling from strange fear of being uprooted from the ego-existence, one feels lonely and crazy.So ego always wants to beengaged with the crowd or start doing something just to keep the falseengaged.In Self-Enquiry one has to be alone,silent, waiting for the real to assert itself.So only courageous people who have the capacity to be alone can do theSelf-Enquiry. Self-Enquiry is not a mental act,so thought has no place inSelf-Enquiry. It is just silent relaxation with passive awareness into the innerbeing.Any mental act is an outcome of ego,thought.In this aloneness,you lose that which has to be lost and it is good to lose itsoon,because the longer it stays,the stronger the ego becomes.Aloneness

takes things from you which you dont really have.You are the "One" when false is gone and the fresh,innocent, unpollutedpure being that asserts itself in the place of ego.So Self-Enquiry is adestructive process because it destroys all that is false and out of thatdestruction there is the revelation of reality.When you are alone reality startsexpressing itself.This is an existential answer to "Who am i" Self-Enquiry inaloneness.In aloneness you hold on to "Self", thus the support to the false ego is withdrawn and the ego dies a natural death (Manonasa).Once you taste the bliss of "Self" in aloneness,the undercurrent of it prevailseven when you are midst of crowd.Then you have arrived home., alanadamsjacobs@ ...

wrote:>> > 5.SOLITUDE> > 9o8> > P.173> > Of all the many qualities> Desirable in an earnest seeker> of imperishable moksha,> none is more essential> than Love> for the bliss of solitude> > Note: By solitude Sri Bhagavan means freedom from all attachments. The seeker after moksha should rejoice in freedom from vasanas, thoughts, memories and expectations. Prof. S.>



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