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Behold the glow of the moon

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Here is Ivan's poem for the week end. Please read his erudite notes Enjoy.



Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --







[4] Behold the glow of the moon

By Shih-te (Pickup)(780? - 850?)

English version by Red Pine (Bill Porter)

Behold the glow of the moonillumine the world's four quartersperfect light in perfect spacea radiance that purifiespeople say it waxes and wanesbut I don't see it fadejust like a magic pearlit shines both night and day







-- from The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain, Translated by Red Pine

Amazon.com / Photo by Robert Couse-Baker /






Thought for the Day:

Enlightenment isnot what you think.



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Nadaka and the Basavaraj Brothers

Living Colours

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Hi Alan -Behold the glow of the moonillumine the world's four quartersIn Shih-te's poem, the "glow of the moon" can be understood the awareness of the all pervasive light that occurs in deep spiritual ecstasy.perfect light in perfect spacea radiance that purifiesIt is "a radiance that purifies," not in the sense that it somehow corrects reality; rather, it purifies our perception of reality. Through the recognition of this light's radiance, we recognize the essential purity already present everywhere.people say it waxes and wanesbut I don't see it fadeThe light of the moon may wax and wane, but the true light of enlightenment is steady and eternal. Some may see enlightenment itself as unstable, but that is the perspective of the witness. When the mind is stable and utterly still, you can see that the light itself does

not fade--just like a magic pearlit shines both night and dayHave a wonderful full moon weekend!IvanPS - Thank you for all of the enthusiastic messages about my poem on Wednesday. I had a big smile on my face from all of your warm responses.

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Poetry ChaikhanaP.O. Box 2320Boulder, CO 80306


Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and commentaries are 2002 - 2008 by Ivan M. Granger.All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators and/or publishers.


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