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Antonio Machado - Last night, as I was sleeping

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A week end poem from Ivan for meditation.


Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --






Last night, as I was sleeping

By Antonio Machado(1875 - 1939)

English version by Robert Bly

Last night, as I was sleeping,I dreamt -- marvelous error! that a spring was breakingout in my heart.I said: Along which secret aqueduct,Oh water, are you coming to me,water of a new lifethat I have never drunk? Last night, as I was sleeping,I dreamt -- marvelous error! that I had a beehivehere inside my heart.And the golden beeswere making white combsand sweet honeyfrom my old failures. Last night, as I was sleeping,I dreamt -- marvelous error! that a fiery sun was givinglight inside my heart.It was fiery because I feltwarmth as from a hearth,and sun because it gave lightand brought tears to my eyes. Last night, as I slept,I dreamt -- marvelous error! that it was God

I hadhere inside my heart.







-- from Times Alone: Selected Poems of Antonio Machado, Translated by Robert Bly

Amazon.com / Photo by sammydavisdog /






Thought for the Day:

Life and death are a given.It is what we do with them that matters.



Here's your Daily Music selection --

Kalyan Pathak & Jayho Jazzmata

The Shape of Ragazz to Come...

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Hi Alan -This is my favorite poem by the Spanish poet Antonio Machado. Actually, it's one of my favorite poems, period.It speaks so richly for itself that no commentary is necessary to be caught in its spell, but I want to point out how strongly it suggests the mystic's ecstatic experience...In the poem, Machado discovers continual delights in his heart. In the ecstatic state, the heart seems to expand, filling with a joy that encompasses everything.The spring "breaking out" in his heart, running along a "secret aqueduct," bringing "water of new life" -- this is often part of sacred ecstasy. Mystics often experience a sensation of drinking some unknown liquid that warms the heart and fills you with a sense of life you hadn't known before.This "drink" is perceived as being sweet, eliciting comparisons to honey or wine. Thus, Machado discovers "white combs /

and sweet honey" in his heart.In such overwhelming delight you feel radically whole. All past guilts and "failures" seem somehow resolved, transformed into the very matter that this joy is built upon.In this blissful state, you are also filled with an awareness of light and a great warmth that permeates your whole body, like a "fiery sun."Indeed, caught up in this experience, how can you doubt that it is God you have inside your heart?--Have a beautiful weekend! And thank you to the couple of people who donated to the Poetry Chaikhana this week!Ivan

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New on the Poetry Chaikhana BlogIn addition to the daily poem, other recent blog posts include:

Movie - Kashf: The Unveiling - Comments (2) "Takes us on a journey exploring the mystical side of Islam." More

The Tale of the Sands - Comments (2) Encountering the desert, a stream must remember its true nature in order to pass beyond it. Our greatest difficulties become our most profound teachers. More

Top 100 Poetry Blogs - Comments (3) I just got word that the Poetry Chaikhana Blog is listed in the Top 100 Poetry Blogs complied by Online University Reviews. More





Donations to the Poetry ChaikhanaI want to send out a sincere thank you to each one of you who contributed some of your hard-earned money recently:- Rebecca (GA), Gary (CA)- No new rs this weekI am so grateful for each and every contribution. Your support makes a big difference in maintaining the Poetry Chaikhana..---A few reasons to consider making a donation of your own...

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Poetry ChaikhanaP.O. Box 2320Boulder, CO 80306


Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and commentaries are 2002 - 2008 by Ivan M. Granger.All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators and/or publishers.


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That is so beautiful Alan. I love the last paragraph.


Yours in Bhagavan






Last night, as I was sleeping

By Antonio Machado

(1875 - 1939)


version by Robert Bly

Last night,

as I was sleeping,

I dreamt -- marvelous error!

that a spring was breaking

out in my heart.

I said: Along which secret aqueduct,

Oh water, are you coming to me,

water of a new life

that I have never drunk?


Last night, as I was sleeping,

I dreamt -- marvelous error!

that I had a beehive

here inside my heart.

And the golden bees

were making white combs

and sweet honey

from my old failures.


Last night, as I was sleeping,

I dreamt -- marvelous error!

that a fiery sun was giving

light inside my heart.

It was fiery because I felt

warmth as from a hearth,

and sun because it gave light

and brought tears to my eyes.


Last night, as I slept,

I dreamt -- marvelous error!

that it was God I had

here inside my heart.








/ Photo by sammydavisdog









On Behalf Of Alan Jacobs

Friday, May 29, 2009 12:22 PM


Antonio Machado - Last night, as

I was sleeping











A week end poem from Ivan

for meditation.






Here's your Daily Poem from

the Poetry

Chaikhana --

















Thought for the Day:



Life and death are a given.


It is what we do with them that matters.








Here's your Daily Music

selection --





Pathak & Jayho Jazzmata



Shape of Ragazz to Come...


Listen -





Music Selections










Hi Alan -


This is my favorite poem by the Spanish poet Antonio Machado. Actually, it's

one of my favorite poems, period.


It speaks so richly for itself that no commentary is necessary to be caught

in its spell, but I want to point out how strongly it suggests the mystic's

ecstatic experience...


In the poem, Machado discovers continual delights in his heart. In the ecstatic

state, the heart seems to expand, filling with a joy that encompasses



The spring " breaking out " in his heart, running along a

" secret aqueduct, " bringing " water of new life " -- this

is often part of sacred ecstasy. Mystics often experience a sensation of

drinking some unknown liquid that warms the heart and fills you with a sense

of life you hadn't known before.


This " drink " is perceived as being sweet, eliciting comparisons to

honey or wine. Thus, Machado discovers " white combs / and sweet

honey " in his heart.


In such overwhelming delight you feel radically whole. All past guilts and

" failures " seem somehow resolved, transformed into the very matter

that this joy is built upon.


In this blissful state, you are also filled with an awareness of light and a

great warmth that permeates your whole body, like a " fiery sun. "


Indeed, caught up in this experience, how can you doubt that it is God you

have inside your heart?




Have a beautiful weekend! And thank you to the couple of people who donated

to the Poetry Chaikhana this week!






Share Your Thoughts on today's poem or my commentary...








New on the Poetry

Chaikhana Blog


In addition to the daily poem, other recent blog posts include:


Movie - Kashf: The Unveiling - Comments (2)

" Takes us on a journey exploring the mystical side of

Islam. " More

The Tale of the Sands - Comments (2)

Encountering the desert, a stream must remember its true nature in

order to pass beyond it. Our greatest difficulties become our most

profound teachers. More

Top 100 Poetry Blogs - Comments (3)

I just got word that the Poetry Chaikhana Blog is listed in the Top 100 Poetry Blogs complied by Online University

Reviews. More















to the Poetry Chaikhana


I want to send out a sincere thank you to each one of you who

contributed some of your hard-earned money recently:


- Rebecca (GA), Gary (CA)


- No new rs this week



I am so grateful for each and every contribution. Your support makes a big

difference in maintaining the Poetry Chaikhana..





A few reasons to consider making a donation of your own...



brief 'Thought for the Day' says just the right thing some days.


feels good!


monthly donation with PayPal is easy -- just set it up once and then

the work is done for you.


Poetry Chaikhana opens pathways for interfaith dialog and exploration.


a small donation helps -- when many people contribute.











the Poetry Chaikhana








Donations to the

Poetry Chaikhana in any amount are always welcome. Thank you!




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sacred poetry, by purchasing some of the recommended books through the

links on this site. Thank you!






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Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and

commentaries are Copyright © 2002 - 2008 by Ivan M. Granger.

All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators

and/or publishers.





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