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No end to the journey

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A Poem from the great Rumi sent to us by Ivan


Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --






No end to the journey

By Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi(1207 - 1273)

English version by Robert Bly

No end, no end to the journeyno end, no end neverhow can the heart in loveever stop openingif you love me,you won't just die oncein every momentyou will die into meto be rebornInto this new love, dieyour way beginson the other sidebecome the skytake an axe to the prison wall,escapewalk out like someonesuddenly born into colordo it now







-- from Secret Language: Rumi A Celebration in Song (Music CD), by Ramananda

Amazon.com / Photo by e-du /






Thought for the Day:

In two, there is only One.In "you" and "I," there are not two, but One.In delusion, only One; in recollection, only One.What work remains but to know?



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Fabrice de Graef

Meditation on 5 Ragas

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Hi Alan -No end, no end to the journeyThat line becomes a rhythmic chant on Ramananda's wonderful CD "Secret Language."no end, no end neverAnd, my favorite--how can the heart in loveever stop openingA full life, a complete spiritual practice can be found in that question.But why all this death imagery? Into this new love, dieyour way beginson the other sideWhy does every spiritual tradition speak of dying and death in such a favorable light? Do all mystics have some secret death wish?In deep ecstasy, the sense of individuality, the sense of "I" thins and can completely disappear. Though you still walk and breathe and talk, there is no "you" performing these actions. The separate identity, the ego, disappears, to be replaced by a vast, borderless sense of Self.It is this

experience, this complete loss of the limited sense of self, that is the death so eagerly sought by mystics throughout time. This is the death that leads to new life...in every momentyou will die into meto be rebornThat limited sense of self is the prison we must break free from.take an axe to the prison wall,escapeSuddenly, the walls that kept you contained and carefully defined drop to the ground -- and there you stand a radiant being whose boundaries are no longer perceived in terms of flesh or memory. In this new freedom, you are alive in a way you never imagined before, and everything you perceive is part of that life.walk out like someonesuddenly born into colordo it nowIvan

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Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and commentaries are 2002 - 2008 by Ivan M. Granger.All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators and/or publishers.


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