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Ramana Maharshi on God, Will of God, Creator

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Question : What is the relationship between God and the world? Is he the creator or sustainer of it?Ramana Maharshi : Sentient and insentient beings of all kinds are performing actions only by the mere presence of the sun, which rises in the sky without any volition. Similarly all actions are done by the Lord without any volition or desire on his part. In the mere presence of the sun, the magnifying lens emits fire, the lotus-bud blossoms, the water-lily closes and all the countless creatures perform actions and rest.

The order of the great multitude of worlds is maintained by the mere presence of God in the same manner as the needle moves in front of a magnet, and as the moonstone emits water, the waterlily blossoms and the lotus closes in front of the moon.

In the mere presence of God, who does not have even the least volition, the living beings, who are engaged in innumerable activities, after embarking upon many paths to which they are drawn according to the course determined by their own karmas, finally realize the futility of action, turn back to Self and attain liberation.

The actions of living beings certainly do not go and affect God, who transcends the mind, in the same manner as the activities of the world do not affect that sun and as the qualities of the conspicuous four elements [earth, water, fire and air] do not affect the limitless space.

Question : Why is samsara - creation and manifestation so full of sorrow and evil ?Ramana Maharshi : God's will!Question : Why does God will it so?Ramana Maharshi : It is inscrutable. No motive can be attributed to that power - no desire no end to achieve can be asserted of that one infinite, all-wise and all-powerful being. God is untouched by activities, which take place in his presence. Compare the sun and the world activities. There is no meaning in attributing responsibility and motive to the one before it becomes many.

Question : Does everything happen by the will of God?Ramana Maharshi : It is not possible for anyone to do anything opposed to the ordinance of God, who has the ability to do everything. Therefore to remain silent at the feet of God, having given up all the anxieties of the wicked, defective and delusive mind, is best.

Question : Is there a separate being Iswara [personal God] who is the rewarder of virtue and punisher of sins? Is there a God?Ramana Maharshi : Yes.http://prashantaboutindia.blogspot.com/2009/05/ramana-maharshi-on-god-will-of-god.html

-- Om namo Bhagavate Sri RamanayaPrashant Jalasutram

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Question : Is there a separate being Iswara [personal God] who is the

rewarder of virtue and punisher of sins? Is there a God?

Ramana Maharshi : Yes.




Dear Prasanth,


You ended your interesting quoted passage on Sri Ramana's views on the

nature of God with the above question and answer. I wonder if it might help

enquirers if we were to reflect on what Sri Ramana said next.



QUESTIONER: Is there a separate being Iswara [personal God] who is the

rewarder of virtue and punisher of sins? Is there a God?




QUESTIONER: What is he like?


MAHARSHI: Iswara has individuality in mind and body, which are perishable,

but at the same time he has also the transcendental consciousness and

liberation inwardly.

Iswara, the personal God, the supreme creator of the universe really

does exist. But this is true only from the relative standpoint of those who

have not realized the truth, those people who believe in the reality of

individual souls. From the absolute standpoint the sage cannot accept any

other existence than the impersonal Self, one and formless.

Iswara has a physical body, a form and a name, but it is not so gross as

this material body. It can be seen in visions in the form created by the

devotee. The forms and names of God are many and various and differ with

each religion. His essence is the same as ours, the real Self being only one

and without form. Hence forms he assumes are only creations or appearances.

Iswara is immanent in every person and every object throughout the

universe. The totality of all things and beings constitutes God. There is a

power out of which a small fraction has become all this universe, and the

remainder is in reserve. Both this reserve power plus the manifested power

as material world together constitute Iswara.


QUESTIONER: So ultimately Iswara is not real?


MAHARSHI: Existence of Iswara follows from our conception of Iswara. Let us

first know whose concept he is. The concept will be only according to the

one who conceives. Find out who you are and the other problems will solve


Iswara, God, the creator, the personal God, is the last of the unreal

forms to go. Only the absolute being is real. Hence, not only the world, not

only the ego, but also the personal God are of unreality. We must find the

absolute - nothing less.


( " Be As You Are, The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi " , p204, by David








On Behalf Of Prasanth Jalasutram

11 May 2009 09:33

Ramana Maharshi on God, Will

of God, Creator





Question : What is the relationship between God and the world? Is he

the creator or sustainer of it?



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