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RE: Six Stanzas On Nirvana By Swami Vivekananda

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Dear Prasanthji:


I do believe this was actually written by Adi Shankaracharya.

The link below is a rendition by Pt. Ramesh Narayan...



It is quite beautiful. He is an incredible artist. I saw

him live a few months ago through the Chinmaya

Mission and it stayed with me for weeks. The energy

erupting from him in live performance is almost volcanic.

The rendition above is tame, which often happens in studio

recordings, but it is still lovely. Also, the tabla player is

quite an experience live...together they are incomparable

and inseparable from an aesthetic standpoint.


I have posted the sanskrit wording, and below it is a translation I

had found online, along with a little bit of backround.


In His Service,




PS...A live performance...Govindam...

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya...

the sound quality is not great but you get

the idea...


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDCJEzhoAgM & feature=related








The Song of the Self by Adi Shankara 788-820 CE



Mano Buddhi Ahankara Chitta Ninaham

Nacha Shrotra Jihve Na Cha Ghrana Netre

Nacha Vyoma Bhoomir Na Tejo Na Vayu

Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham


Na Cha Prana Samjno Na Vai Pancha Vayu

Na Va Saptadhatur Na Va Pancha Koshah

Na Vak Pani Padau Na Chopastha Payu

Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham



Na Me Dvesha Ragau Na Me Lobha Mohau

Mado Naiva Me Naiva Matsarya Bhavah

Na Dharmo Na Chartho Na Kamo Na Mokshah

Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham


Na Punyam Na Papam Na Saukhyam Na Dukham

Na Mantro Na Teertham Na Vedo Na Yajnaha

Aham Bhojanam Naiva Bhojyam Na Bhokta

Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham


Na Me Mrityu Shanka Na Me Jati Bhedah

Pita Naiva Me Naiva Mata Na Janma

Na Bandhur Na Mitram Gurur Naiva Shishyah

Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham


Aham Nirvikalpo Nirakara Roopaha

Vibhur Vyapya Sarvatra Sarvendriyanam

Sada Me Samatvam Na Muktir Na Bandhah

Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham



The great Adi Shankara (first Shankaracharya) of the eighth century

summarized the entirety of Advaita Vedanta (non-dualistic philosophy) in six

stanzas. When a young boy of eight, while wandering in the Himalayas,

seeking to find his guru, he encountered a sage who asked him, " Who are

you? " The boy answered with these stanzas, which are known as " Nirvana

Shatakam " or " Atma Shatakam. " " Nirvana " is complete equanimity, peace,

tranquility, freedom and joy. " Atma " is the True Self. The sage the boy was

talking to was Swami Govindapada Acharya, who was, indeed, the teacher he

was looking for.


These few verses can be of tremendous value to progress in contemplation

practices that lead to Self-Realization.


1) I am not mind, nor intellect, nor ego,

nor the reflections of inner self (chitta). [more]

I am not the five senses. [more]

I am beyond that.

I am not the ether, nor the earth,

nor the fire, nor the wind (the five elements).

I am indeed,

That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva,

love and pure consciousness.


2) Neither can I be termed as energy (prana),

nor five types of breath (vayus), [more]

nor the seven material essences, [more]

nor the five coverings (pancha-kosha). [more]

Neither am I the five instruments of elimination,

procreation, motion, grasping, or speaking. [more]

I am indeed,

That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva,

love and pure consciousness.


3) I have no hatred or dislike,

nor affiliation or liking,

nor greed,

nor delusion,

nor pride or haughtiness,

nor feelings of envy or jealousy.

I have no duty (dharma), nor any money,

nor any desire (kama),

nor even liberation (moksha).

I am indeed,

That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva,

love and pure consciousness.


4) I have neither merit (virtue),

nor demerit (vice).

I do not commit sins or good deeds,

nor have happiness or sorrow,

pain or pleasure.

I do not need mantras, holy places,

scriptures (Vedas), rituals or sacrifices (yagnas).

I am none of the triad of

the observer or one who experiences,

the process of observing or experiencing,

or any object being observed or experienced.

I am indeed,

That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva,

love and pure consciousness.


5) I do not have fear of death,

as I do not have death.

I have no separation from my true self,

no doubt about my existence,

nor have I discrimination on the basis of birth.

I have no father or mother,

nor did I have a birth.

I am not the relative,

nor the friend,

nor the guru,

nor the disciple.

I am indeed,

That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva,

love and pure consciousness.


6) I am all pervasive.

I am without any attributes,

and without any form.

I have neither attachment to the world,

nor to liberation (mukti).

I have no wishes for anything

because I am everything,


every time,

always in equilibrium.

I am indeed,

That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva,

love and pure consciousness.




Prasanth Jalasutram

Monday, May 18, 2009 12:17 PM

Six Stanzas On Nirvana By Swami





Complete Works Volume 4, Writings: Poems


I am neither the mind, nor the intellect, nor the ego, nor the mind-stuff ;

I am neither the body, nor the changes of the body ;

I am neither the senses of hearing, taste, smell, or sight,

Nor am I the ether, the earth, the fire, the air ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute—

I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I am neither the Prâna, nor the five vital airs ;

I am neither the materials of the body, nor the five sheaths ;

Neither am I the organs of action, nor object of the senses ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute—

I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I have neither aversion nor attachment, neither greed nor delusion;

Neither egotism nor envy, neither Dharma nor Moksha;

I am neither desire nor objects of desire ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute—

I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I am neither sin nor virtue, neither pleasure nor pain ;

Nor temple nor worship, nor pilgrimage nor scriptures,

Neither the act of enjoying, the enjoyable nor the enjoyer ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute—

I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I have neither death nor fear of death, nor caste ;

Nor was I ever born, nor had I parents, friends, and relations ;

I have neither Guru, nor disciple ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute—

I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I am untouched by the senses, I am neither Mukti nor knowable ;

I am without form, without limit, beyond space, beyond time ;

I am in everything ; I am the basis of the universe ; everywhere am I.

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute—

I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).




Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prashant Jalasutram

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Dr.Raju wrote:


Dear all,

Nirvanastakam is written by Adi Sankara to tell the


significance of neti,neti method.Bhagawan also dealt the same subject


with his own unique understanding in verse 22 of Upadesa Saram.


The meaning of verse 22 is " Since the body,mind,intellect,breath,and


darkness of ignorance are all insentient(Jada) and unreal(Asat),


they are not " I " which is the reality.Bhagawan is negating the


Panchakosas(five sheaths)because they are insentient and unreal,


because they do not possess any inherent consciousness or existence


of their own.Hence they cannot be the " I " ,the reality which is both


self existing and self shining.The feeling of " I " is mixed with the


adjuncts,so Bhagawan is negating the adjuncts,to show the true


import of " I " which is the reality.


Traditionally neti,neti, is done as a method intellectually but


Bhagawan reveals that neti,neti is not intended to denote a method of


practice but only indicates a final state of Self experience.


The true knowledge that the five sheaths are not " I " ,is an experience


which can be attained only by knowing the real nature of " I " ,through


the practice of Self-Enquiry.


The reason why the scriptures begin by teaching that the five sheaths


are not " I " ,is that in order to practice Self-Enquiry,it is useful


for an aspirant to understand intellectually that the " I " which is


to be attended to is not the body or any other adjuncts which are now


felt by him to be mixed with the feeling of " I " .But since Bhagawan


does not want us to fall a prey to the misunderstanding that


pondering intellectually over the truth that five sheaths are not " I " ,


is itself the method of negating the five sheaths.He has carefully


taught us the method of practising Self-Enquiry before revealing to


us the revelation that the five sheaths are not " I " .


Thanking you all~Dr.Raju.


, Prasanth Jalasutram <jvrsprasanth



> NIRVANASHATKAM, OR SIX STANZAS ON NIRVANA Complete Works Volume 4, Writings:

> Poems


> I am neither the mind, nor the intellect, nor the ego, nor the mind-stuff ;

> I am neither the body, nor the changes of the body ;

> I am neither the senses of hearing, taste, smell, or sight,

> Nor am I the ether, the earth, the fire, the air ;

> I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute—

> I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


> I am neither the Prâna, nor the five vital airs ;

> I am neither the materials of the body, nor the five sheaths ;

> Neither am I the organs of action, nor object of the senses ;

> I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute—

> I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


> I have neither aversion nor attachment, neither greed nor delusion;

> Neither egotism nor envy, neither Dharma nor Moksha;

> I am neither desire nor objects of desire ;

> I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute—

> I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


> I am neither sin nor virtue, neither pleasure nor pain ;

> Nor temple nor worship, nor pilgrimage nor scriptures,

> Neither the act of enjoying, the enjoyable nor the enjoyer ;

> I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute—

> I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


> I have neither death nor fear of death, nor caste ;

> Nor was I ever born, nor had I parents, friends, and relations ;

> I have neither Guru, nor disciple ;

> I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute—

> I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


> I am untouched by the senses, I am neither Mukti nor knowable ;

> I am without form, without limit, beyond space, beyond time ;

> I am in everything ; I am the basis of the universe ; everywhere am I.

> I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute—

> I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


> --

> Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

> Prashant Jalasutram


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Dear Prasanth,


I am sorry if I hurt your feelings with my earlier remarks a few

days ago. I have been busy and was not properly aware or following the context

of the discussions.


Namsaste and love,


Yours in Bhagavan







Behalf Of Prasanth Jalasutram

Monday, May 18, 2009 12:17 PM

Six Stanzas On Nirvana By Swami









Complete Works Volume 4, Writings: Poems


I am neither the mind, nor the intellect, nor the

ego, nor the mind-stuff ;

I am neither the body, nor the changes of the body


I am neither the senses of hearing, taste, smell,

or sight,

Nor am I the ether, the earth, the fire, the air ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss


I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I am neither the Prâna, nor the five vital airs ;

I am neither the materials of the body, nor the

five sheaths ;

Neither am I the organs of action, nor object of

the senses ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss


I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I have neither aversion nor attachment, neither

greed nor delusion;

Neither egotism nor envy, neither Dharma nor


I am neither desire nor objects of desire ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss


I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I am neither sin nor virtue, neither pleasure nor

pain ;

Nor temple nor worship, nor pilgrimage nor


Neither the act of enjoying, the enjoyable nor the

enjoyer ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss


I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I have neither death nor fear of death, nor caste


Nor was I ever born, nor had I parents, friends,

and relations ;

I have neither Guru, nor disciple ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss


I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I am untouched by the senses, I am neither Mukti

nor knowable ;

I am without form, without limit, beyond space,

beyond time ;

I am in everything ; I am the basis of the

universe ; everywhere am I.

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss


I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).







Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prashant Jalasutram

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Harsha sir,No problem. It was actually my fault.I actually thought for some time and found out that somehow pride is getting attached to me.Hence you indirectly helped in to improve in devotional service.

Lord krishna says in Bg Gita Ch18 Text 51-53

Being purified by his intelligence and controlling the mind with determination, giving up the objects of sense gratification, being freed from attachment and hatred, one who lives in a secluded place, who eats little and who controls the body and the tongue, and is always in trance and is detached, who is without false ego, false strength, false pride, lust, anger, and who does not accept material things, such a person is certainly elevated to the position of self-realization.

Om namo Bhagavate Sri RamanayaPrashant JalasutramOn Mon, May 18, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Harsha wrote:









Dear Prasanth,


I am sorry if I hurt your feelings with my earlier remarks a few

days ago. I have been busy and was not properly aware or following the context

of the discussions.


Namsaste and love,


Yours in Bhagavan







Behalf Of Prasanth Jalasutram

Monday, May 18, 2009 12:17 PM

Six Stanzas On Nirvana By Swami









Complete Works Volume 4, Writings: Poems 


I am neither the mind, nor the intellect, nor the

ego, nor the mind-stuff ;

I am neither the body, nor the changes of the body


I am neither the senses of hearing, taste, smell,

or sight,

Nor am I the ether, the earth, the fire, the air ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss


I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I am neither the Prâna, nor the five vital airs ;

I am neither the materials of the body, nor the

five sheaths ;

Neither am I the organs of action, nor object of

the senses ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss


I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I have neither aversion nor attachment, neither

greed nor delusion;

Neither egotism nor envy, neither Dharma nor


I am neither desire nor objects of desire ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss


I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I am neither sin nor virtue, neither pleasure nor

pain ;

Nor temple nor worship, nor pilgrimage nor


Neither the act of enjoying, the enjoyable nor the

enjoyer ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss


I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I have neither death nor fear of death, nor caste


Nor was I ever born, nor had I parents, friends,

and relations ;

I have neither Guru, nor disciple ;

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss


I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).


I am untouched by the senses, I am neither Mukti

nor knowable ;

I am without form, without limit, beyond space,

beyond time ;

I am in everything ; I am the basis of the

universe ; everywhere am I.

I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss


I am He, I am He. (Shivoham, Shivoham).







Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prashant Jalasutram














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